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GREAT BARGAINS.- R. Banks respectfully informs tho farmers and others visiting Detroit, that he still continúes at his old stand on Wodbridge et., adjoining Wardell'e block, and keep8 on hand a general assortment oí RE AD Y MADE CLOTH1NG, Tfrhich he is determined to setC chcapcr than the dtcipestfor Cash. R. B. has juet received from the Enst an as sortment of Gloths, Cnssimeres. Satinetts and Veèhhgs, which will be made up to order in faehionable style at short notice. R. BANKS. Detroit, Sept. 5, 1 842'. 20-6m NEW GOODS ! ! FDENISON hasr just received a coinpletr stock of DRY-GOODS. GROCEÏilES 4ND CROCKERY, which will be sold v$ry cheap for mönfy or most kinds ofproduce. Descriptione and priccs will-b given at theStore. iTO CLOTH1ERS. THE subscriber is just in receipt of a further suppiv of Clothier's stock, consistng of MACHINE CARDS rf evznj dessrip. f'nn; CLOTHIER'S JACKS. ATTINETTVARP. CAKD CLEANSERS and PICKERS, SHUTTLES. REEDS, KETTLES. SCREWS. PARSON'S SHEARING MACHINE, EMERV, f eren sizej TENTER HOOKS, PRESS PAPER, togcilitr witi a wrli sdccted assortiment. ofDYE WOODS.aud DYE STUFFS of the very best growth'and manufacture. These goods (coming ns they do direct from nrst hands) the subscriber senabfed'to sell loworthan any other house west of iVew York, hc iherefore solicita the atteniion of firms in ihe c.othing business, to theexamination ofhis stock Jnd pnces befbre going east orpurchasinp else'vhere. . PÍERRE TELLER,Threshing Machines. 'ffMJ E undersigned would inform the public JL tluit they eonrinue io manufacturo Morísx Powkks and ThkkshikÓ Machinks. two mui a half mil es Irum the villnge of Ami Arbor. on the rail-rood. The Horse Power i8 a late invention by-S. YV. Foster, and is decidedly superior to uny oUicr ever otiered to the public, as will nppear by the statements of tliosc wlio have used theni during the )ist yenr. It is light n weight and smallin compass, being carried together wiih ilie Thresher, in a comiiiüii waggon box, and draw with ease by two horses. It is as little liable to brenk. 01 "et out ot repair, as any other llorsc Power, ml will work as easy and thrash ns inucli with four horses attached to it as any othei power with jivs horses, as will appcar from the recoinmendations bclow. New patterns have been made for the cast Iron. nmt addilional weight and sirengthopplied wliercver it had appeared to bc necessary from one year's use of the machine. The subscribers deern it proper to state, liiat a number of Iiorse powers werë sold last year in the village of Ann Arbor which were bclieved by the pürchasers to bc thosniavented j by S. VV. Foster. and thatniost or all of theni j were ciiher made maten illy tlillerent. or alfèred beibie sold. so as to bc materially different from tliosc made and sold by the subscribers. Such alteraiions being" decidedly j detnmenta' to the utility of the machine. They hnve good renson to believe that every one oí those returned by the purchaseis ns unsatisfac tor were of this class. They are not aware that any Puwer that went from their shop, and was put in use, as they ma'le it, has boen condemned or laid asidens a bad machine. AH wlio wish tibuyare invired to examine theni and to enquire of those wlio have used theni. There will be one for öxamination at N. H. Wikg's, üexter rilrrc; and one at Martin Willson's stoi ek use ik Detroit Iwth these gentlemen being agents for the sare of them. The price will bo$120 fora four horse power, with a threshing machine, with a stave or wooden bar cylinder; and $130 fora horse power with a threshing machine with an iron bar cylinder. The attention of the reader is invited to tiie folio wing recommendations.o. v. f uö i ut & UU. Scio, April 20, 1842. RECOMMENDA TIONS. This is to certify that we have uscd one of S W. Foster's newly invenied Horse Powers Toa about fi ve moiuhs, and threahed wiih it about 8)00 bushels, and believe it is constructed on hcttcr principies than any other líorse Power. One of the undersigned lias ownedancl usedeight different kinds of líorse Powers, and wc believe that four liorses will thrash as much with this Power as fioe will with any other power with which we are acquiinted. IJ. CASE. S. G. [VES. Scio. January, 12, 1R42. TiJs is to inform the public