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New York Bank Note Table. Corrected From The Latest Advices

New York Bank Note Table. Corrected From The Latest Advices image
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(ET All the good Banks bfthe States here niei.tioned rnny bc found in thisTablc. Bills of Bwlka not lounil fiere mny lic consMered woithless. MALVE. Grccniield doij(!wett City giMohnwfc j Agricultura! b'k no sa!c Hamilton do' d.,Alohavk Vnlley Androscoggin jj Hampdeii diW.Morcii.mü.' do Monroe Bonk óf do Augusta cl; EJamushtré Manufac. cio[Mriilen do Mnntgsbmflry cotitiiy d. Bangor Commercial 6 flaverhül dóiMtdiileaex drf New'Yprk Staro i Bangor, Bank of flighaïi'i cl i.Vlid lleiown do iVewburgh I a ik of nní Bellast do Housatunic d Wystic cl.)!Olensl)iirl) 3 Brunswick d [pswieh d} New Haven do Olean bank Tof 3ü Calais 6 Lancaster l .W.v 1 fnvn couniy di Oneid i Cnniil 8 Leicester dji Y.w Lon.ion do Ononxlagi !Í Casco do Lowoll do Vorwjeli do Ontario ,', Central do Lyim Mechanics' doj Phcnnix b'k of IfanfcMo Oimr0 eounty bk of Al City, Portlanl 25 Lee d;} innebaiig du Qrfomia f Commercial jj M in. &. Mechanica' dojámniford duOsivéo do Cumberlnnd, B'k of do Manufacturera1 d{ Siouington d Otse' c-mntv Eeastern do Marblehead h Thnmea d.Oweióbank of Ellsworth dü.Mnrket d'. Thompson do Phcenr Exehange o Minne do Polhml Co. clPme PI lins ji I Frankliu I MassachdaetW h ,i '..ion do;pu„g küc,ie m Freemen s d;i Mechanica .New' port do Wbiüiñg do'Powx-il 1 i Fromier f Vïechinics N Bed do Wjndharii d.Rochifrr bank of pardmer Jo , S. Bost. do ',V ,dhnm Couniy do Rochcster Ctv do Granito Jo Mercante do NEW-YORK CITY t(,inc l,,,,k of do ke.iduskeng do ftfoiv Bosirin do Vmerica bank of pi Sacketi's H-ubor do Lafayette 6 ]er. N. Hedford do! Americncin Ex d ] din , ÍN Lime Rock do Merchante'. S dein do: !ï,nk of Commcrce d Mtfaiom coimtv V' Ltncoln " MerclnntsNew'poridoi Bank of the State ot hchenectadv do Manufacturera do Merrimac & N Ynrlt ,1 - '"-"''y uo Manuiac. & IVaJer.' do Milita, do BuchÁ' & drovers" p SS of :J , lul , Í 'vaUm keag H :il0!IliCil1 áttcn lsbn.1 ,? i ííac.hia9 . f , Neponset cl. Uity d. áiate bk of Ñ York Marmers' d. NoW Kngínn j d. ■ :,,,„:nerci..1 f BuTnlo ' ?V Medomc do N . fink pfBooj d ttnáin parklSSnce Stocki 7U Medgum.coo do Nofthnmpton 1 )èl & iftjuJ canol eo ,i ' .. Rea, Kn.e S Merchants do Nori.Ik J )ry l Src! 'n C .7, , Í Mercnnt.le 0 Oeean d ! üt W !mr.k o f Ñ Y prn ; ;,vrncu?e faahk of do ssl; s S5SÊ5 ass aiS i f , Skowhcg-xn do BhcBhix, harleslowri 85 Mechmtcè1 bank cIa ü S Bk irf" at Büffiild 27 ! South Berwick do Plym Jiull g VIcrchan.s' Ulíor Coum y . ■ ' St. Cro.x Ij i1)Winv River d„ Modnnics&Tmdcrs H SSSÍ íí i ' Thomnston g Qunsigvn n i d VlercH'ts'Eíchángé - Jiiea Bank óf riconic C. Qiiinjy Sta 10 doiNiitionñl bank d vcriio H.nk of do Vassfilborough do R-iilro-ul d Yo-1; f I v v . , TVestbrook , ,alc jolSï St'eSt'k ! Wlli tk of NFW U X rpciff rp P C, ó V? r Dc:t rS l x r"y l)nnkll1=r 111! WattrvÜt 40 Chlihfe Sou.h B-k oIJoston do Pbaix f VSuSSuntv pnï i Cnesniro dJ Showjijm do Scvèijrb W;inj ei ; Western V Y bk i,(' Í) . Clarcmont dó Sprínglicíd d,. IV,,,!, U ,r 1 H) wh el dl bnn' o ' ' Concorü - 'liTuik d uiuhi Bank oí N clu'Yniea onni á - Connecucut Rivcr g Pnunton d. WifeMnston 5(1 ,e'V jfr?py i Dcrry ÜoTraW d, X EV. YO UK STATE We,t Tor bks D"ver c. l'retifónt d. Agrieultural biuk 3 Belvedere bk ' 3 v txeter ''" Union !.'