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State Legislature

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In the House, Mr. MeLeod oftered a joint roaüluíion declaring it to be the opinión of thia Legislature tlial the word "white,"' in the con siitiition should not bc so construed as to de-prive half breeds of Indian descent, from ex erciting the rights of the elective franchise. t The rule was suspended, and tho resolutior adopted - ayes 23, nays 9. [We shouldlike 10 inquire of the Jearncd members who voted for ihis rpsolu'ion, why it should not extend to -'half breeds" of Afrïcarj eecent, agreeably to the recent decisión ia Ohio? Upon what principie is thisexpoeition of the word "wtiite" applied to the Indians onlv?] Tiie House wert into Committee of the Whole, on the General appropriation bil!, Mr". Livermore in the Chuir. f A di.Bcult and im1-' porlant question arose which it took the Committee soraetvvo hoursto settle. Itseemed that (ivo members of the House lvad siippHed themspJvcs- wiiJi L0 shilling knives, at Mr. Bagg'n, while the other meinbers liad been rurBshed with ct-iron ones, at five ehillings. The quesiion vns,sliall Bagg be paid for the knives? It was finally decided in the affirmative.] Mr. Hagaman caüed up the resolution for the word "white" from the Constilutkin. Mr. Idtllejohn called for the previoiïs question. Mr. Moore opposed the resolution, and it was lost by the following votej Yeas - Messrs. Cady, Carpenter, Hagaman, Hixon, Ilowe, Kiiijpr, Lamb, Luthrup, Lawrence, Livermore, McLeod, Patlerson, Pratt, Seely. Smith, Vaughn, Videlo, Waidron Speaker- 19.Nays - Messrs. Anderson, Andrews, A xford,Darnard, Bonch, J. L. Gage, Wm . Gage.Goodeil, Lac)-, Lee, Littlejohn, McCamley, Moore Mottram, Murray, O?ds. Popplcton, Provosty Rice, Snell, Snmv, Weid- 22. In tho Senate, the House joint resolutiort re'ative to an amendment of the constitutior of this state relativo to the word "white," came up, and thequestion being on suspending the rule, it was lost, two thirdsnot. vating in its favor. Mr. Gust moved f o take up for consideration llie Joint Reáolution passed at the lait session, relative to amending the constitulionf soas to rcqnire a vote cf the people, for the State to conlract loang. The ref olution was taken up and passed. A second brll obviating the objcctions of the-Governor to the first bill to convert the Michigan Insurance Company into a banking" institution, finaüy passed both Houses before tlie adjournment, and was signed by the Gov eriïor. The stockliolders tlieir heirs and executorsr are Jiable for uil the debts of the Jnstitutionr nnd iis ïnsurance powers nre taken away. The act e-tabhshing a general Land Office at Marshall was passed, It commits all thelands belunging to the Stntc, inclüding the University and school lands, into the honds of a Commissioner, who s to receive onethousaml dollars a year. The Legislature adjourned on the lOth inst, ■ifter a session oftwo montlis and ten day.- A large hare of it time has been spent iq


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