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The JYrw York Murder - The New York correspondent of the Madisonian, gives the fbttmvjftg versión of ilris melar.choly aCair, whicli is the bost we have evereeen: A man by the nnme of Corlis, tJic keeper of n bowling alley, in Broadway, was shot ia Lconard streef, a few yards f rom Broadway, bysome person unknown, and asyet undetect:d. A Week or ten dnys since iliis Mr. Corlis .vhen on his way to his lodgings at a late hour )f the nighr, was orrcsted by a man named Collón, wlio prescnted a pisto] to his brcost ind attrmpted to sboot. hm. The percussion :an exploded, but did notig-nile Ihc powder holton wasarrested and he'd to bai' in he sum )f 85,000 for bis appoarance at the sessione. Phus the matter, fof the time being. rested. Ycsterdny afior snnse', a wonian called on Corlis at !iis bowling allcy, and after conven?, ni? with htm somc time, went out uith Him. Phe parties had not long beert gone before tlio eport of a pistol was heardy and Corlis was bund assassinaled in the etreet The woman was closèfy víriíed; and no cerain clue to her identrty háa ds yct been had. t is nlledcred Coríis wasïn criminaleppondence with Coiion's wife-in conseluence of the fact.Colion attefnpted hïs nsBFSinniion on the previous occasion- -thnt Jqlion and his wife parted- -that t-ince her exostire, ind separation fiorn her hnsband, Cors treated her with cddness and contumely j nd that. in pursuit of re.encre, she murdered m : thus verifyingthe correctness of the asertion Voltairepat iato the moutli of his Zara, lat llciivcn Inili no fCourge like lovo (o hatrcd turn'd, 'or heil a fury like a woinnn scorft'd " Some are of the opinión that Colton was pprised that his wife was going to Corlm' lace of business, aïid that he folluwcd her i)d f=hot her paramour the rr.oment he came ito the streets. Mry. Colton is n wofnan of singular benuty, said to be a nativo of Bnstol or Warren, -hode island, and was orig'inally named [a)es. There is rnuch of the wildness of rein nee of love and madness about hrr stori'.- olton isreputed to be a professed gameíter. 'he nffüir is novv undorffoing the most ripid tamiriation. Jiisscarcely possible that the ïsassin will goundetected. From 8t. Domingo. - Tiic Courier and InLiirer of the 2Sd contains the foliowing from t. Domingo : Phc revohitionnry troops had not yet attack3 the city, but remained encan,pcd at Leo ane. The cause of their inaclivity is stated ) be that one división of their forces had pro;eded to Aux Cayes, which, hud snrrender1 to thern after some hard fighting. It was len on ita return march to join the ma in bo-, and irrjmedintély afierward?, tlie whole 15, )n strong-jwould march npon Port uu Prince. Boyer had but 4,000 men to oppose theti. e was actively engnged in strengtliening the nis obout the city, and digging entrenchents - being determined, it is saiJ, to resist i the last. Four days previous to the deirture of Captain Smith, Boyer issued a procmation, giving permission to all the femalea at desired it to embark on board the shipng in the harbor, or go in the country ; - eviously no one had been alluwed to leavo e city. Aduïlïï-y no Crime. - A fellow was arrentin this County a short time sinoe, as we'unrs'.and, charged witli the crime of Jidultery, it when the Prosecuting Attorncy bscame tisfled of the fact that our late Legislaturo d repealed tbe stalute oguinst the commisn of such a peity ofFence, the fellow, of urse, was discharged ; but tiie County, we ppose, must pay the cost, which may, perps, bc $20, or $30. There seems to have been no doubt, of the ith of the charge, but after all it was no me - the Legislature had enacted him in cpnt of all crime, and consequently guilts. - Monroc Advocate. Icc at Bujffalo.- The Buffalo Gazette of the si uit. eays : Going out about a mile from ; shore, yesterday, by cutting through the and measuring its tljickness in three pla', the result as - 20, 29 3 4 and 31 inchof as solid and transparent as ever graceJ ice house. ñ. single establishment in Ohio manufaces silk to the nmount of onethousnnd dot3 per monlh, and advertises to pay four dola bushcl for all the cocoone which may bQ ;red.


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