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I HOLMANS Bonc OiBiluiciit. THIS OiNTMEXT stands at the lie:id of all re medies Cor the following disensos wliicfh na. J ture is lieir too, viz: - B.H EUiMATISM loth Chronjc and nflatnitory - Gout - Sproina - Bruises and contracted TEADOiNS ol long standing. I: (liscuspns all tumours - renders stifi joints limber by producing a liealtby iniísciilar action. Jt nssunges pains in Bou.s and Abcesses. - Noihin'g cffuals it in swelled and inílamed Breasts in Femóles, if applicd in early stage, prevents j supperalion.or niattor formfng, and gives n al i cases inimediate case from pain. Certifícales o ! this fnet could be given ífnecessary. This remedy is oflered to tlie Public wiih tbi t'ull assurance tliat it far excels the Opodeldoc's ;nd Liniments of the picsent doy, for the nbove iliseasps. A trial is only wanled. to give it the decided preference to eveiy tliiiifr elsc. Man y Physcinns ot eminence have used this ointmeni and extols its merits. n9 The above ointmcnt is for sale wholesale anc retail by L. BECKLEY. An n Albor, dower tcwn) June I5th, 1842 9 TO PHYSICIANS AND COUNTUV MERCHANTS. THE subscritor invites the attention of Pliy eicians and Country Merchants, lo liis present stock of Prugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Vitrnish, Brushes, kc. &c. coniprising one of the largest nnd Íullesta6sorttnents broii(rht to the country. In his preeent stock vvill be found: 100 oz Sulph. Quinine, superior French and Entrlisli, 20 oz. Sulph. Morphia, 10 oz. Acct. do 50 oz. Carpentcr's Witheriirs Extract oí Bark, t bbl. Povvdered Rlnibarb, 1 Cheat Rhubarb Root, 1 bbl. Powdered Julap, 50 lbs. Calóme], 3 casks Epsom Salts, 15casksFall and Winter strained Sperm Oil, 40 boxes Sporm Candles, L000 ibs. White Load, dry and grnund, 4 casks Lin.sced Oí!, Dentista Instruments and StocJc Gold, Silver and Tin Foil Platina Ware, Porcclain Teeíh. A general n?sortrnent of Patent Medicines, all of which wïll be sold on the most leasonable terms. PIERRE TELLER. 139 Jefferson Avenue, sign of the Giit March 13. Mortar, Detroit. TAILORING BUSINESS ! AM.NOBLE, would respectfully inform the citizèns of Arin Arborand itsvicinity, that he lias oponed a shop in theLower Tnwn. imniediatelyover the late mercantile stami r{ Lund & Gibson. and opposite the store of J. Beckley & Co., whoro he is prcpaied at all times to do work ui his line, with promptness, and inaneatand durable manner. Particular attention will be paid to cuttins garment8. Produce will be taken at the usnai pri ees, for work done at his shop. These who have cash to pny for services of thts kind, are particularly invited to cali. Ann Arbor, April 27. 1842. tfDR BANISTEB' S OÜLTHAStT ICPIZiIiS. 1 1 lHIS pil] has not only been used by myJL self, but bya numb'er of Physicians of high stnudiiig. both in chis and other' Suites, to grent adydn.tóge. By the frequent andrepeated solicitationsof my friends, I have consented to ofi'er them l the public as a tnost erficacious renicdy for all those billious diseosees originating in a new country. The above pill is for salo wholesnle and retail by. L. BECKLEY. Ann Arbor, (lower town) June 15th 1842. 