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Michigan State Temperance Society

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This Society commenced its annual meeting at Ann Arbor, Waslitcnaw county, on Tuosday, the 7tli day of February 1313. At two o'clock P. AI. the President, Rev. J. P. Cleveland, called the society to order. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Comstock. The President then delivered a very able and interesting address. On motion of Mr. C. II. Stcwart, Messrs. Pilcher, Voorhees,Griffên, Stickney and Sheeley, were appointed a committee to examine credentials; nnd Messrs. Stewart, A. M. Fitch, Gardiner, Sawyer, Crane, J. S. Fitch and Simonds, a commitlee on business. By nomination of the Society, Messrs. Hallock, Pilclier, Dexter, Colclazer, Denison, venny, and Cooper, were appointed a committee to nomínate officers for the ensuing ycar. Messrs. Harrison, Sheeley and Murdock were appointed auditing committee. Mr. Stewart, chairman of tbc executive committee, then read the annual report, which was accepted and laid on the table. Adjourned to evening. EVENING SESSION.The President called the society to order, when an appropriatc temperance hymn was sung. Prnyer, by the Rev. Mr. Crane. The committee on credentials made a report, whioh was accepted. The business committee reportcd, in part, sundry resolutions, which were discussed, and unanimously adopted, as follows: By the Rev. Dr. Comstock of Washtenaw: Resolved, That we ncknowledge the goodncss of God, manifest ed in cherishing the cause of Temperancp, and extending ts influance dmong ihe people of all countries. ByE. P. Gardiner of Washtenaw: Resolved, That the ultímate triumph of temperance is to be nccomplished only by continuanceof the principies and efforts hereto.. forc set forlh; and iftheyare faithfuily persevered in, that the experience of the past warronts the conclusión, that alcohol must ceasc to be used as a beverage. By the Rev. Mr. Beebe, of Lcnawce: Resolved, That time and experience have proved by their severe tests, that temperance is entitled to the confidence of mankind, and Ailly adequate to accomplish all its early friends professed.By the Rev. Mr. West, of Monroe: Resolved, That total abstincnce from iiitöxicating liquors in the cause of temperance, and tnie democracy in human governments, are based upon the same principie. By Captain Paxton, a sailor: Resolved, That the past ycar has witnessed a vast increase of temperance in this State, nnd, althong-h for some months of the full, apalliy and declension existed, yet we rojoice to find new efforts putting fbrth through the State, and the cause agoin onwnrd. An animated diícussion of the following resolution. recomniended for adoption by the executive committce, then foliowed: Resolved, That this society reconimend to all the locnl societies in the Stafe, to adopt the following pledge, and to have it administercd in a solemn nnd impressive manner; and that it should be taken by every existing tncmber: " We the undersigned, do hereby solemnly covcnant with cach other, and pledge our honor, that we will abstain, duiung life, from the use. as a bevrragk, of all that can intoxícate; that we will not traffic in such, nor provide tliem for entertainment, nor for persons in our employmcnt; that we will not sell grain for manufacture into such, nor rent buildings for their sale or traffic,but will, in al] suiíable ways, labor to discontinue their use." The above resolution after heing supported and disenssed by the Rev. Mr. Pilcher, was laid on the table, to bc taken up for discussion at onolher time.Atter some rcmarks by Mr. Valentino Antonic, an appropriato temperance song by the meeting-, and prayer by the Rov. Mr. Chik!, the society adjourned to meet ngain the next morning at 9 o'clock. WEDNESAY MORNING The scoiety was called to order by the President, prayer by the Rev. Mr. Denisnn. A communication was presented reïative to ta claim for printing-. Messrs. Power, Stickney, Childs, Smith and Paxton, were appointed a committee to desígnate the place of the next annual meeU Í!lL. The nominating committeo reported the following officers of the Society for tho ensu ing year. President. Samuel W. Dextcr, Washtenaw. Vite Sidney Ketchum, Culhoun, Chester Hammond, Branch, R. C. Smith, WayHC, C Gurney, St. Jopeph, E. M. Crippen, Jackson. E. C. Winter, Lcnawee, Austin E. Winr, Monroe,J R. B. MilIcttF, llilládale, ])r. M. Bafrg, Oakland, Z. T. R. Jones, Kent, Rev. L. Mumphry, Cnss. D. Jeffries, Van Buren, J. F. Davideon, Kalamazoo, II. II. Cndy, Mac( inb, Ucorge V . Lcc, Livingston,M. S. BrackcU, Eaton. Executive Commitlce. Dr. Cowlep, 'j D. T. McColIum, j Ann Arbor, Rev. A. M. Fitch, )■ Washtenaw. Jos Brow n, Prof. Jas WfaHÜjg. ) Corretponding Secretary, E. P. Gnrdiner, Ann Arbor. llccording Secretar y and Trcasurer. F. Sawyer, jr. Ann Arbor. The report was adopted. The Constitutfon of the Sociely as amcnded by the Executive Committee, was taken up article by article, and adopted. (We omit its publication for want 'of room.) Tliu report of the Executive Conunittcc, without the resolution recommendcd by them, ' was unanimously adopted; after which, said rcFolution was taken up, and wormly sed by Messrs. A. Shcely,Rev. Dr. Comstock, ' Rev. Mr. Cleveland, Rev. Mr. Colclazer, A. ■ M. Farrcn, Madison Lightfoot, Howard, (recprding Secretary) Poxton, Dexter, and Antonio. On motion of Judge Dexter, the resolution was amended by striking out the word-?, "not ' sell grain for manufacturing into such, nor rent builings for tfie sale or trafïic,'' ad j ing the words - not in ony way dlrcctly or indirectly, aid or assist in the manuflctyre or sale of intoxicating drinks." Resolved, That f his society recomnjend to all the local societies of the State, to adopl the following pledge, and to have it invaria-' bij administered in a solemn and impressive manner: and that it should be taken by evcry existing member. "Wc, the undersigncd, do hcreby solcmnly covenant with each other and pledge our hon ors, that we will abstain during life, from the use as a beverage, of all that can intoxícate; that we will not traffic in such, nor provide them for entertainment, nor for persons in our employment, that wc will not in any way, directly or ndirectly, aid or assist in the i manufacture or sale of intoxicating drink, but ; will in all suitable ways, labor to discontinue theit use."The recording sccretnry being under the noccssity of leaving, Geo. Millard was chosen secretary pro tempore. On mol ion of the Rev. Mr. Colclazer, Resolved, That the Executive Committee be requested to publish the monthly Temperance paper, provided it can be done without embarrassing the financial concerns of the State Society. On motion of the Rev. Dr. Comstock, Resolved, That the officers of the Society, fortheir able, fuithful, and gratuitous services, in the cnuse of the society and the temperance cause, diiring the past year, most riclily merit, ' and hereby do most cordially reccive, the! tiianks of the conven'ion. The treasurers report was read and adopled.Judge Dcxtcr subinitted the following rcso ! hition, which, after being disciisted, was laici on tlio table; Resolved, That it is not expedient, that i tiie Temperance cause iliould bcconnect- ed witii any ony oljicr object. The comtnittee appoinled to desígnate the time and place of the next annual meeting, reported; and it was resolved, that the same be held at Adrián, on the 2nd Tiiesday in January, 1G44. On motion of the Rev. Mr. Fitch, it was resolved, that the delegates be requesled to forward to the Executive Committee, with all pos&ible despatch, the names of subscribers for a temperance paper. Resolved, That the procredings of this conventionjto be published in the papers of this village undcr the direction cf the Executive Commit tee. The Convention then adjourned sine die.


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