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'he Liberty men ofIidngan have jiominníed two gentlemen for , iovernor and Lieut. Governor, whoi?e :ter for knowledge, lalents, and exnhed I worth are recognized wlierever ihey ore nown. We must give them an efficiënt nnd 1 ïergetic support till they are elected, be !t i )oner or later. The Emancipator thus i ceB our nominations: í 'The Liberty men in Michigan seem to t "eciate the valuc of the prize gained bv their tate in having Mr. Birney settlc tliem, id are resolved to make him Governor [ re the rest of us have time to mako him Present. Well, let thetn be their best. One imfnrt reniains - lie will do just as g-oorl for a resident afrer be;ng Governor, as he is now. ! F he candid'tte for Lietitenant Governor, Judge n tevens, removed to Michigan a bom five years s jo. VVe remember him as a member o( the resbyterian General Assembly in 1 83?, where ; carried greal wright by his sngncity and ': nind judgment, as well as by his I ?SS.'' TThe ïntermarriage lavv of Mussachusetts hns 'T ?enrepcaled. A Divwci atic Governor sign1 the bill! We commond this fact to the :tice of cerinin Dimocrutic editors in this Late who have sneercd at the pfforts of the ïends of Liberty in that State to remove all gislation in favor of Slavery from the State Book. They have done it. The result g ïows the invincible power of truth when periveringly urged upon a freo and intelligent e jpulation. Let demagogues take warning. „ trs. Cliild remarks upon this subject: "The progress of ihis question hss Cl rly m:irked the influence of prejudice and ist over the minds of men; ar,d ils triumph Cl iows huw sure is the success of every l' ation; whatevcr discouragement it nieets d en years ago, the attonlion of the people of G, iassachusetts was called to ihis lavv by a few jscure individuals; and froni that time forard those who advocated the repeal of the w have been cal'ed fanatics Si Hinalgarnators, fc )d have had ridicule and insult henped upon ni lem unsparingly; but, notwithstanding alJ fíj the measure gained friends nntil a mnjory of the people were in favor of a repeal; the P! gislature passed tlie bill, and the governor la is given it the pxecutive sanütion." tf The Representativos to the Legislature of " . Hampshire from Dover and some other wns, nre all Abolitionists. The Liberly ite in 1G4 tpwi)S, was 3, 1 10 - last year in the me towns, 2,858, showing a fair gain to the c berty vote of 752 or nearly one third. The ( te wonld doubtless have been larger, had it kt t been for the embarrassments sa ly paper in that State. Tho present result j)C i-es another cvidence that the Liberty party g( s the elements of stability and permanence. co J. C. Jackson writes from Peterboro, SU rk: lm "Snithfield is redeemed. We have elec'od r Liberty Supervisor, Town Clerk, Jiiftice tr( the Peace, School Injpectors, and Collecf, aginst the Union Temperance and the c im tickets, got npexpresslv to oppose us.- no ie excitement was vory gfent, and no means leí re spnred to seduce our men; hut we got s more voie, ï nm informed, that we calcued we should have when we left for the polls, %y the rnoming. O, it was cheeringto see , men walk straight up and vote a clean erty ticket." ;cc ce Liberty vote in Cortland, N. Y., 101 es atic, 190, Whig, 275. Liberty vote last an ■inir, 40, last fall 61 - now 101. ín Broolcd 84 - last fall 40. Dying atvay! tead the article of Dr. Comstock, Superin. . dent of Public InsLruction, enlitled, (Hints . Ministers and Public Speakers." 0{The questioning sys!em is rcviving in Maasacluipctts - not rmong the Liberty men f or tliey liavc discanled the child's play but nmong the Wbigs. When they want Aboliion vote?, somebody writes to ihe vhij candidate a-sking liis views on the peculiar nstitution, und f-.rthwith lio onswors to order, nnd steers such a skllful course, tliat tho Abolitionisis are lihely to be suckd in, while Mr. Clav'gfce'infrs are not injnred a vvhit. Admirable is'nt il? A large portion of the money paid nt tli South by tiie Government, for the public workp, is paid (o sl.ive owners. In Virn-iniu eotne of the wiiite democrats, Jio are meehanics, have exclaimcd quite indignanlly ngainst tliis slave labor conipetition. The y think negroes should be employed in ngriculttire. The matter hasbeen discussed in several leading papers. The communicatioti of Rev. Mr. Frazee shall appear next weelc.


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