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Anti-slavery Publications

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The subscribe iiilbnns Uiers mcmbeot Anti-Slavory Societic, ond all patona lio do sire to reod the tíhvery pubücations that Jjavc imiied rom tfao American press, that e has purcbased all the bboks; pamplilete, tracis, printa etc. lately helonging to the América Anti-Slavery Socictv, to nboiit eiant thousand dollars, at oíd prices, wliicJi he offers for ale by his agent in any quanlity, 'tí loto prices f or' cash onli. Samples will be kent at his office, curner f Hanover ana Exchange arréete, and orders will be promtly attendcd to. A catalogue of the principal publications isannexcd, and the prices pnt against theiri nre tbc j present (reduced) retail prices. ly the i dred or Jarger quantity, tlicy will bc sold lowei - say for bovnd volumes 2.0 per cent. discount: on pamphlels, tracis and piclures, i0 percent, j discount. With respect to most of t hem this s below the actual cost to me in cash. They were not purchased witli a view to sellato porfit but to subserve the Anti-S'nvery cause, Suoh an opportunity has not previously occurred to obtain Anti-Sluveiy publications at these reduced prices, and probably will not ngnin. (UEditors of newspnpera are requesled to copy this advertisotnent at Iéngth for three monthp,and their bilis will be paid in booke, etc. Please send a copy of the pnper contnininr the adrertisement, LKWIS TAPPAN. New Vork, March lst, 1842. BOUND VOLUMES. American Slavery as it is, muslin 50 Anti-Slavery Manual 2() Alton Riots, by Pres. Beecher, of 111. Coll. 12mo. 25 Alton Trials 25 Anti-Slavery Record, vol?. I, 2 and S set 50 . Appeal, by Mrs. Child 37 1-2 Anti-Slavery Ëxaminér, bound vols. 50 Beauties of Philanthropy 33 1 3 Bourne's Picture of Slavery 50 Buxton on the Slavc trade 50 Cabinet of Freedom (Clarkson's history of the slave trade,) volé. 1, 2 and 3 set 1,00 Chloe Spear 25 Channing on Slavery 25 Duncan un Slavery 25 Eimn. in the VV. 1. by Thome and Kimball mtislin 50 i Do by do n boards with map 25 Enemies of Constilion discovered 50 Fountam, plain binding, u4mo. 12 l-LGustavos Vassa 50 j Grimke's Letters to Miss Beecher 37 1 2 Jay's Inquiry S7 1-2: Jay's View 50 Light and Truth 20 Lite of Granville Sharp 15 Mott's Biographical Skefchos 37 1-2 Memoir of Rev. .Lemuel Ilunes 75 Do ofLovejoy C2 1-2 North Star, gilt edges 33 1 -3 Pennsylvania Hall 75 Quarterly Anti-Slavery Magazine, 8vo. 1,00 Rankiu's Letters, 18mo. 100 pp. 20 Right and wrong in Boston 20 Star ofFreeoorn, muslin 1-2 1-2 Slavery - cöntaining Dcclaration of Sentimentsaml Consütution oi" the Atner. A. S. Society: Wesley's Therngbis on Slaverj : Does tlie Bibie sanction Slavery? Addross to the Synod ofKentucky, JNarative of Amos Dresser, and Why work tbi Iho Slave? bound m one vol. 25 Slave's Priend, 32rao. vols. 1, 2 and 3 set 50 j Songs of the P ren S3 1-8 Thompsons Reception in Great Britain, 12rno. 20 Testimony of God agninst Slavery, lCmo. 20 { Wheally, Phillis Memoir of 25 j West Indies, by Professor Hovry 50 West Indies, by Harvey and Sturge 75 : Wesley's Thoughts on Slavery, in muslin, withportrait 12 l-L PAJIPHLETS. Sets A. S. Almanacs, from 1336 to 1341 inclusive 37 12 Address to the Pree People of Color 1 Ancient Landmarks ü Apology for Abolitionista S American Slavery as U Is- the Teslinvuiy of a ThousandVVitnesses 25 Address on Right of Pelinon 2 Address to Senators and Repreáentalives of the f ree States 1 Address on Slavery (Germán) 1 ! Address of Congregational Union of Scotland 1 Address of National Convention (Germán) 1 ' Ann. Rep. of N. Y. Committfeof Vigilance 25 Do. of Mass. A. S. Society 12 1-2 Appeal to Women in the nominally free States 6 