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Threshing JWachines. npPlE undersigneit would iöforrn the public JL they continue to nifiiufacturc IJorsk PowRsnnd TuiiKsniNo Machi .nes. two and a half mil es froiii tlic vülage of Aun Arbor, orí tíie railroad. The Horse Power isa late invemion by S. VV. Fostcr, and is decidedly superior to any other ever oU'ered to the pfibfic, as will appear by the statements of those who have used ihem during the last year. It is liglu n weight and sinall in compass, being carried togeiher with the Tlïresher, ir. a comuiori waggon box, nnd dravvn witb ease by two horses. It is as hule liable to break, orget outof repair, as any other Horse Powerj and vritl v.-ork as easy and thrash as much with tnir horses a ttaclied to itasany oiher power wiih fiv3 horse?, as will appear irom the recomnierulations below. JN'ew patterns have been made for the cast Iron, ma addiüonal weight and sirength npplicd wherever it !md appeared to be necessary trom one year's use of the machine. The subscribers deern it proper to state, Jhat d number of horse powers were sold last year in iha villageof Aiip. Arbor wÉiich v.crc helieved by the purchasers to bc tiinse inveuted by S. W. Foster. and thatmest or all ofthem were either made materially diiTerent. or ultered betbrc sold, so as to be materially different from those made and sold by the subscribers. Such alterations being i decidedly detrimenta'. to the utility of ihe machine. They have good reason to belicve that every one of those returned by ihe purchasers as unsatisfactory were of tWis class. They are not aware that nny Power that went from their aho-, and was put in use, as they made it. has been condumncd or laid asideas a bad machine. All who wish tnbüy are i.nyited to examine thcm and to énqüire of those who have used-them. - There wilt be oneibr sxamination at N. H.Wi.m.'s. DcxUr village; and one at IWautin Wiij.son's sioicktiisc ii D:toit - both these gentlemen being a?ents for the sale ofthem. The price will be gl'JÜ for a four horse power, with a threshing machine, wiih a stave or wooden bar cylinder; and $100 for a horse power with a threshing machine wiih an iron bar cylinder. The attGntion of the reader is invited to tliefollowing recominendationa. 8. VV. FOSTER&CO. Scio. April 20. 1842. RECOMMENDA TIONS.This is to certify ihat vo have used one of S VV. Fostcr's ncwly invented Horse Powcrs for about live monihs, and ihreshed wiili it about 8300 bushels, and believc it is constructcd on bctter principies 'than any otlier Morse Power. One of the undersigncd lias owncel and usedeijrht different kinds of IlorsePowers.and we believe thai ftrnr liorses will thrnsli ns niuch with this Power as Jirr, will witli any other power with wliich we are acquaintcd. [II. CASE. S. G. IV ES. Scio, January, 12. 1S42. This is to nform the public that I have purchased, and have now in use. one of the Horse Powers recently invented by S W. Fostcr. made by S. W. Fo6ter, &Co.. and believe it bc construct ed upon botter principies, and requires less slrcnglh of horses than any other power with which 1 ani acquaintcd. A. WEEKS. Mount Cíemeos, Sept. 8, 1B41. This is to inforni the pnblic that I have purchosed one of the Horse Powers, recently invented by S. W. Foater, and usíd it for a number of months. and believe it is the best power in use. workm with less strength of horses than any oiher power with which I am acquaintcd, and being smal! in compass. is easily moved from one place to i another. 1 believe 4 horses will thresh as much with this power as 5 will with any other power. The plan and the working of this power have jecn univer3ally approvod ofby furmers for whom [ have thrashed. E. S. SMITH. Scio. April 1!. 