that I have purchnsed, and have now in use. one oí' the Horse Powers recently invented by S W. Foster, made by S. W. Foster, & Co., and believe it be constructed upon better principies, and requires Icss strcngtk of korscs than any other power with which 1 am ac quainted. A. WEEKS. Mount Clemens, Sept. 8, 1841. This is to inform the pnblic that I have purchased one of ihe Horse Powers, recently invented by S. VV. Foster, and us3d it for a numer of months, and believe it is the best power n use, working with less strengih of horses than any other power with which I am acquainted, and being small in compass. if nsily moved from one place to another. J believe 4 horses will thresh as much with bis power as 5 will with any other power. The plan and ihe working of this power have been univemlly approvod of by fnnners for whoin I have thrashed. E. S. SMÍTH. Scio. April II. 1842. SMIJT MACHINES. The eubscribers inake very good SAIUT I MACHLNES which they will sell for $30. This machine was invented by one of the subscribere, who has had many year's experience in the milling business. We invite those who wish to buy a good machine for a fair price to buy of us. It is worth as mu -li as most of Uu machines that cost fioni 150 to $300. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Rcio. April, 18, 1842. Woolen ManufactoryThe subscribers have rcecntly put in operation n woollen rmnufactory for manüfcctur ing woollen cloth by power looins, two nnd a half miles west from Ann Arbor village, on the rairoad, where he ish to .manufacture wool inv cioth on shnres, or for pay by the yard, on reasonable terms. They Imve employcd experieneed workmen and feel confident that work will be well. done. They thereforo respèctfully ask a share of public patronage, especially fromthose who are in fnvor of HostG iNDüsT.'tY. Wool may be left at Scio village. S. W. FOSTER &. Co. Scio, April 13, 1842. TOPHYSICIANS AND COUNTRlT MERCHANTS. rïlHEsubscriber invites the attention of JL Physicians and Country Merchants, to his present stock of Drugs, Medicines, PaintE, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Varnish, Brushcs, Sic. &.C. coniprising one of the lurgest and fullestassorttnents brouíjht lo the country. Iii his present stock will be found: 100 oz Snlph. Quinine, superior French and English, 20 oz. Sulph. Morphia, 10 oz. Acct. do 50 oz. Carpenter's Witherill's Extract Bark, 1 bbl. Powdered Rhubarb, 1 Chet Rhubarb Root, 1 bbl. Powdered Jalap, 50 Ibs. Calóme), 3 casks Epsom Salts, 15 casks Falland Winter strained Sperm on, 40 boxes Sperm Candles, 2000 ibs. White Lead, dry and grnund, 4 casks Linseed OjI, Dentista Instruments and Stock Gold, Silverand Tin Foil Plu Wtinaare, Porcclain Teeth. A general a-sortineut of Patent Medicines, all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. PTERRE TELLER. 139 Jeflèrson Avenue, sign of the Güt March 13. Mortar, Detroit. TAILORING BUSINESS ! AM. NOBLE, would rcspectfuüy inform the citizens of Arm Arbor and its ' oinity, that he has opened a shop n the ' er Town, immediately over the late mercantile stand o[ Lund & Gibaon, and opposite ihe ' ; tore of J. Beckley & Co., where he is prepared at all times to do work in his line, with ' romptne88, and' in a neat and durable manaer. Particular aUention will be paid to cutting ' "ármente. Produce Will be taken at the usui priees, for work done at hisshop. These 'ho have cash to pay for services of" thts kind ro particularly invited to cali. Ann Arbor, April 27, tfKW FAI.I, AAI WINTER GOODS. NEW YOÈT CÜEA-P STORE ! ! ! THE siibscriber liaa juet reiurned from New Yoik wjth ilie lnri'st and Ix'sl eek'ciëd as sortnient üF DRY GO0D&. GROCFR11S CÜOCKKRY, BOOTS Ï8HÖÈS. 1XD Y.i.XKKE NOTIQirS, ever brouwt into ih,s mar.iet, purchased previoug to the tariI" which will enable hun lu sell for caah, aschcap as my tstahlislimeiH west of liui iwi.o. As we do bu -mess on ilic Ueai.y PAy Svstjsm we will not )C undcrsold by any one in tliis mnrkut. whieh .villbe for the interest of the purchaser and dealer. We would eny 10 the {armera that we sell goods in proportion to the price of wheat- a iiuslu'i of wheat will purchase Aa many godiis at the present 'ow prines ns it dij last fall. Now is tlie time for people to bit goods il thcy want to bny tliem chcap. The iissortinent