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Selections: The Beautiful Slave

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A genUvtmn of lorfune of iliis rit?, has alely nvcived a leticr fu ín his b-olho'r. ulm s Presjdeut of (me of Ijie Alobile bnnb-, who j ríentuHiF, amongr olhr-r mnliers relative to tlo ' ircsent díftlTesáing limes, soms interrsíinir j ncidents tooching the pale of ihe eíFecisuf a alo merchant of tbal city, n Mr. N . ■ Pilis g'eniliMnhn ivas posseVsed f a bpaiitiftí] lave, drtJtít ëijfhieéh ven r.-3 o f nn. Ai t!,o orili, pIic woiild linve been taken Cor a bniíelto; ljuriíT ns nnliko the Frencli Creóle as ossible. Imiced, it was faid :liat eJie had iiot i dmp of French, and but precious hule I "icnn ,!o(i(] n licr vrins. lST"Ver!ljpos', s!:e xas a tino at th'n timeof licr ma.stor's failurf, i ! int! as si.cli, bpcnmo tlio proporty of lils creil '■ toiv. An iii(liv(!n.i!, u bttLtr, lo vvlnin l.e ! nved soine 10,0(10, rtétcrmíñ'ed to p.o&rss ( íiniself ofíie girT, f possiblo, nm! it svns, likouvio, !e ititemion cT tlie broken inërch'nVit to j rpdcem licr 61 all lüizard.-i. All ttie crédltörs, ! ?xcept the broker, ogreed ihtií Ñ ; - niirrljt j rt;:niu his flave on jrivínL'A gtíOti cfidorsed iwdve montlis no(e fr l&coi ivUti ati He alono tíemaodod the sale oí' l fio rirl uháoi the hamtner, rtd tlie íinfo'rtirtíate' int-rrlinnt ' was compellc! ia stil mil - dï-terörii 'mg, how - 'ver, to have-pome oí' Ijis filöhdó bi.-y líer-for bii. 1'lic day of sale iinvlngarri ved, Mr. N was under no í!iprcljrnsoii bnt t!i it h.: ' ?oul( retnin liis Martha for bometliiog lc.-s j thr.n $2000, nnd he hnd mntlo nirnri rr.énlfi : to oveet tlmt sota in ful1, atíá coaífíy'nñ'eÚ onc i iflii.s frit.'!)(lü tu m:ie i lie purcJjörse fot InoV. Byt wiial was his surprise unl iudig'ialio:) to I icti (lis refrnclory crcí'.ot liíakc líi( firt.t bid i ir'flü! He uns no', (luis if!)e baulfectl, and lis fr end bid íi'OCí'. Ti o crcf!i;nr, hTowefer, )ersii.tod in uverhitiíünp, until ihe boantilul .' Vínttha sb ttnick (.fl : liim at Üfel$00! It was out ol' ihw power olilie í.ro - 1 ' tPñ mnrchnnt lo rai.-o m'oiirá' von Cor ti. o last I lid he hnd maie upon his Marifin, hnd it : ' eeded in piiuliaj-in her, nnd his cicdrnr : ' ould de ubiless have slill over bid him, hod j ' ie gons lii-lipr. He im;st, ihcreforr, lote lir '■ fray the fnll imoiuíf 6f iho 'ío.coo jéfit, ; v ihich it vn. iiripns.sibíc fot hrrn lo do. Whnt ' ' ras t lien to be don? Ainrlla ñ'nttíd never i '' oiiícnt to part wiih her masler, He had j huseii her on hs first nir.'viil 4 llieSoitlIí.niore " huí fililí }fürt; tign, ni krr owu rcqitst, thr'i {' I en Jivinff abotit tw( ntv miles íVorn JJobüe. - , v Ié liad ven her overy advñQtagtí ut l.m, end broug-ht her np ns leoderiy as Ihoiíah i ! lie Vjbro bis oven danchter; nnd nów -hr ' mild tooner part with liíe itselfthan becoine ' tldve. , líer feclin'f-, on leaWiing Jier eítlífttioh, (Car '■ i fiad cari'f'ul'y concealcd t ent of (he sale froyj !cr,) were pr;bably ti milor to tlióse v.huh llie rond of u iy cilizcn