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Ti.e Liberiy State Con vent ion was ntion; !ed by abobt five lumdred delégales. TIip : Èin;.r.cip:itor says tli;ii in ritimbcr. in clïnrncjter, üiid in the lufty onc and euihnsiasWc spirit Of ira procccdiiurs, jt Wns tlie best Liberly convent ion ever hele' the sfate. Abont 81:300 uereraised, more Uian lialf of wliich wos paid on the 8Lot. Tlie caiklidates of Jast year wöre re-notnin i?rd; vz, S. E. Sewnl! Cov Governor, and Williüin Jackson for Lieulennnt Governor. The joint special committee o! the Sonate nnd IIouso, to wliorn was referred the petition of Genrge Latimcr and sixty five thousand olher., liave mude a report. The.petitioners asked thata luw shoulitbe passed forbiddinr all persons who liold oflïce in MassachusetU, rrom aiding or abellirg ín the arrest of nny p-rson wlio nny be clainied as a fugitive froni Slavery, and forbidding tlie use of the Jails and otlier public property as places for confininnf thcni, and also that such amendments to the Corstitution should be proposed to the olher states as will forever separate the people 6f Mosáachusetts f. om all connection with S'!avery.i iie report was presnted by U. b Adams, a son of the President. It cceupies sevcn eojid columuF. fts tone and spirit are strqngly anti-slavery. To me:t the first poinip, the committee reporled a bilí foxbidding1 nny judies or jnstices from iet ing in any wny who lever under the iaw of 1793, and foibidding slieriffs and jailcrs to impnson any persjn in any jiil i-; the State under the act of 1793, on pain ol imprisonment not more than one year, or o fine not execedin $1,000. On the last point, in the connretion of Massaehusetls with Sluvery, the committecreported in favor of expnnging the three fifth previsión from the Constitulion, and nppointin representatives and direct taxes occordinff to Ihe nönibet of fne persojis. The committee ccnceivcd, that this wns the tnain support of the Ölavo power, and this being emoved, the rest wouid soon cease lo oper.Ue. We think of this part of the Report. A third trial tbr Representa Uves to Congress from districts two, il j ree, five, tix, and even is to come on April 3. It seeins by theprevious results, Umt the Liberty partv can ither elect their own candidate?, or compel he other parties to unire, and thus tliere vvill e only two parlies. A few more trials will how whal the scttled policy of the parties ill be.


Signal of Liberty
Old News