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Present State Of Jamaica

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Rev Asber A. Dn vi.--, of MassacluiíetÍF, spent tiie winltr of 1841-2 in J; taaien. He took mucli pains to inform himpélf of lts histnry, soi', product ons, and present eondition. lic embndied iiis icws npon these points in BOinearticIéa inthe Chtistinn Frccmtm. We have rooth ttiifl Webk only lor a shtírt exlract; In ordrr lliat the rofiilts of rfnancipntiori my be clearly prrceivcd, it will bc necessnry I for_us to contrast tlje pre.-cnt eoiuUtion of Jaj maica wiih its conditicn fur scveral years'before cmniicipaiion took placo. Thefi a large nroportion of the plantutions belonged to nvn in Kngland. Avery great nnjority of tho iniiabitanls o;.vned nbthiríg, possewëd nnlhintr, and v orked for kóthütg, SxcoDt a fnisoi-abíy I poor support. The inent staple producís of the ifland, instend olbeing conromefl by the producers, were clh:eily sent oír', to be consumed hy otliers. Jniiy of the snar plant- alione had become so worn out, bv badngement, tljut it was not profitable to cultívate liitiii: and dóublfesa irnmy of tliom woukl linvo been nbiiiul.iied, cciuld llic owncrs have fonnd any utlier einploymer.l lor llieir laves. j The slavrs wore intolerah'y lazy, ns t.hcy alwnys aio. Mnny of tlio planters wore bank - ruptp, in coiucquence ol' the immense Iopsps ! Ilicy ind sustnriied by haying thoir property j destroyod by iníiirgrnt slnvè?. ■ Puveity was not cnnflncii tö tlie láborers," bui reigijed triurupbanlly overall classes ' ; Althougli tho arit-tocracy ise evory means in i tlioir power, to prevent tfie pcasantry froiri becotnirig lond-hnldert, yot, snee tlie"énïans cipation. a large proporlion of !;o norrroes mi y two-tliirilü of tlicm, liavc made' money a ■ cuoiigh, notwithstanding tiie rxucmrly low - rate f whgee', t boy i liêfnselvcs small 'fanr, and fiippórt tlieiiisclvescónforlabJy and rea1 ( pfící'ably.. ■ j Tluis, nslend of labcriiVgr f0 put money intó rhe pocícets ofotbery, tiiey are laboring to put tnoticv into theirovn pocket?, aüd bread iiito fJicir "vn mo-Mlis. So it oftghf to bo. That the wants of tJio pensajitry oré rnuch better pnppl ed nowtlinn tliey wcre before the èmOrij bipetion, is indica led by ilie fací that the im■ purts to ihe island hnvé increaecd fiom twelvë lo eighteea millions of dullarsannualiy. An(alior [oriionofihe iiegroe.s - perhaps twoiifiiis, i n ble tobuy Í8DU8 háve hired or leaFcd Fmpll plnrcs. O . ihcso tbey raisc thcir veg eriililf.s. fcc. . bilt tliey ac employbd the most I of che Unie in lirbotin for otheré; on the plantnüuns, mi coflèe fiiniip, and n tho capuciiy ofiervqnts, wi. tere, cc. Thcy procurefbrlliprñ8elvea on ampio supply of tlm ncceéf aries of Ufe; Ihtiugh tliey possess less enterpris-K. and arp, pcrlinp.--, ]o?s ndnptribna iban the closs whicli I hnve before spoken ofi Ahothpr portion - probubly hear one-fifth of the wlio'o populationj have" Bocked into the villiifjes and rities. A few bf tiiPso nre resprctitble, and are einployed as pólice ofRcers, J mrchan-c--, kc', bnt tlic hiajority of i llKinuri' poor, lvor:h!fesFj l;:xy. t!'e creatureft- joel as they wrre wlioh In ínveiy. Thcy aro oftcn scen in th etra Í in a sta'ie of nlmost entire nndily; ond are fo brutish, that both B biftliè lotrcthrr, in tho day time, near I the ci-y vVhorvèf. Jt ii from thip classf, cbiofly, thnt t!ic prisona are fillcd. The vice3 to ivl.ich they aro addicte,!, are ]yinr, stealinp, rjniJ]Kennc8s. Tlifeearethe peopíe usually j rmployed to dircliarge corgpes from vcssels; ond., of courséi they are thepeopie mbötlyseen , by onr rnptaihg nnd crews that visit tlie islond. Jüdgibg Trom sóch ppefcirnéDè, it is not strangfi thuf onr pcopln, vho have tnnd? tran' sient viiils to Jiimnir-fi, hnvp fnllei' into rjrent errors n rrgn.-d té jjjè hharifüter of the negro j popnlntion of the isianc!. h s a remarkablo 'foei that the lest white people, ond worgt j negroeè, are in the ciliee nnd viliagps, end, i of course, tho best nrprocs, nnd worst whito peoplp, nrn in tlie country The brown ppo' ple of Jamaica aio, I think, hts ndufr'iotis ilifin tlie black?, biti vostly rnnre' fo ilion tho whiir.s. JM.-iiiy of tlir in are en.'ig-ed in hu:-:nes?, Jiüve rcü.-ii.'croWo property, und live in a reeptcfiihle ;=fvl TJie ivhites, wiili of fonr.-p, j7i;iiiy horiofoble rxcpplionp, ore the. irio$t die pcoilc Icrcr 'tjiio vr hand or. Thevwou ui eeneraliy cootider it n .shair.e to bc seen üt hord w rJr; nrid a grnílomnn or fnjtlewonmn woiild In; (hincoó hy ca ing home a dczrn ornnprs from Ilic n-.aikrt, while n poor l)Jnck w ornan roiplit rarry a live hog (hrough Ihcciiy, on her hen, whlirut creating nny Forpfiré. Mnnyol líibtti faro too lruy todo onythíne. Thry will pcotcelv move without n nrpro witfter to liolp tl.rm. I doubt not Hint lÍFoiiic npenífiná Yankee 8hduld invent a lirr;i:lun(T m:ir!iiiio for thrm, to ?o by negro powrr, ho. woi.ld mnhe an bidcpendent fortune by it. But few of ilirin nro pöaeestfeU of mtich propcriv, m (1 ilicy liore a poor prospect of ever l-pinj any boMf-r ofF. Emnnri;;üi n hes flonebnt littlo yef towards prpmoliñp iiufcstry mul ecoiiomy {iinong tho white popnlalkin of Jorrinicn; yct it fins donn iiiücIi for t'ic mornl ronrivcmoiit of uil c-'asses of the comtnunily. Undrr tho rcifrn of slnvpry, there werebut vrry few mnrripd pcople in 'I o isl.-ind; nlnnst the wJioIe adult f opnlniiori woro livlrg it) n stnfo of foncubin.ige. Whito nifn pênfrally had block or brown coñctibinese Tho exient lo which nnialpiimntion of colors look pljiop, is indiratcd by ll.e Tact Ibnt tlieto orefonrtimppas mnny tnongrels as white peoj-lc ia the island.


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