1849. BWLUT MACHINES. The s'.tbscribcrs makevery good SMUT MACHINES which they will sell for $60. Tliis n achine was invented by one of the subscribers. vho hashad many ycar'sexperiencein the mili Ing business. We invite those who wish to buy a ood machine Tor a fair price to buy of ns. It is worth as mmh as most of tlis machines that cosl from 150 to $300. S. W. FOSTER & CO.Scio, April, 18, 1842. Woolen Manufacfory The subscribers have recently put in operation a woollcn manufactory formanufacturing woollen loth by power looms, two and a half miles west "rom Aun Arbor village, orv the railroad, wherc ie wish to manufacture vool__ in'.o doth onájinres, or lor pajr by the yard, on rcasonallc rerins. Tliey huve employtd experienced woikmen and eel conlideru thnt work will be well Jone. Tiiey thorefore respectfully nsk a shate Ófoubfic pairónagp, especiully fromthosc wlioare in favor ofiitiut: ijídusthy. WoüI m;iy be luít ;it Scio villago; S. W. FOSTER &. Co. Scio. April ! 3, 18-12. 'Tis íun theysny to get wcll with tlicm, ALL mankind ihroughout tlieir wide and imincnse circulation ihnt ever try thém centiuue to buy tlicm. Peters' Pilis re purely vegetable; ilicy work no miracles, nor do they p'roless to cure all diséases, becanse they are the scicüiifij compotind ola regulnr physiciau, who lias made his prol'ession the st'udyof his lile. Dr. Peters is a gradúate of Yale College, iilso of the MüssnchuseUs Medical College, and has soinewhat distinguished hiinscllns a man nf sciencG nnd genius among the Ihmily oí thc late G)v. Peters; Peters' Vegetable Pilis are simple in tlieir prepararon, mild in their aciion, thorouh in their operation. and umivalled in their resulta. - The town and country are alikc filled with tlirir praise. The palaco and the poor house al'.ke l echo with their virtucs. In all climates they will retnin their wonderful poweis and exen thein unaltcred by age or situntion. and ihis the voiceofa grate' ul comniimiy procldiriiöd. - Peters' Pilis prevent - keep cfF diséases if timely itsedj r.nd have no rival in ènriiig billious ("ever. tever and ngue,dyspepsia, liver sicli hendache, jaundicej nsihmn.dropsy. riieunintism, enl:irgemcnt of the splnen. piles, eolic.'fcmale ohstruction. henrt burn, furred tonsuc, nnuscn. disienuon of the stomnch andboweïs. incipiont dinrrhcea, flatulence, habiiual constivcness, loss of appetitc, blochud. or sallow complexión, and in all cases of torp'or of the bowels, where a c.ithartic or apeiient is indicated. producing neiihcr nausen, gliping nor dcbilily; nnd ive repeat all who buy them continue to try thern. Thc most triumphant success hos ever attended their use and enough is nlready known af' tl:em to immortaüze and hand them down to pos teriiy with thc improvements of the age in med ical science. Dr. Peters was bred Co the liealingartjtind in order to supply denunds, he has I origlnated and called to his aid the only steam drivei machinery in the world for pill woikinsx'Tis perfec, and iis process imparts to the pill cssential viitue. because by being perfectly wrouglu. all the piils' hidden viitue is revealed, when called into action, and here also it is Peters cxcelsall the worid and takcsall premiums, medals and diplomas. So clear the tract ior the Engine - Peters' Pilis are coming - a million of witnessescan now bc lierd for ihem - resistless - do yon hear thnt! while a host can testify thnt they belicve they owe their salvation f'roin disease &nd death to Peters' Pill, and if calomef andknivesarc getting partially into disuse we are only mistaken.Ckrtificates.