1-4 Authentic Anecdotes on American Slavery 2 Address to the Church of Jesus Ciirist, by the Evangelical Union A. S. Society, New York city. 4 Anü-Slavery Cfitechism, by Mrs. Child G 1-4 Adams', J. Q,. Letters to his Constituents 4 Adams', J. Q,. Speech on the Texas Question 12 1-2 Annual Reports of Am. A. S. Society, Sd, 4th, 5th and Cth 12 1-2 Annual Reports of N . Y. city Ladies" A. S. Society -3 Appeal to the Christain Women of the South 3 Bible against Slavery 6Collection ot vaKiabie jjocumonts e 1-4 Birney's Letters to the Churches 2 Birney on Coloniiation 2 Chattel Principie- a Summary of the New Testament argument on Slavery, by Beriah Green 6 Chipman's Discoursc f Channing's Lettel s to Clay C Condition of Free Peoplo of Color S Crandall, Reuben, Trial of G Disscrtation on Scrvitude 12 1 -2 Dckinson's Sermón S Does fibe Bible sanction Slavery? J Dec. oTSent. and Constitution of the Am. A. S. Society 1 Discussion between Thompson and Breekmridge 25 Dresser's Narrative S Extinguisher Extinguished 3 Elmore Correspondence 6; do in sheets 4to. 2 Emancipalion in West Indies Thome and Kimball 12 1-2 Emancipation in West Indies in 18S8 3 Freedom's Defense 6 Garrison's Address at Broadway Tabernacle 6 Guardian Genius of the Federal Union 6 Gene ous Planter 3 Gillelt's Review of BushnelPs piscourse C Immediate, not Gradual Abohtion 12-2 Jay's Thoughts on the Duty of the Episcopal Church S Liberty, 3vo. 2b; do; 12mo 15 JVIorris's Speech in ansvver to Clay 3 Mahan's Rev. Juhn B. Trial in Kenfucky 12 1-2 Martyr Agc in America, by Harriet Martineau 6 Modern Espediency Considered 6 Power of Congre3á over the District of Columbia G 1-4 Plea for the Slave, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 3 Proceedings of the Meeting to form Bioadway Tabernacle Anti-Slavery Society Slavery RuralCcdc of IlnitiRoper, Aloses ís'uriative oí' a Fugitive 12 Sin ve Rights of Colorod Men 12 1-2 RuggJesfe Anti.lute C Riglit and Wrong 'm Boston 12 1 -ü Slavery fthymea 6 Slnde'6 Speech in Congress in 18S3 3 Smilh's Gerrilt Letter to Jas. Smjlie ( Do. Lftter lo lienrv CJay G SJavcholding InvariabJy Siníul, "uiulura in se,' G Soutiiard's Manual 1 Star of Frcedom 4 Sclimticker and tímilh's Letters G Slavelioldcr'fi l'raycr ] SlavcJioldin Wtíghed '.} Slavery in America (London); do. (Germany) s Tlie Mnrtyr, by Ceriah Green Thing8 for Northern Men to rio Views of Colonization, by Rev. J. Nonrse Views of Slavery and Eniancipálion, by Miss Martillean 6 Weslcyan Slavery Review L.' War in Texas, by Benjamin Limdy 6 Wliy work for the Slave i VVilson's Address on West India Emancipation 4 TRACTS.No. 1. St. Domingo, ' No. 2,Cnste, No. 3, Colonization, No. 4, Moral Condition'of the Slave, No. 5, VV,at is Abolition? No. G.Tlie Ten Oommaiidments, No.TDanger nnd Safety, No. 8, Pro-Slavery Bilile, No. 9, Prcjudiee acainst Color, No. 10, NorthernDealers in Slaves, No. 11, Slavery and Mispions No. 12, Dr. Nelson's Lccturc on Sluvery. The above Tracls are sold at 1 cent, each PRINTS, ktc. Illustraíions of the Anti-Slavery Almanac for 1B40 j The Eirmncipnted Family 25 Slave Márket of America Correspondence between O'Connel and Stevenson g Do. do. Clay and Calhoun 12 1-2 Printer's Picture Güllery 2 ! Leiter paper, stanped with print of Lovejoy elieet 23 Do. wíl h Kiieelin Slave sheet 1 Payer for Sjayes, with Music, on cards 1-2 Potrait ofGerritSmith os I additíon, are the foliowing-, the proceed of which uill go uno the Mendian fnnd. Argument ofHon. J. Q. Adams in the case of the Amistad Africans Lf Argument oí' Roger S. Balwi, Eaq. do do 12 2 Trial ofthe Captivep of the Amistad 6 Congresfiiöha] Document relating to do. 0 Portrait of Clinquez i}qq Al a re h 3d, 1S42.


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