consist in patt ol the following anieles: JJRuADC LOTUS, PILOTno. BEAVERdo SATI.N'KT and CASSIiVlKRE, KENTUCKY JEANS, FULL'Ü CLOTHS FLANNELL. (of all kinds.) ukjiuï,, SJir.HF'S GIIEYS. UM RRELLAS SJLKS. AIUSLIN DE LANES ALAPI.VES, MERINO TAGIJONE CASSÍ.VIERE SHAWLS. VICTORIA do VICTORIA do. CARLISEd,,. ROR ROY and HROCMKA do JJRASS CLOCK. SIlKKi [V6S TIOSR SHIKTINGS, TICKINGS. CRAVATs' T-WÍLLED JEANS. COTTON YARN CANTÓN FLAXNELS. GINGHAMS,' COTTON BATTLXG. HDKF'S. DfAPER and Table Cloths. M1TTENS CALICÓES, (or all kin-l.s.i LADIESDRESS HD'ÍFS. GÍ.OVES. (of all kinds,) LOOKING GLASSES, Set. &c. A choiee issort inent ot Grocerics. ucli n? Tens, Sudara, M.tbiaseg, &c. kc, ul of whicli will be sold at wholesnle or reiiiil. Pedlars enn be supplied at this establilnnent solow as to astonish tliem. Thesti! sriber deerns it useless to go into fnrther detail, bat asks them to cali and ézauuús íor themselves. D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, Sept. 20, )$42. 3:u7ö DR. BANISTER'S CELEBIIATKD FEVER AGUE PILLS.- Purely Ye:iclahi, A safe, sj)eedy. and sure remedy lor fever and ague, dum atrue. chili fevcr, and the bilious diseases peculiar to new countrios. These pulsare designer! for the'affüctionp ofthe liver and oiher internal ornns which nttend the diseases of the new and miasniauc portionsof our country. The proprietor hoving iried them in a grect variety of cases confidently believes that they are superior to any rem?dy that hns ever been of'eied to the public for the abovc diseases. It is purely Vegetable and pe feclly harnilcss. and can be taken by anyperson, male or female wiih perfect safety. 'J'he pulsare prepared in two separate doxes, marked No. 1 and No. 2. and acecompanied with full direciions. A great nuniber of certffi.-ates niiht be procu red in favor of ihis medicine, but the propiieter hns tliouuht fit not to insert thcru. in as inueh as hedepends upon the merits oí the unie for its reputation. The above pill is kept constantly on h.ind by the proprietrr and can bnhnd at wholesale and rutnil at the store of Beckley &, Co. Orders fron: the country promplly attended to. - Ann Arbor, (lower town) May 20th 1P42. 9 L; BECKLEYRIVER RAISIW INSTITUTJE-. THIS lnstiiution is locfltwd in the town of Raisin, near the north bank of the ben ut ful river whose name it bears, one milc east of the direct road froni Tecitmseli lo Adrián. Tliis eligible site hns been solected for iti quiet seclusion. the fértil i ty and elevation of' il soil, its pure and healthfulatinosphere, and pleas ant scenery. Rooms. - There are now on the p-emiscs suitble rooms lor the accomniodation of forty students; which are donigned to In occupied for priI vate study and lodging. Other necessnry build I ing arcprovided for recitntions nnd boarding. EXPENSES. Tuition per Term uf eleven weeks, $4.0 'i Board ;' with 4 hours work cuch week, 7,57 Room Rent, Si1 Incidental, fo Toni, J2.!).r There will be an additional charge of one doU lar for those pürsamg ihê higher branches as Phi-. losophy, Algebra. Geuinetiy, Astronomy, Sic For Chemistry, Latin. or Grcek an addition of two dollars will be made. Scholars are expected lo próvido themselves with what furniture they will need in their rooms, also, with lights. fueí, and washing - none will hereafter board them sel ves. Bills to bc setdedin advance. The school is open to all applicants oi auilnble age and moral character irresjcctivé of complexión or condiiion. SUFTin second term of Lhis summcr will comlaente IVednrs lay, 'July 2Qlh. It is very desirable that all who design to attend the school, shmild be on the ground - have their bilis settlcd, and their rooms prepared, bcfore the fust day of the Term. Any further information can be obtained at the Institntion. by nd.lressing, post paid. J. S. Di.xos, Princijal. Rnisin, Lenawee Co. jílich. - Raisin, iMay J9th, 1S42. n5- 2m ADMIN1STRAT0US SALE. PURSUANT to an order of tbe Judge of Probate, for thecounty of Washtemw, made on the twenty tliird inst.. autiTbrizing :hc sale of real estáte of Ellten Wilmot. deceased, I shall sell at auction ihe fea] estáte, hereinafter described at ihe dwelling house formerly occupied by the said deceased, in the vil lage of Saline, on Tlïursday, the sixteenih day of February next, at one o'clock in the afternoon ofthnt day, to wil: commencing on the souih of Henery streét ihrec chainsand twelve links enst of the nonh corner, of the ISnpiit meeting house lot, and running south five chains at right anglesof s.