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Communications: Letter From Rev. Mr. Frazee: For The Signal ...

Communications: Letter From Rev. Mr. Frazee: For The Signal ... image
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Northville, April 5, 1843. Gektlkjien: - You seem lo have ccased hostilities, after a continuous cannonnding of several weeks. Perliaps you think yoursclves entitled lo my thanks, but piense to vait n litfle, uiitil the smoke and dust óf tho batllo settle: so that t may be aecortained whether I have experienced any valuable relief by your one-sidod Iruce, - one-sidcd, bccause there wus but one side eng-aed in the contcSt. I expected that editorial courtesy wonkl have fornished me with a cópy öf your puper, when editowal liberties were taken with me; but in this 1 am disnppointed.Perhaps 3-011 expectcd something ftom me before tliis time; but I thougbt 1 would wait unlil there should be eomethini vvorth condensiñg nnd clearing of smoke, before I would toke my time ond thoughts from more important matters to atteiid to it. You Béëca to have thought that I was the only enemy you had to (lemoliïh; wliereas it was the unbslief of a great mnny of tlie most intelligent einzen?, which stood againBt you and Mr. West; so you were entircly mistaken in your foe; ond if I liad been your enemy, T was entirely out of your reach, as must be evident to every candid and intelligent pej;son who lias examincd theafFair. It has also given me an cpportunity of showing my good wíl] to you, by proving that I am not so wanton, as to disUirb your felicity in fighting as one that beateth the a'r; which, by the way, seem to be the kind of warfare that best suits some; especially wlmn they enn rrreJca a great clatter of arms, as if they were doing mighty wonder?. You seem to have grown bold by my filenco, for yon have gol so you can couple my name with slavcry, in capitals, at the hend of your pieces, with as much confidence, os a farmer wouhl yoke steers. Of thn gciwrosity and gcnllemanly chai acler of your course in tliis matter, Ihe public shall jurJgp. You say Mr. Wost will prove his statcmen's, when I give the connection, nnd den y them. He fchall have the connection, for 1 have 11 itesjpi" what )ie said in that part ot Iiis discourse, which I took ut the timo, lie said just bofore what I gave in my other 'etter, that Southern planters made thcir slavos vvork with hoes that weighod fue pounds; and júsí after, that all these acts wero eanctioned by law. As it respects demjmg Mr. VVest's state - menlf, I have only to say, that I have called on him in a respect ful and genllernanly way, for his au'-horiiies; and t his is the oniy way in whicli I will liave any tJiing to do with the matter. It scoms he would not prove h:s assertions, for the sake of the cause he advocnteí, nor yet for the sake of his own clüimcter for trutli and veracity: but ho wonld do t if he could invoho me by so doing. T wUh you and him to undersfand that I ennnbt stortp to euch a personal al (catión. I commend the wisdom of-Ir. West in his couise; for I suppose he was awnre. that f would not turn blackguard, and thrrcíore he cculd slip out of the nfTair in this way.In yourdefenceof Mr. Wes', thereore two very importnnt dcfccts; eitlier of wliich is fa tal lo y out cause. First, your proofs do not rench the case at all; and secondly, if thoy did reach it, -they are viihout autliority. First, you Iiave given onc instance, fyrmr anthnriiy werc allowable. of a Blave'a being clinpped (o pieces; but very differendy from Mr. VVest's statement of the matter, for he did not eay tliat the perpetiator was approhended for murdpr, but on the other hand, he said tliat it was puni.hmcnt for running away, and messed it nith fevera! blhér act?, all which hesaid werc sanctioned bv lnw. and general in the South! Do you say so, gentlemen? So fair Frbm próvinjr that t is cemmon, ih the South, to send nnked boys, firteen yrars old, into parlor?, t.j fan vieiturs; you have not adduced one instance of the kind, of any agc. You have, wisely, not attempfed to prove the cropping of (ivo ships' loads of