! of Wf.ymoüih AllKinv city ÜBüdiñfríon tti ,' n ranners' do and Br.mneo d Mtoiiy 2i' a 5 GraRon do ; JJinüo, Boston du Mle-mv cotmiv 5'2 CumhsrJand af V J a Granue d V,i;,,e d. ■ Vtlañ.ic, Brooklyn pu]?nTmSöf lÍ .K Lancaster eb Walih .m d-, Übany bank of ? p. & RTk ,, Lebanon dö ' Warrèii, Boston c!.i !bion. 3 Var. & ' Mor ■' 3 . Manufaemrers do W,,r!-On: Danvers do America 2 víoh ot Burjiogïoh d,. n Mcelnn.c , Vasbngton do Aniea viédí. NewátC d ó F Mernmcc do Vjawin do Auburn i ; Meel,. ,t M.n. of T. do L ashua do WJn jisïuniet do Cofnrhoröó u 2 -Ííórfis-Có Binkof do New Hnmpriüro do VV.n.roo do VVa.enown ' Vew ,k kV m C , o I f N. Hampshire Union do VVor'fef, W.en.ha.n do BfUteöa Spa í'i V II & Del B Co 2 lh remigewasset do .1,. liin-lnmpton 3 We bk ; "' _ '' ? KMataqqa do RIIODK ISI.AND. Buffdo bank of I Princelon l Fortsmoutb do American't 3 Broek port bank of :;,e .„e's dJ Aochesier cl,vrc,(Jo d.rBrookivn 1 á Lm Bk'-aXio do ' Rock.niíham do Brlst()!! Urink of do Broomfl Conniy t 5tale einde d Straftord do Blackst me Cmul do'C.ina! Albnny. Jf tatè.'Eliz'abeÜitown nnr ve VCiilUUiNl. Centrcville d ):Cattaraugii9 c'ounty 27 State ewark rl.. ln SSIÏÏf ïïll. Í r1'1'"-'-"'13' U'li0n (iU lUsUi"o Pn I!ltc' B"'"3wick Z thi BerJIowatiUla 1 Cuy do Cayu;i Couitv Hsööaex B mi Foultney, Bank of do Commercial. Bristol d.) Cent'l Cherry Vnllny d Prent.. n Bk'í? co df. n3Í Brattleboro, B'k oí do Com. Piovidence do " N Y bank of d. I Jnioii ' d'j l)c Burlington, Bank of do Orans-on do Clnutauque c )unly doj OFHO tlhl Caledonia, Bank of do Cumberla.xl do Cheiiitngo bank of d.iBelmont St Clairsvjüe 4 T1 Commercial no sale fc]ngle b'k or Bristol do Cbemung canal d-IChillicotbe Banknf" J25 bc( r.arTrtr i J Eagle. Providence do Clinton county 4 ICbillicothe Bank of i vl F & Mechanica do Rxehnnge .. C.minerci 1 Troy jj piy at Phüadel. _ Monipelier.BkofolddoKxercr d. ' Albany d - Jircieville bank of 4 ' Md.ü., , lo new do Fal! R,ver Lnion do ' Baílalo 2: Cleveland Bank of 70 g Middebury, Bk ot do Franklin do "Ilochesler Imton "'v ' % ■ Mancheiter do Freeman's do " Oswego 4 Joh.mbiana of N. vr Newbury do Glul,, do Coniin Bank of Ú Lisbon do Tl OrleansCo - do High Stieet do IWüt, d' 'Jommerei,! 3o 2 OrangeCo do Hope d . Dulawarc 3 of Scio-a II) sÏAÏbanS ü "VW P" ! '" of Lak Eric St. Albans " doLarfdholdors! do Ene coulíty 4S Dalton 4 V Vergennes ' d.. Manufacturera do Hssex o .i.uty J Kx &Savin-.s In.s _ ü f' wZFLu 7 vïe1n"'1Cf do Kxelvmcjc Rochesirr üiFam. & Mechanica - ?! VVoodatocK " di. .VTechnn. fe Man. do Kx of Gentscc dolFranklin '5 MASSACHUSETTS. Merchantb', Prov. do Farmcrjs' of Troy pari '; ot f'olunilm ]'' , rdamsBank MeTchant, NwwpoW do " Amsicrdam 3 Geauga bank o Agncultural d Mountllope do - Varwi,k ? iJranville AlexauA.mencnq