-iid street, thence east parallel wiihsaid streör oncichain. thence north towards Henery street. parallel witli said firstüne five chains. thence west one chain. to the rlace of beginning; cjntaining one Inl" acre of land. beinjj the same premises on which the said Ellen VVillmot lived previons to hrr decnase. ISRAEL WILLIAiMS. Administrator. Dated Saline, August 29th, 1842. 3d-4x. TEMPElNCËilÖTËJL BY DOBERT & XERHIUVi:. (cOn.VER OF MICHIGAN AXU WASHINGTON AVENUKS, DETROIT) THE above House npleagantly situated ncar the Central Railroad Depot, and is now underg.iing thorough repairs. The rooms are pleasant. tlu! Bd8 and Bedding all new. and' ihe Tnble will besupplied with the choicef f ól the mrrket, and the proprietors as.sure those who will favor the-n with their custom, that all pnins shall be taken to make their stay with them agreeable. Fark, vcry loiff, and accommodation good. - Carriages to convey passengersfo' attd' from the Hotel free of expense. Detroit, Apri'?7, 142. LUMBER constamly on hand and for sale by F. DENISCW. t Juno 10, 184& tf iPeters Pilis. "Fis lun iheysay lo get well wuli ihem, Al-Ii .mankind througbout their wide and imniciiv; circulation thut cver try thein conmine to buy ihem. retéis' Pills ;ire purely vegetable; tiicy work no miraclcí, nor do they pro í'ess tu cure nll disensos, becausct ihey are tbc scicaiifij compound ot a regular phyÍCan, wht has made his profession llic s:udy oJ his I i fel Dr. Peters s :i gradúale of Yale College, also ofth( Mass;:i-husetis Medical College, and has .pomewhat distinguisliíd biniself as a man of scienci and genius nmong thé family of tlie late Gjv I Peters; Peters' Vegetable i'ills are simple in theii ireparation, mild n their aetion, thoroufrh in .heír uperaiion. and unrivalled in ihcir results. - The town and country aie"alike filled with tlitir praise. The palace and the poor house alike echo with iheir virtucs. In all climates they will i retain thcir wonderful povvers and exert j iliem unnltcrcd by age or situation. and thL the voice of a grotefúl coniimiriity proclaimed. - j Petera' Pilis preveru - keep ff discases if timely j used, and have no rival ín curiug billious fever. lever and agüe, dyspepsia, livcr siek headache. jaundice, asthma.dropsy. rheuniatism, enlargomcnt of the spleen, piles, col:c, íeniali; obstrueiion. heartbuin, furred tongue, nausea, distention ofthe stomach andbowela. incipient dinrrlunn. flotó lenco, habitual constiveness loss of appetite, bloched, or sallow complexión and in ail cases oftorpor of the bowels, wher a cithariic or aperienr ia indicated, producin neither nausea, griping nor debility; and lve rt ! peat all who buy theni continue to try them. The niost triumphant success has ever atten ' ded their use and cnougli is already known c j them to inmortalizo and hand them down to pos I terity with the improvements ofihe age in mee ical science. Dr. Peters was bred to the hen ■ing art, and in order to supply deminds, he ha ! originated and cal led to his aid the only stean drive i macliincry in the world for pill woïking 'Tis perfec', and its process imparta to the pí essetnial virtue. because by being pcrlèctl wroughr, all the pills' bidden virtue is revealet when called into action. and here also it is Peter excolsall the world and takes all the premiums medals and diplomas. So clear the tract for ih Engine - Peters' Pilis are coming - a million o witnessescan now be herd for ihetn - resistles - do you liear that! while a host can tesiif ilnt thcy believe they owe their salvation Iroi disrase and deatli to Peters' Pil!, and if calóme and knivesarc getting partially into disuse w are only mistaken. Ckktificates. - This paper conld be filled witl them by residents of Michigan, by your friend and neighbors - ask óuragents. Jt is now wel known that the peoplc will have Peters' Pills and lo hinder woúld foto slop the rushing wind Priee 2ó or 50 cents per box. Tlie resistless forre oí 'hese tniths - their uni versal reception, ndc'ed to the testimony of mili ions, "keep it before the pple'' must and wil bc heard ihroughout this vale of tears. Their