9 TO CLOTH1ERS. THE subscriber is just in receipt of a furllier supply of Clolhier's stock, consistUig of MACHINE CARDS ,f iviv dcs,;ripilon} CLOTHIER'B JACKS. A'LTJNETWARP. CA'RD C LEA NS E RS and P OKERS. SHUTTLES. REEDS, KETTLES. SCREWS. PAfíSON'S 8HEARING MACHINE. EMERY. (eren, size,) TENTER HOOKS, PRESS PAPER, tosether with a lüell sdcctrd oDYE WOODS.aud DYE STUFFS of the very best growth'and manufacture. These goods (coming üs they do direct from first hanris) the subscriber is enabled 10 sell lower than any other house west of New York, hc therefore solicits the attemion of firms in the clothing business, to theexatnination ofhis stock and p ices before going east or purcliasin elsewhere. PIERRE TELLER, Wholesale and Retail Drusgist, 139 Jeffcrson Avenue, sign of the Gilt Mortar, Detroit. E" STATE OF JACOB LAWTON DE CEASED. - Notice is hereby given. that the undersigned; have proved the last will and testament of Jacob Lawton, deceased. and have taken letters Testamentary thereon. ' and have ïiyen bonds according to law. All persons irdelded to said estáte are requested to makc pny. ment without delay, and all persons having claims againatsaid estáte are requested to present the same to the subscribers, well authentieatcd, for payment. GEORGE E. LAWTON, DAVID T. M'COLLUM. J'-.ecutors of the last wil] and Testament' oí Jacob Lawton. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 7, 1842. 3mTEMPERANC HOTEL, BY B3OBEKT& TERHUE. (cOKNEK OF MICIIUiAN AND WASHINGTON AVENUES, DETROIT.) TÏÏE abovc House is plcnsantly siiuated nea the Centra] Railrond Depot, and is now u.i lergoing thorougli repairs. The rooms are plea. "int; ihü B.-ds and Bedding all new.and the Tabn vill besupplied with the choicest of the market nnd the proprietors assure those who will favot thein vviih their custom, that a!l pains shall be taken to make tlieir stay with them agreeüble. Fake, venj luw. and accoinmodation good. Carriages to convey passengers to and from the Hotel free of expense. Detroit, Apri'r 182. "ECONOMY IS WEALTH." THE Suoscribers will pay puy twocenls per potnid in Goods or Paper for an quantity of iiood clean SWINGLE TOVV, delivered atibe Ann Arbor Paper Mili JONES & ORMSBY. Ann Arbor, April 27, 1842. tf nvËwGöüi3sir" FDENISONhns just received a complete stock of DRY-GOODS, GROCEMES WO CROCKERY, which will be sold very heap for money ar most kinds of produce. Desriptions and pricos will be given at theSiore. Ann Arbor. June 1, 1842; ,1 ALAltA'1'LJíá - A prime artielo in boxea or O banols, for ealc at he lowcst prices by F. DEN1S0N. Sbp:. 21, 1&;12. AST R WALKKR respectfully „forras hiJ . fnenda and the public in genera], , C hnarec-ntly commenced business, in the tai'loí fa door east of Bower's dry goods 8 tTo where be 13 prepnred 10 execute orders in th nenirst and most fasliionable slyle. Gorments will bc made to order', in Ptrict cor. formity with tl.e present prevailing fashion and tasic ol the day, and warranted" to fit or n" charge. flq Ladics' Riding IInbits made in tho latcst ew lork or Philadcphia fnshions. Friends. or Quakers' gnrments will be ruadí in the noatest and plaincst style. Cuttingdone at shortest notice. All -kinds of Military Uniform and undrer conts nndpantaloons, made agrceable to tlenre ent military or regimental order. " a R' WALKER Ann Arbor, July 25th. J842. nl4- 3m. IUMBER constantly on hnnd and for salt hy,n ,o F' ÜENISON. June 10, 1842. tf pARSON'S SHEARING MACHINES" J. -Thko H. Eaton & Co. J38. Jefl, % son avenue, nrethe sole agents of these vcry o' ebrated machines. 12-t. SATTINETT WARPS ON BFAmÍ" Thko. II. Eaton & Co.. U8 Jeflw" Avenue, offer for sale a larfre tuck f sÍS VUrps, from the New York milis. Th" Warps are considered superior to any other ín the country, and will be sold, for ÍU . 