d. Mouftt ernon do Farm & Mech Roch L drian Soc 88 mherst d Varragnnscit do Farmers & Drovcrs pa Mamilton bank of 4 ) ati Andovor d Vat.onul d., Funn ofCiencva % Lancaster U ;„L Asiatic d. . Eng. Commtr. do Farm of Orloans 1 üfayeite "t hal Atlantic d(, V. Eng. I'acilic.Prov. l.i,Far & Mech of Gen .Marieita G dié J"?8. , do V. E. Pac.Sinithfi'ddoiFarmers1, Malone gj Massillon bank of 4 wc ttkborough d. Newport dojFar of Séneca county Sclf.VJt Pleas-inr. bk of do the Barnatable do tN. A I ank of d , Far oí Penn Yan ítMu'skingu.n bk of d en Bedford Commercial d North Kingston do urmrs V Mun VorwalkBuof 4 fid, Severlr cl Newpprr Exchange dy kcepsie pai lohio Lile Ins & the Ulacketono d. N rth Providenco do Farmers, Iludson dol Tuist Co 3 nai O9ton Pacific (oFortPlain 3 Sanduskv hmk nf A . i, 3righton d, Pascoag ]0 Ceneaeo Bank of do Si Sj Co 75 a ïnstol Co do Puwtuxet g Gencscc county i Western Reserve bk 4 ïunker Hilt de ?hcenix, Wcsterly do Geneva bank of 3 VVooster bank of 4 ambndgo do Phosnix, Providence do Iliimiltoii dojXeniaBank of 4 -?"trial Í' rovï'Jcncc _ (i" JiJunier county do Zmesville, Bank of do T charles River di. Providence Co dpfHigiiland par INDIANA L'harlestown do R I Agricuhu-nl do.Iloward Trust &, State bk of Ind.'Á Br 3 „ bickopeo do illiodc Islnnd Central g king Company 3 .D'AII oth r banks nn 't ïitiïens Nantucket do Rhodc Island Union do) Ha'ddun River puIcJrtain. - "itizens', do " " Bank of dojithaca bank of 11 L1NO1S ' :ty. Boston do oger Willinms's do James 5 Cairo bk of ' - Pa hannet do Sniiihfield Kxchange do Jiff.rson couniy :J : Ñatebk oí Illinois 6 &c ïolumbian do ' Limo Rock d..Kinedrhook bank of pa lllinoi, bk of G5 full ommerci il Boston do " Union do.Kingsion do WJSCONSIiV Jommercial, Salem do Praders' Newport d. Langsingbnrg bank of Wiskonsan Fire & 'mi 'i oncord do -Providence do Lewis couniy, J iinc Ins.rance Co. Ü anvers do Union do Livings'on oounty ? 10 WA edïm . „.. f g ]" odi n of-lleul Es ó D--A1! pnceííaia, ' ►orchester & Milton do Varren d. ': "Stock 2(; MICÍ1IC N l kixbury do VVarwick do Lockport 3 Bank of St. CJair ' 7 5 'ag% ■ f , fl Washington do Bk & Trust Co 3 7arm & M(ch. bk 7 ast Bridgwater g Weybosset do Long Island par P.ivable at St U 10 1 sscx, IS. Andorer do Woonsocket Falla do LowviUe bank of 9 CAnVd' T xchange do Wakefield do Lyons bank ol 4ü Baiik of Brit. X Á " 1 T nTn t r c,o:sTNf e !iadi3,on cminly s B?? '''■ fc& l ilmouth do B idgeport g Manufacturera1 d. B'k U C Tnrnnm dl River do City b'k of i Haven do Vlech & Fnm, í'itvBank I 3 tchburg do Conneciieut do Vlech. Buffiilo 4 ' C-m lik of U C ñ' ll amhinoham do Conn Riv b'ng Co. VJerchants & Farm ï Gore Bimfc ,1,1 eem.m'8 do East Hadda.n , do - & .Mechcnics Farjoint Stock & bkV ! 4 eneral Inerest do Ejcchango Vlerch Ex of B-iffilo 3? Co d or lobe do Fairfield Co do Mercnntilo of Mont'rcal Bk of k 4, zr' t s' & 5MY i v,;sy,„ f EiH Bri Je" il raillt0 do'HousatonicR RcomSó MillersofN York 8nl6 , - -- 111- - HnMn- ,- .„,- „_____ t "Í REAT BARGAINS. - R. Ilnnlcs rinfi-l. nri-1. SI r -nrrT- ..


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