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Rev. Mr. Frazee And Slavery

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In a commiinicalion in tliis paper porno weeka sin?e,.Mr. Frazee called for proof tlint a certain boy in Kentucky, fiftecn years old, was sent into the parlor naked to fan a vjsitor. We cannot voncIi for thnt particular fnel, but Jie wJio relates it lias ofFered to prove if, if denied. In the meantime, p will give snme testimony concerningr the nakedness of slaves. and sliow tlinl tliey uuualiy run about nakcd at the South until ten or twelve years of age. Rev. Horace .Moultoit, a Methodist clergvman whoJived five years in Georgia, says of the female Slaves r:When at work in warm ucalhcr, they usually s'rip oif the loose gown, and liave nothing on but a bhort petticoaf, wilh some kind of covering for ihcir brcasts. Many children ma y he sern in the summcr montlis, as na ■ ked as they carne inlo tiiz ivvrld." John Pan'sh, of Philadelphia, a minister of the Socie'y of Friends, travelled at tlieSoulli i 1804, oud says: 'They suffer hem, both ! male and female, to go loilh&ut clothing at the nge of ten or furlve yrars." Rv. Phineas Smith, Preübyterian minister at Cet:eville, Aüegany cunnty, New Vork resiJedfour years at the South. Ilesays: - "I have been on rnany prantations where children of eight itnd ten years old teer e in U state of perfect nndily.'' Lemvel Sapinglon, of Lancaster, Pa. forrnerly a Slave trader, says: "I Imve frpqnently Lcen thuse icho had nol altained the age of tivelve years, go naked."Pkilemon Bliss, n lawyer oí Ohio, who formerly reskled in Florida, soys: "The perfect nvdity of the younger Sla ves ia so familiar to the whitcs oïboth sexes tliat thny seem to vvirness it wiih perfect indifference," W. C. Gildcrslreve, of Wilkesbtwre, Pn. a native of Georgir, says : "It is en eé y day sight to eeo women as uell ns men, witli no otlicr covering tlian afewjillhyrags fastened above the hipg, reaching miduay to the ancles." Children of both spxes, from infancy to ten years, are seen, ín compamea on the plantations, in a shtte of perfect nudity. This Was bo common that the most refmed and delicate belield them unmoved." George A. Aveiy, an eider in the Fourth Congregational clnirch of N. Y. has tire follofl-ing graphic description: "The slave childrcn, very commcnly i.f botli sexes, op to the ny;cs of eijht and ten years. and 1 ihiiiK in snrne instiincei? bcynnd this n;re; go in a state of dhgusling nvdhy. I have ofUn .een thrr.i with their tow elitrt (i heir only article of sinnnter clothing; which, to uil human appeorancí, lias not bren laken offfruiit the time it was finst put on, W"rn off from theoottom iipvnru., siired by shred, iiutii notling hut the straps which pagsed over their slioulders, and the Icss exposed portions extending a very litl'e way below the trui.--, leaving the princ'pa) part of the chest, as well os !he limbs, cntiiely uncovered.' Samuel Ellison, of Marlborougl:, Stark cnunt y, Ohio, formerly of Virginia, sayr: "I knew a Metlicdist who was the owner of a niunber of sis ves. The childn n ofbnth sexes belunging to hirn. undcr Iwclve yenrs of nge, wore cnlirely destituía of clothing.' Rev. Francis Hciwley, Baptist c.crgyman of Colebroük, Conn. says: "On many plantations the chiklren under ten or twelve yenrs old, go entircly naked - or if clothcd at all, they have rrcthrng more than o shirt." Josrph Idr, Esq. Sheffield, Vt. formeriy Postmaslcr, says: "I have seen from fony to iixly, male nnd female, at work in a field, innny of bolh sexea with their bodfós entire'y naked - vvho did not exhibit sígñs of shame more than cattle." The statements of the preccding witnesses may be fotmd at length in "SLAVEIIY AS !T IS." Lvke Wh'lmore, of Pittsfield, in this Count3', says in a latecoinmumcation in the Signal: "I have repeatcdly scen negro childfen of both texesleft entirely naked till thcy were eleven or twelve years of age, with ihc exception of a liltle clething in the colder rüonths; and this too in the houses of wealthy planters; nnd I have seen this not confined to one ihmily or ncighborhood, but general throtighout tho country.'' We have adduced witnesses enoiigh to prove that children of twelve years rnd under commonly go naked, and somel irnos ndultslaves. It s not vcry strnngp, that in a family who might not have been vcry particular, a boy two or tliree years dder ebould liave followcd the custom of lus companion?. Next weck we intend lo ndduce fucts to show that Slaves are oftcn branded with the initials of ihe ownet's namp. It is now the 20th day of March, an3 tlie weathcr i yct extrcmely cola.


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