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Peters Filis. I 'Tía finí thcysriy t.i gct wcü witli tlic-in, A A. mankind ihrptugliout llicir wicic ;nnl i,. : 11 nnic cïrctila.iin 'that ecr iiy ;wm con;" " '" "'.v -I-. Peters' fricare" pu.-ely vegeu.ble; ,1,,-y w,,,k „„ ñ.iraclf-81 nr do tíiey ! is diñases because tixv u e the -.emheoompoundof a regular phyaíc8nf who hw de ■hiirófc!5ñjlres:tii!ybfb}é lile Dr. Re erü m ;, gradúate 0 Ya!c oHcfip. aSo óhc ,nd ettiufl among Ufe íh.nilvof tc lulc V v imuow yn m d in thcir ación, íl.n „ i, ; icropei-üiip,,, ;11, umtvalled in iheir Xfta - 1 be towinanil country are líko ftHëd ,!, ,lf i, The palaee ,.nd ,he ,,oor hoüS a é :;wli '■ vir,,,cs. Inoll'clinohcywm retarn ihcri wondcrlnl potara and exert .en, unalu-red by nge or situntion. aIK ' h pS Sl,f a -ni!e;i11 -""mu.i.y prochnn.ed - 1 elc.s Pilis pievcnr-koq, ff iJiseHscs f limt-lv Wed, lid töve no rival i,,CIirin„ S:lÜül"s'S 3cls h.füdaeh.c.-jhaiuiMo, ils:lnnn.c!.opsv. rhlürnh ism, cn-ugeo.cníor,ae s,,,cn. gjT m lo ol.stri.oo.u Keoft bín, íWed rSoS.5ausen , jBtcmion oftW a.bmaá, ÉtóÉlíSSES .en-l.ucor „iWre,,r in.íieafed. feSEj Hnllwl,,, .ny ,1,,,,, „„„„e t trv ,;,em T lio ( tr..ll,,J,,íiiIs,,cccs9 hrsVvtr alien "-'í'lr,,.,.,,,,,! ; cnongh 3 alro,,,!y k,,ov "f Iiy with ííiéiinpróven-.eñts oftfié ne m med ing nn, and ,;,„, !u „ (!eiJ ff1 onyin.-.tec! ond c,!lt, Ul 1Í3 a, „,( eSyS Invc. .na.hmcrv in (he -.v.-rld for ,,il! frorÜTn I ia pcrfec-, and its procos i.nports lo the pfl toüéniial vh-híe, bccanse by being perrJik wro..S„ al _,hc ,.,M?' Lid jcn vmf8 %f when cnlled uno ac:ion. and here a I so it a Pei u.N-cel.sall,he wmldruul afcés a i ,]„. pfeinms.. meduls and Cplunins. So clenr ,le tract ƒ,,,- ll, Pilis w? (,,mn_a .„Ilion of fvitncsscscan now he hed for iLm 1 resistleís -do yon hear U.,-,1! ululo a Im.s, c,n testifj' haí .luy iHliev, ey cwe ihHr ealváíion (ron. liscñsenddqnth toseje. p I!, and if calóme! .ndkn.vesarc partialfy in!0 disuse iv, iré on!T;;!si!. Ci.iniiic.yn.s.- 'ni!8papcrcoiiMlcfi!!cdw-th hem by rciidémé f Michigan, by your friend, md ne.ghoorí-ask mir lífcPriff!, ,, s Mow u.d, ÍHQWjb lina t!lc propje v.-,:j lm; IVus1 PiJl md t. svoKld I p to.s;op iie rushing wind ure 2 ir 50 cents per box. The rdsiwlên lorre oí thcfe tnnhs- thfir iniiersa reccpíi.m; nddod to the .-siimony ofmill: :1"f'"'-f I'Hberoreiie p" mitsbníi íwl , e hemd ijiroulioii ihs ynle ciftea.a Theirhr.ppy in"Coenc.c on joung lid:s wh.ír , u(lrin!Tnn;frii;e u;;.1;.l cíwnes-of liföWili; icicd by the l.-.-.v.s oí nature, hey impnrt a buoy my of heart, íeeüng and ación, an elastic atep. elyet check, lilly and carnaiion eoníuTeXtón b íeír act.on on ihe chyl, &&. and laüièfl in del J ate Híuntioiis atways adniit llieir power and occncc, and take ihern two or thipe at a lim ithoit'.imhe lltífitet&áéfftei Üicufffriff lliö hz "d of nn aboruon; whidl facis me oíti.o iitlfi 'a C iportance. Pimples; a yo.g Ia.-iy s.t'h.'r l ye to Dr. Pe-tcrs, nnd ea-s s!ie fcefe nioi e graie d t tnnim lürtherestoraiion oflicr hcntHy'thn, he had sa.vedhjfrlife. 'Tia fun t eet wel Ih Peters Pdls.for ,!rT cause ihe !;ood to eours. ümpid and genile through ih'c veins as a moun :n nvtilet; 3 ur ís a common dose, heüce tht " i'ient ís noj compeled to inake a ineal. a TROUBLE L PLUTO'S CAMP. mtenptonied Oíd Pinto p.