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To Families & Invalids

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The following indispensable fnmily remedies inay be íbund at the villaje drug stores, and soon at every country store in the state. Remembef and never get them unless they have the fuc-similc signature of 'XO ?v&&v?}Li on the wrappers, as all others by the same ñames aro base impositions and counter, feite. If the merchant nearest you has ihcm not, urgo him to procure itícm a-t 71 Maiden-lane, the iiext time he visite New York, or lo writc for them. No famihj should bc a week without these remedies. BALM OFCOLUMBIA.FORTHEIIAIR, which will stop it if falling out, or restore it on bald placea ; and on chilrlren make it grow rapidly, or on those who have lost the hair from any cause, ALL VERMIN" that infest the hcads ofchildren in schools, are prevented or killed by it at once.Find the name of Uf on it, or never try it. Eemembcr this always. RHEUMATISM, and Q djjlpltgl positively cured, and all shrivelled muscles and limbs are restored, in the old or young, by the Indian Vegeïabj.e Eldcir and Nerve and Bone Liniment but never without the name of Comstock & Co. on it. ■♦ . are wholly prevented, or govemed if tho attack has come on, if you use the only true Hays' LiNisiENT.from and every thing relieved by it that admits of an outward application. It acts like a charm. Use it.' ♦ HORSES that have Ring-Bono, Spavin Wind-Galls, &c., are cured by Roofs' SrEcinc ; and Foundef'Cd horsea entirely cured by RoofeFounder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen. v Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor Salve.- The most extraoidinary remcdy ever invented for all new or old and sores, and ore JsjB jj It has delighted thousands. It will take out all pain in ten minutes, and no failurc. It will cure the Ij LIN'S SPREAD PLASTERS. A better and more nice and useful article never was made. All should wear them regularly. '""' tliVS TEMPEEA1VCE BITTERS :on the principie of substituting the tonic in place of the stimulant principie, which has reformcd so manv drunkards. To be used with LIN'S Jj PILLS, superior to aïï ' others for cleansing the system and the humors affectj ing the blood, and for all irregularities of the bowels, : and the general health.Jí m a [Seo Dr. Lin's Vj)Ctbt-%9 #4f #V nature, thus :1 " m ' HEADACHE DR.SPOHN'S HEADACHE REMEDY will efiectually cure sick hcadache, either from tho l"l or k'''ous Hundreds of families are """R usingit with great joy. - - . - DR.SPOHN'S E L 1 X IR O! F HE A LT H j for the certain prevention of Bj B or any general sickness ; keeping the stomach in most per. fect order, the bowels regular, and a dctcrmination to the'. f ffWE5! BtoWBWgig ' paing in the boncs, hoarsencss, and BMf.EwSBA are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying. CORNS.- The Frcnch Piaster is a sure curo hair any shade you wish, but will not color the skin. SARSAPARILIA. comstock-s com. POUND EXTRACT. Thero is no other preparation of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or equal thia. If you are sure to get Cojistock's, you will find it superior to all others. It does not require puffing. CELESTIAL BÁLM OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and all ( exlernal ailings - all infernal irritations brought to the , surfaco by friction wilh this Balm ; - so in coughs, t s weiled orsorc throaf, tightness of the chest, this Balro applied on a flannel will relieve and cure at once.-Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it. ♦ 33r. asartïtoïemefo's will prevent or cure all incipient consumption, taken in time, and is a delightful remedy Reinem. bcr the name, and get Comstoclc's. K0LMST0CKy$VERMlFü6E öj ; cradicate all W MJfiMB in children or adulln ' with a ccrtaiiity quite astonishing. It ■ sella with a rapidity k almost incrcdiblc, by Comslock $ Co., New York. - ♦ TOOTH DROPS, KLINE'S-curc cffectualJy. . Entorc(lnceor!inKtonctorConqro5s, in l!ieyinrl8-J2, hyComstolk Co.. 1:1 the Ckrk'soOicc ofüio Soutlicrn District of New YorK. f By applying to our agenO in each town and "illagc, papers may be liad (ree, showing the most '! r. occtable names in the coanrry for these facts, so A thav no one can fail to believe them. ÖC?- sure you cali for our artïclcs, and not be put elf with any stories, that others are as good. HAVE THESE OR NONE, should be "i your motto- mZ these never can be Irue and genuine without our names io ilion. All thgse urticles to be I bad Wholesale aud retail only of us. i '{ÍMtStiFttffáéC Wholesale Druggists, ' 1 Maiden-Lane, Ne' York, aud of om agents. Wm. S. & J W. Manard, Aconte. An 1 k Mich.


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