12-8w Wool Carding and ClolU Brcssing-. rriHE .Subscribersrespectluily announce to th X citizens Ann Arbor and vicinitv thnt,l are prepared to card wool and dress clóth for cu? tomers ,n the best style, and at the shortest no t.ce. Havinggoodmachinery.experienccdwoï men, and longprnctice in the ousiness. they h.vü the utmost confidence that they shall live cZ plete satisfaction. g com" ... BECJCLET &, CO Ann Arbor, April, 25, IM2. "Me ig of tirfnftfufl CEfnc for.ot." JACKSON TEMPERANCE HOUSü, AND BOTANÍC MEDICAL;' STORE-, With 'Hot and Cold S&ths Br. JT, T WILSOIV, East end of Main Street, Jachson, Mick. Rivcr Raisin I]TSTITÜTE.npHIS Institution is locatrd in the town of X Raisin, near the north bank of the beautifuj river whose name it bears, one mile east of the direct rond from Tecumseh to Adrián. This eligible site has been selected for iti quiet seclusion. llie fertility and elevation of iti 8OÜ, its pure and healthfulntmosphere, and pleo. ant scenery. Rooms.- There are now on the premiscs suitble room ior the accommodation of fonv student8; which are designed to bs occupied for privat study and lodging. Other neccssary build ing areprovided fnr recitations nnd boardinc E X Y E NS ES . Tuition per Term óf eleven weeks, $4,00 Uoard " with 4 hours work each week, 757 Room Rent, gy Incidental, y Total, J2.95 There will be an additional charge of one dol lar íbr those pursuinp the higher branches as Philosophy, Algebra. Geometiy, Astronomy, &c. For Chemistry, Latin, or Greek an addition of two dollars wil! be made. Scholars are expected to provide themselves with what furniture they will need in their rooms, olso, with lights, fuel and washing - none will hereafter board thera sel.vea. Bills to bescttlcdin idvance. The school is open to nll applicnnts of siiitnblo age and moral character irrespective of complexio?i or condition. CT The secand term of Ihis summer will com mciue Wednesday July 20ti. It is very desirable that all who design to at tend the school, should be on the ground hnvo iheir bilis settled, and theiv rooms prepared, before the first day of the Term. Any forther in formation enn be obtnined at the Institución, oí by addressing, post paid, .T. S. Dixo, Principal, Raisin. Lenawee Co. Mich. Raisin, May J9ih, 1842. n5- 2m NEW GOODSü N.Y. CHE AP STORE. THE subsenber has just returned from New York with the Inrpcst and best selected asCHUCaERY, BOOTS &' SHOFS Aivn SS LOTIONS', evtfro'ughHn.oS ma rket , pure hased previous to the tnriff which wdlenable hun to sell for cash, ascheap as any cstabhshment west of 13uIFA1.„. As WPC ZIJ smess on the RAl,Y Pay Svsti;m we ,,"t be undersolcl by any one in this market, which wil be for the interest of the n-rchaser a'nd dèalcr. ewouldsay to the farmers thot we ee goods in proporrion to the price of whea.-a bushcl of wheat w.ll j.urchnse as many goods at the present !ow pnces as it did last fa!l. Now thé time for people lo buy goocls if they want buy hemcheap. The assortment consist ta' art of the following anielesIaCtLÏÏS'lS1?-BEAVEIIJ SHEEP'S GREYS. UMBRELLAS, S1LKS, MUSLIN DE LANES ALAPINES, MERINO TAGLÍONE, SAÍÍS11 SHAWS, VICTORA doVICTORIA do. CARLISE do. ROB ROY and BROCHEA. do. I3RASS CLOCK. SHEETINGS HOí K. SÏÏSiiS1 Tablc MITTENS, CALICÓES, (of all kinds,) LAD1ESDRESS HD'KFS, TGLOVES. (of all kinds,) LOOKING CLASSES, &c. &c. A choice nsêortment ot Groceries. such a cas Sugms, Molnsses, &c. &c, all o which' il e sold at wholesale or retail. Pcfllai-s can bc supplied at this establihir.cnC low as to nstoni&h tlicm. Thesubscriber deems it useless to go into lur wifdetail, but osks tliem to cal] and examine or themselves. D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, Sept. 20, 1842. 3m75 NE-W GOODS!! Tp DEN1SON, is now receivingas usunlly . nn We se'rcle( nssortment of fall and winter GOODS, which will bc sold cheap for cash ot barter. N.B. As cheap ns any in town. September 21, 1812. tf23


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