- -This pnper could be filled witb them by residents of Michigan, by your friends and neighbors - ásk ouragents. It s now well lenown that the pcopic will have Peters' Pilis, and lo hinder would be tostop tltó ru6hing wind. Price 25 or 50 cents per box. Tlie resistiese forre of these tmths - their universnl reception, added to the tcstimony of milions. "keep it before the people'' must and will be henrd ihroughout this vale of tenrs. Their happy inrlusnce on joung ladies wliile suflbring under the usual changos oí' lile as directed by the laws of nature., they impart n buoyaney of heart, freling and ñctión, an elastic step, velvet chcek, lilly and carnation complexión by tlieir action on ihe chyle, &c. and ladies in.del icatcsituations ahvays adrnit their power and ínnocence, and tnke ihem two or three at a timwithon'. in the slightest degrec incuiring tlic haz urd of an abortion; which faets are of thc utm:st importance. Pimples; a young lady sent her love to Dr. Peters, and saysshefeels inore gratefu! to him for the restoraiion of her beauty than if lic had saved her life. 'Tis fun to. get well with Peters Pills.for they cause the blood tocourse aslimpid and genile through the veins as a I tain rivulet; 3 or 4 is a common dose, henee the patiënt is not compelled to make a mea!. TROüBLEIN PLUTO'S CAMP. Quite asioni&hcd Old Pluto cnmeto New Ycvk. ' Hearing Petere had got his Pül Engi:ie at work.) To resign his coimnissionj his hour glass and ecylhe ! I have come to dcliver ihem nll up to yon - j Sír, iny calling is over - niy business is through; I have been iur ihreeyeais in a terrible stew. And I leaily don't know wlmt on eartli J'ain to do; - Not öf your n-ighty sire do I come to complain. Bul a tamal New" Yórkcr, one PETERS by name; The diseases niy aiiis. in this war of inenkind. Are subdued by this Peters, wnat help can we find? i I would yield him N. York. sir, if there he would stay; But, sir. Peters will have the wliole world for his sway. While inusingin cogncil what course to pursue. That Engine of Peters broke forth into view. The Kingof terrors looked a while, As though his soul was turncd to bile, At that unsparing scourge of i 1 Is, By all men known as Peters' Pilis. These Pilis of Peters' stop the slaughter. And leaves the blood as pure as water. Now Peters makes, I've heard him say, Five hundred thousand pills a dny; So that tho chance is very small Of people dying there"al all; For soon the cheeks. sr mnrAcd for doom, Begin like any rose to blooni. Look Inrc! ullvtlntry oon.'iaue to hxty them. For sale as follows, by Meisrs. Beach& Abel, G. Grenville, F. J. B. Crane. Maynard. & Co.. G. Ward, S. P. & J. C. Jewett, J. H, Lund, H. Becker. Dickenson & Cogswel!. and S. K. Jones, Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner & Co-, and J. Milleid &. Son, Dexter, Win. A. L. Shiiw, Lima; J. C. Winans, Sylvan, Huc, & Smiih, Grass Lake; W. Jackson. Leoni; D. T. Merriman, Jackson; M. A. Shoemalier, Michigan Centre; Brothereon &, Co., L. B. Kief & Gilherí, Manchester; D. S. IJaywood, Saline; Snow & Kcys. Clinton; J. Scattergood &. Co., Plymouth: Stone. Babcock fe Co., and Julins, Movius &. Co., Ypsilanti; Pierre Teller, Deiroit; J. & J. Bidwell, and Dr. Underwood. Acjriqn; Hart & Mosher, Springvüle; riarmen & Cook. Brooklyn; Smiih & Co., Jonesville; L. M. Boyce, Chicago - and almost every whcre else. Oct. 19, 142 27-1 yTO COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. THE subscriber has on hand and offers for sale at ]pw rates, a large and general as. sórtmëht of Drugs and Áledicines. Pai'nts, OilsVarnish. Dye Stufis. Sec. A:c, wi'h every arliclo in the Drug and Paint line. Persons wish ing to purchase any anieles in the abov'e lineare requestcd, beforepu'-chasinir elsewhere. to en 1 1 at PIERRE TELLER'S, Wholesale nnd Retnil Drucgist l"i). JefTerson Avenue, sign of the Gilt Mortnr, Detroit. Gil E AT BARGAINS.-R. Bnnji? respectfully informs the farmers and othera visiting Detroit, that he still cotifinues at liis old stand on Woodbridge st., adjoining Wnrdell's block, and keeps on hand a genernl ;ipsortnicnt of JIEADY MADE CLOTIUXU, which hc is determined to scll ckeaper titan the r.hcipcftfof Cas:í. R. B. has just received from the Enst an aèsortment of Cloths, Cnssimcres. Satinetts and Vestings, which will le made up to order in fashionabic style at short notice. R. BANKS. Detroit. Sept. 5, 18-J2. 20-Gm


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