-.ircto Xow Verle ■ Jennng Peters had got bia Pili Engine nt wori J Jiesig,, j,a coiii],)iísio;j} hia liyurglaifl an J fcythe; lave come to deliver thcm n!I up f0 yon- r. iny calliinj is over- niy business is Üj.rougli w íaveheen for thrce veáis ina terrible siew, id J teaily don't know uhat on earth J'am t( " oo; - )t pf yonr riMgb.y site do I come to conipbiii it a tarnal iev Yoiker, une PETERS b, ñanie; ' ie íjiseases rñy n chiè war of mankind e subjued by this Peters, what frelp can we Se find? fc( vould yi(-ld hiin N. Vck. sir, f there 1. woüld stny: it, sir. Peters vili heve the whole world for hi hile i ntiiHmg ni cpgncil whnt course to pursue an .at ■ bjiiginc oí Peteidbroke íiirth info vicv. T he King of tenors looked a wli.ilë, As tbonyh his soul was tur cd to hile At thnt unspnring scouiíje of ills, Byojl men knmvn as Peters' Piüs. These Pilis oí Petes' stop the sla&'hler. And th.ebioo.l as ]mre ns water. JNow Peters niakes. I'vehe;id liim say, Ffve hundied thousnnd pilís a d-.y; So that ihe chance is very smaü hai Of peppie (iying there ai all; For sooii the chéèKs, so mrr';cd for doom, Begin like tfny rose to bloom. ifc uü n:hj try joirimic to binj thcm PC i'órsralí as íbllows, by We:-si-. Beachlt Abel ticu Grenvilie, F. J. P-. Crane. Maynard. & Co. If Ward.S. P &J.C. Jeuett, J.ÍJ. Luid SUF Becker, Dicfcjñson & Cogswcll. and í?. es. Aun Albor: Geo. Warner A: Co-. and ) lord & Son. Dexter, Winv A. L. Shaw. L. .'. G. VVínans, Sylvan, liale, & Smiih saLake; W. Jaokeóni Lecni; D. T. Merri. ., Juckson; M. A. Sboeniaher. Mi(h';n OF un-: Broiherson & Co... L. B. Kief & Gil pxl, . Manchester; D. S. Haywood, Saline; Snou .evs. Chnton; J. Scat.ergood & Co., 8UrJ .: Stone; B.ibcoek Sr Co., aric' Jtilins. Movi. BWf : Co.. Ypsilaníi: l'ierre Teller. Detroit: J npp I. BidwcIL and Dr. Underwood. Adrion Fre t & Mósher, Springvilíé; Harmrn & Cook Kjyn; Siüith & Co., .Jonesvillc; L. M :e, (.'luengo - and alniost overv where ele ' 1-'g _ 27-1 ANN ARBOIl PAPER ftlILL. lili: j.roprietor of tliis establishment is now vvi!I prepared i invite to ii ihc atteniion of tlu itiees cominunity. lis MiH Kas been reeemly fittcd up by tlic nd v M of improved. ïintl very expeïisive nu,chine ln'U efjual it not supon'.)]-, p nny in ihc Westen: tcr ru'ry. Ileilnieis Imneelf that he cr.n now uifnciurepnper to the inlirc satisfiiction of hit omers, hoili (is toquiiliry :ni{ piicc. ' tt'wii. thnt he geis sntis!'acto)y returns in cra(] of pny nent; wliicli lie lias becotne sntisfiecl very essential poin: in the paper mnkir g busi with is pnper is of n kind thal will woik enfy upon , s set to nhiiost nny creed or principie, mí on doctrines ahvnya excepted. ht,1 frreat e.i)enso and troulile. to which h !een subject to get up a respcctablc papci ufacióry wiihin this State; is on argument that es itselfstronply (o the sineerity. pnlriotisin j-c ?eneros(y,of' the professed friendsof ':Homr jj. siry" and ''Domestic Manufactures." nswell H-, all who nrc disponed to encouiaae manufac genterprise wiiliin our infnni State. s"( i asks fqr the patronage of the p'iing tha. of the cornniuniry, b"t upon no other y ion thnt of eqiial riglits. and reciproca! uZ, C. N. ORMSHY. irJJ in Albor. Jan. 9, 1843. 3w-3i) , rviiho NEW GOODS! ! DEN1SON, ís now receivinpas usuallyn ff" well selected nssortirent of fall and wintei JA US. which will bc sokl chcap for cash o j jyi B. As chcap as any in tcttn. W gember Si, 18JÍ. tfiü M,


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