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Slaveholding Ferocity

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"On the 17th uil, n disgraceful scène occurred in Ihe House oe Representfltives at Little Lock, (Ark.; Mr. Mnyers, alluding to Ihe the report of a ceriain cominitieo, remarkec thut it was 'fulse;" whereupon Mr. Fields, chairrmn of the committre, swearing furiously, dcclared it was a "lie, f Ihnt he woulcJ iiot put hls name to any thing that was "faïse,' and dew his pi.-tol and advanced, to warde Mr. Mnyers, when lie was interrtiptod. Mr. AJ . Stood cahily in his place, wil houtaflcmplmg ui nny way to add to the exciteincni; the House was called to order; an e.planation was mnde and both gentlemen sent in their written npologies lo thc speaker, nnd they were reeeived by a majonty of thé House btit l was thotight that the affair was nol thus finally settled. A 'mening' of the parties wns aniicipatrd next t!av." Seriously speakinfr, tliis wns one of the most scundalous outrages that have ever dis- iraced nny of our Legislitive bofües, and yield8 only inenormity tolhe actual murder of the Speaker by Inm on the floorof the House, which actuaüy took placeuot lungsinee, m one of the Western legislaturrs - a deed for which the murderer yet retRains unhanged. How can we wonder at the taunts of forcigners or fiml fault wilh the ubus-e heaped upon oor [system by monarchial wriiers wheii such thinps are permi'.ted lo go onpunished? - JV. Y. Courier. "Hcaped upon our system," says Col. Webb. We vvould tlionk him not to lay on Republicanism the black iicarted crimes oiigi1 nated and abetted by Slavery. The murderer referred to wou ld have been hanged long since, had JL e crime been commilted n New EnIand instead of Arkonsas. Sucli nnirders are considered honorqble among the chivalry.


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