negroes, at al); neiiher liavc yoü addiicod one s'ngle instance of a plaurer, whó was ih the hubit óf cropping his slaes. You have given a few scattered instances, from your conven ient book, of flnves ,being desciibed by cut eare, cut hnnds, Sic. but yon do not show how they como to bc cut. It is much more likelv thotllie cirs were bit off. !n fighting, than any otlior way; and so some thonght, in the sonth, accordinar to yoiir own showing: and moreover, if these extracts cotild prove cropping, ! they vvould prove maiming also, in (he sume i wny, whicli, I snppose you wouhl not attempt. And remomber that it talcos a grent mony instancos to erlillean act to be caüod coinmon, in a State; end nmcli more, in sevcral Stal es. Can yon provo Mr. West correct, in liisassertion that "fheee acts are aulliorizcd by law?' Secondly, your testimöDy; which you cal! "Weld's Slavery as it is.'' In yoursoJicitude for my infonnatioii, yon advise me lo peruee tj:s full 'í'liis, 1 hud dunc, Iforcyour advice reached me; and what do you suppose was my surprise, on findipg tbat it was sent out imo the world in utter orphanage; - yes. as fatlierlcss as a foundling; nye, and as motherless toe; for even the printer was ashamed or afraid to put his name to it. It is true, the American A. S. Society, (from selfish views [ suppose) has become its GodMother; but wbether "by authorlty" or nof, wc are not advised; perhaps lor the very good renson, that, ]ke a hypocrite, the lerfs is known of its origin and history, the bcttcr it will pass. Bu', why did the Compiler oí put his name to his bantling? I suppnsc it was on account of bitt opinión of his book, or.his knowledge of hiinself. If hethought liis book too base a concoeïion, to be a'lowed to wear liis name before the public eyc, it is certair.Iy unwortliy ofour confidence. But if on the other hant!, he knevv that his name would doom it to fall, stül-born, from the prees, and, io consequent oblivion; he is not worthy tobe believed in any tiiing. So tliat in eilher case, if I were converted by this book, I should think it to be a work of romarkably easy accomplishment. The fact is plein tlie book is destitute of authority; though perhaps sufficient for mantffacturing abolitionists, in these days of liumbugs. The Compiler and Printer Iiave sknlked - a cowardly pack. And could you proFCcute the "American A. S. Society' on a libel? You might as well undertake to prosecute a flock of Black-biidi! This is the charactcr of yoiir vaunied tcslimony, witli whichyou talk of proving points! I do not say thal you mtènd to impose upon people; but your text book i? most unquestionably an imposition upon the public; ns I have clearly shown. Did you suppose that I could bc fooled by such a fatherless outcast, ns this book? But you have put a name to it! 1 do not wonder that you feit the neecssity of giving it an air of au'.horily! But whó authonzed you to "Ul another man'ü name to il? .Until you give good aulhority for pu'iing a name to your text book. we are bound to consider it as without authorily. So you and Mr. West aTe found wielding the dogger of the dastar.lly hand that would sfab in the dark; and peddling tho filth of;;that coarte, liceiitious tribe Of tenth-rate lypc men, lor n bribe, Thnt reptilcrnce. vvithall Minias good at strife, Who trail theirslime ilirough cveiy walk of life: Stain the white ;a?let whe'ré a great ninn's nime Stands proiwlly cliiseii'd by the hand of Fanie; Nor round the sacred fireside fear to crawl, But drup their vcnom tlicre, and poisnn all." In conclusión, permit me to say, though I would not presume to díctate to you at all, yet I may be allowed moJcs;])' to hope that the disparity between the date of this letter, and that of ts issue, will not be as grcar, as it is in somo of your ootnmunications. Verv rcpppctfullvP. S. Gentlemen, yoti profcss to pivc tlic nnmcs and datèp, in llie case of (ho alhdgcd iüegal ordination, by Bishop Waugh. Bul yo'u have not givcn the name of the man ordoined, nor his address. Xel us have ihosc nlío, if you piease. B. F.


Signal of Liberty
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