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Letter From Mr. Miller

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-We have beenrequeMed to publish the fullowing letter from Mr. Mjüor, whose opinions concerning the speedy physicaldestiuciion of tlie Emtli, are now iiromulgrated ivith so mucli zea!, and so widely beiievvd in different portions of the country. As its stntemetits relate to nlledged misrepresenlations in tlie newspoper brèsgwe rcadily givelhem an inse:tion.- A. Y. Tribune. Drar Brother Himes. - At the request of numerous friends, I horeln transmu lo them, throiigh you, a brief statement of fucts relaUve to the many 6lories wilh wliicli the public nre hunibugaed, by pulpit, presp, or burroom dcc!am:iiioi)3, concerning thé principies I advocate, and the trfCDigcmènt of my worldly concerns. My principies in brief. are,that Jesvs Christ will come again to thia Earth- cJean.-e, purily, nd inke po.session of the same, with all His öajntp, somelime between March 21, 1843,-"♦. i jö". i uuve never nxeo on any inonti, dny or hour, between that time. I have never found ony mistoke in reckoning, summinor Up, or miscalculation. I have made no provisión forany otlier time. I om perfectly satified that the Bible is true, and is the Word of God: and 1 om confident I roly whoÜy on that blessed book f my faiih iii this matter. I am not a Prophet: I am not sent to prophecy, but to read, believe and publish, whnt Go'd has inspired ti.e ancient Prpliets to administerunto us, in tlie prophecies of the Oíd and New Testuments. Thesn have been nnd nnw are. my principies, and Í hope I shall never be ashamed of them. As for worldlv cares I have hnd butverv few for twelve years pnst. I have a wile and cight children; I have great rensoti to believe they are the cliildten of God, and beüevers in sanie doctrine witb myselr". I own a small fiirm in New Hamuton, in the Stale of Newïoik. My family support tlicmselves upon if. nncl I believe they are esteemcd frugal, températe and indnslrious. They use hospilality not g-rudginir, and never turn a pilgrim from the house, nor the needy froui their door. I blees God my family are bcncvolent and kind lo all men who need their sympathy or aid. I have no funds or dcbts clue me of any nmount. "I owe no man nny Ihing." I havo expended more than 2,000 dollars of my pioperty n twelve }-ears, besides what God lias given me through the dear friends in tJiis cause. Yours, rrspecffullv,


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