happy influonce on joung ladies while suffering under the usual changes of life as di rected by the laws of nature, they impart a buoy ■ncy of heart, feeling and action, an elastic step velvct cheek, lilly and carnation complexión b their action on the chyle. &c. and ladies in del icatesi intions aiways admit their power and in nocciice, and take iKem two or three at a tim' without in the süghtijst degree incuirjng the hazard of an abortion; which facts are of ihe utm "S' impórtaricd. Pimples; a young lady sent h r love to Dr. Peters, and says she fce!s more grate í"ul to bím for the restoration of her beauty thai il he had saved her life. 'Tis fun to get wel with Peters Pills. for thcy cause the blood tocours' tslimpiil and gentle through the vfinsas a moun-, tain rivnlet; 3 or 4 is a common dose, henee th patiënt is not compelled to makc a nical. TROüBLE IN PLUTO'S CAMP. Quite aetonisked Oíd Pinto cometo New Y?;rk. (Hearing Peters bad got his Pill Kngine at work,) To resign his counnission, iiis hour glass and scythe; I have come to deliver them all up to you - Sir. my callirhg is over - my business is through I have been for three years in a terrible stcw. And J jeally don't know what on eaith J'am to do; - Not of your n-ighty sire do I come to complain But a tarhal New Yorker, one PETERS b nnme; The diseases my aids. n this war of nunkind, Are snbdued by this Peters, what help can we find [ woukl yield him N. Yoik. sir, if there h would siay; I3ut, sir. Peters will have the whole world for hi.sway. While musingin cogncil what course to pursue That Engine of Peters broke forth mto view. The Ki'ngöf terrors lookeel a while. As though his soul was tur ed to bile, At lliat unsparing scourge of í lis, By all men known as Peters' Pills. These Pills of Peters' stop the slaughter. And Iffaves the blood as pure as water. Now Peters makes. I'vehcard hini say, F(ve hundred ihonaand püls a d.iy; So that the chance is very small Of people dying there'at all; For soon the cheeks, so m.irled for doom, Begin likc any rose to blooin. Look! aUrnJotry oonlinue to buy ihem. For sale as follows, by Meèsrs. Beach & Abel G. Grenville, F. J. B. ('rane. Maynard. & Co.! G. Ward, S. P. & J. C. Jewétt, J. H. Lund. H. Becker, Dickjnson & Cogswell, and S. K. Jones, Ann Arbor: Gco. Warner & Co-, and J. Millerd & Son, Dexter, Wm. A. L. Shaw, Li Mia; J. C. Winans, Sylvnn. Uale, & Sn i:h. GrassLake; W. Jackson. Leoni: D. T. .Alcniman, Jackson; M. A. Shoemahcr. Michigan Centm; Brotherson & Co., L. B. Kief & Gil hert. Manchester; U. S. Haywood, Svlmc; Snov &Eeys, Clinton; J. Scattergood'& Co., Plymouth; Stone. Babcock & Co., and Julins, Movius &. Co., Ypsilami: Pierre Teller, Detroit; J. & J. Bidwell. and Dr. Underwood, Adrion; Ifart & Mosher, Springvillö; Hunnen & Cook. Brooklyn; Smith & Co., j'oncsviüe; L. M. Boyce, Chicago - and almost every where else. Oct. 19, 1S-J2 ly JR WALKER respectfuily informa his friends and the public in general, thai has recently conimcnced business, in the tailoi in' linc-,one dooreast of'Bower's dry goodsstou where ho is prepared to execu'e orders in ihe neatrst and n)ost fashionable siylr. Garments Vill be made to order, in strictconormity with the present prevailing fashion anr1 aste of the day, and warranted" to fit or nc charge. _ Ladies' Riding Habiis made in the latcst jcw Vork or Philtidephia fashions. Friends, or Quakers' garments Will be made n the ncatest and plainest st Ie. Cuttingdpne at shortest notice. All kinds of Military Uniform and undres:oats andpantaloons. made aárééab'le to thepres:nt military or regimental order. ' J. R. WALKER. Ann Arbor, July 25th. ]842. nH- 3rh.Wool Cai'ding and Cloth Dressing:. THE Subscribers ïespectïiiily announce to the citizens Ann Artor and vicinity. that thej ire prepared to card wool nnd dl ess cloth fo? cus(on ers, in the best style, and at theshortest no tice. Hnving good macliineiy, expeiicnced workmen, n;id longpractice in the ousiness. they have rho utmost conlidence that they sliall' give complete satisfaction. J. BtCKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor. April, 25. li-42. PAKSON'S SHEAR1ÑGMACH1NKS. Theo. H. Eaton &.Co. 138, Jeffereon avenue, arathe 6o!e agents of theso vory celebrated machine. 12-8v


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