ivoiild éxpericnce in a likc i! Ortl : Cor llic tact oï hor bocoming a slave wns íown lo bui few in Mobile fcjbe thcrefori' c ut word lo her ptirrhascr, tluit slie would d íyer leavï hn prsttit abode d'n-c. laan iwer lo lilis message, hn sent two officera to tnkc lier into oiMtody, Meantitnoj Mr. - 'ind encqirjtiged licr'ilua sho shouïd certain! jscapfl lier (oom, ond embark tor New York, vhitlicr lie vvoultl jiin her in a short timo', ïeer again tö and lic would there mar■y hor. Martha. vas éliorily after tliis. placed n tho jomnrion jèil at Mobile us a stubborn (ervant; )iit; tortúrate!}, tho keeper irrerested hhmelt n hrr behalf, and she enjoycd eqtial comforts o those of lier masttVs house; Just (en chiys nfttr lliis. Martha signified icr consent to leavè the pi son, ond take up ler nbode with her new toaster, the heurtlesH rrcditnr of . 'With pleasnrë and surprise she was hbernted by tho purchaser, who ip)rnprialcd n hanfisomc ap:trtinent in his lióme lo hor use. 'l'he sahie nipht shc start-dfor üavanniih prr ixpnas, unknown to any jiii' save th? foithful N - . Onö thousand iullars rewnrd was itnmediutely ofTeiéd for ïcr ëppféhénsiön, ond the detection of thoso .vho aidcd in her etcpe; ond on the fifth daj ho rewgrd was doublet! - metsengers also wvïiJo béên f-ent to New Orleans, aiid in sev;ral otlier diicctioiip. A fortnight passed; ind no tidinys of the beautiful slave JUartha. Kvery one nii-pccicd, tlmngh no one could i;rore thal her former mast er had r.ided ih her L-scae. Mr. iN' h;ul noiv neorly arwnged Ins affuirp, and vyusabout to leave Moliiio. Hirf s'.ubborn eroditor had tried, by cvery mean.s in ins power, In pfocuré an u'idictinent ogoinst hiin, but witliont tuccess; wheji, on the eveniiiíí belbre N's deporture, his friend,at his desire, cal'ed npon ihe cieditor, to endeavor, ifpopsible, to pnrehasen release of the litle of iMarthü. 'A'o,' replied the broker, 'I WiHild sooiier tapend iglO.Ofio than be trickcd by the infernal yankee!' - took Bis !e;ivc, dépósitihg f 8Ö0 with his friend, which Wii8 ;i!i the dpnrè nioney ho had, ond instructinr liitn tn piirnluïse wi'Ai it the freedom &F Maiilm, f posbible. VVi'hin one rnopth from the time N- - - ; ef' Mobile, tlie extensivo house of R. M. Sc Hrothe s, cotton b-oker?, siópprd paymehi; ■■i i f in rlue time the sal of th.eir personal property devalved npon an auctioneer. Among tlie living chnUles dUpnscd of, the title to the beiíiitífül sluve Martini, ihen absent, but who eoítí!'JDOO, was slruck oft' to the friend of N; for #t-2. Tiiis nnrrn'.ive is no ficHrtn-Stfflè writeróf the Ittter first nientioncd bcinjj the identical purclmsef of the slave Marihu. i lis iuunrdiitt'e óbjict in writing to the gentleman wlio' fnrmslied ns v.iili iho nbove, m to ascèrtaih the wheieahouts of hisfriond N ,as he hcd n t been ublö tö hear from1 him einóe liis niportaut. Anchase, tbough' hö had immediatély vri'lon t( Niw árqiminting hiin with t. We have been p oml;ed nn mtrodnctión tothe heroïne of this" narrotive. and;


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