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A Virginian's Idea Of Boston

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1 lic lolowing Drticlc, doubteis frórff thij pen of a slavehoider, wil! be read with interest. Southerners do h'ot believe the 'dyinr away" story! Mark whnt the writer saya of politica I action, and of thöse abolitionisti whd dücurd t. Correü]iondence of the Riclimoná tfrfrtg; Boston, Janunry 28, J845. Mrt Editor: - Dnring the few monfhs of niy stny in Horton, I liave oeen witness to scones culculated to sickcn tire heart of evéry fricrid of tliè ConRiiiiïtion and the Country. From t!iis fcentre uil radical and disorgwiizirig inituefices go forth. It ís the jrifat cuuldron wheiè n Ihere isrontinually seething the slrange food that is to feed the morbidappetitea of hundreds of thouaands of excitenble and half dementod Yankee levellere. It is the wh"re 'he greai Millè'r íempíe stands or is to stnhd'-wlief'e ÁfJitnál Magnetism Religious and Poüiicnl "coitteouterisnï'-L&timer indienation Meetings and fnobf--transcendentalism - oud all eorts f Poüifcal aftd Rcligious chicanery grow and flotirish like tho rank wvedá of the dunglull. Here, save Kt'.th % a fow, there is no respect for the pnSt- tot the time honorcd; no fepard for well-tried and salulary nsngesah'd insiitution?, and no dispositiomo leafn wisdom from the history of tlmse agravian outrages thftt tiave disgraced nnd cursed other lands and other aees.tuimnml Progress ' are the wotchworda of Society - the firet ireatnng ovirturn, nnd the secoi'd, success in overturning} and as I lcok upon the fact, no Jonger ío líe cofiCèaJèd, thst these evils nre every day spreading, ond multiplying their friends, I tremble for the Constitution and tfig country. Whfen Í state a feu fncts yon will not won drr át tliese rcmarks. This week the AntiSluvery Society lias held its Annual meeting in tliis City - not in a strfble ns thëy once did- not with denionstralioris of popular indigna- lion on every side as when once the female fanntics held their Meeting in Washington street - but in Funueii Hall with the exception of one cvening oud thot evening thö Hall of the House of Represcntntives, grantcd tlictri unanimously, by a lid pon n suspension of the rutts for tliat pnrpose Could you hnve heard the fanaíicaj Speeches of Gnnison k Co., and rënd the Resolutions dennimclnsr the CoüstJtüiJOD os a ''coVenant with dcath and ari itgreement with heil tluit ought to be, at once, broken np," nnd cohld you !iave lieard the shoüts that rocked old Fanüeil Hall when thosë horriöle propos sitions were ndopt?d by arclomation, you would I ave feit and seen the danger. Trüe, these Garrisonitës are on the whöle tho most hamilessbf the fuhaticp. for as they ütterly echew all politiral action they hovè' nti hieaiis of applying the etenin they gpiièratè to any Í hiccical purpoer, and it is,. of coufsfe, Jost in mr; I?u: tve have Jiltlo comfort on that score; for, ns hcarly ns í can d Jnrgfe majohty of the AboJitfoiÜBts of this Stute belong to the tliird party, and soine ol' the moqt active, and indefatignble citizeng of Mhsbiclmsdtls are among them. They nre to hava a (ireat State Convent iüh here in February and then, I silppö?é, Fahueil Hall ttnd the State House will riiig with fanaticiBm ogoin. 'J'hcse men liaie oVerlurned the govèrnmeht of tho State this year- they hold theMonee oí itopresentnfivesby (lieir balatire of power, and nothing they osk is refüsed by the Leg-iMature. Alrendy the SenatèhavèpaoBfed thé bill tb repeü! tlié law brbiddib)'ihtor-rnarrin-ps between blacks anfl Uhites, o I eup)').-e the milk and molasses color will hnreafer bc fashionable in the ïiny State. The Senite Imve nleh pn$=sod tl.e bill to oblig-e tho Contluctors of Raürond care, to stuff hef roes ■ nd whitea ni! tocroliier inlo the 6am6 carsj d ue muy n iw expect frn;írdncc 'o be ndded to the otler delighta of Railroad travelling-.- Gov. Davis, iionest éiioiigli ot heiirt bilt ld bar óFthiS Abolí tion poüce-gang, hns followed iniho wake of the Boston Ánthorities in the Latimer ensr. ond rcfiised to surrender thö burglur to julRce in Virginin, nnd thore is evory renson to believe that Aloribn', who is in Tact an Aboliiinfust, as any öne can pee from his messiipe, and who owea ,a elevation to the votes of llicFe fahatics, will take thn same court-e and traitiple down ihe righls of Virgin a.Annihcritem- A Mr; fréaáwél! frftm ftrook; lyi', N. Y., a rpgular Tummnny Hall subtes ranoan, xiho bel evrs thnt the Congrega has otver Jo abulisk Slavehy throvgliout the i Slatis and ovlil to do il ut once. Tiiís Trend ui..]] is hem givin lecturcn oíj llie ConstitU j tioii, aml by unniiimous ooHs-fht tho State [ House wá granted faitn fot ilie introducfoty leclurc of l:is treasonnble Cotiteej and I am or t-y to soy tlint liis frotliy ebulütions wero lis tened lü ivitli aftentidu bj' eome of the ñrst I.iwyersofthe city, and tnuily members of the I Iippiflaturci íS'ir, tince I left Virginia I liaVe boeh eVery ■I dny more and more impressqi with the nccesj sily of instnnt ad general aetion on the part of (he Soull). It 'w ín vain to deny that ve ■ are 'm dnng-er4 nud we have only tu determino whelier ve wiíl fübiíiit to the I0S3 of al] oür nJits or mnke earJy prpparntion to defend f tlietn; some mny say that í epeak ploomily, bnt ƒ ppfak from observiition and reflectlon, and í believe I spcnk truly. ll istihie I ropeat t to AtT. Let us have our rights or let us liíivo disuiiion.


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