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The Militia

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A convention of the fficers of the Ninth División of Michigan ftJilitia. was lately held at Napoleon, io consult upon mensures (o bc tnken to nme:ul tlie militia laws of the State U appears thata previois Convention of oflicers had drufted a mi!it;a bill, tvhicb thcy offered to the Legislature Cor adoption. Bu' tlie members did hot sanction 'ü. This conventioh thought tle military oiight to secure a judiciuua militia law "by tlie proper remed)', nn appönl to ihe feoplc and ike ballot box."- So it spems abolitionists nte not the ouly por8ons who belieye therc is power ín "political snasion."The convent nn ave reconimcntetl somo jadicioHsalterttionia of ihelnw. Tliey proj pose that the assessors sha]l reüiin nll who are liublc lo roPitary dufy nnnualiy, and ihe companies phali meet for enrojment once n yenr. Tho.e todo military duty shall pny an equivalent of one dollar aninnlly fo the S:ale. Those perforniing military duty j sholl be pail iit'iy cents por day, or allowrd a remission of one days higliway (a.t. AU ofiïcers and all Vofunteercompnnied to be drilled six days successiveJy in camp. These provisions will not meet the mrids of all, but thoy are oertainfy preférabln tö the preserrt f-yste fn, Vhich is a practical burlesque upon miliiary difciplinf. Beside?, il is unequal, enjusf, and fceble in its oprration. h is a heavy tax on a port ion of the people, wilh out any benefit to any ono.OC0 Richard Yendon, a slaveholdcr of Charleston, has written Dr. Lardner a long letter on slavery. In describing the secuntv of slaveholders, he tells us that : (.My motlier in-Iavv is a widnw afi n. plantntfon, in the midst of (Jü or 70 plaves, remote from towñs villagps, in a neighborhpoJspnrfèly settled uith wliites, nnd crowdod with black?, nnd hav'ug no white male tdull iiving in the house with lier. end tico of her nrgro ftlloics are detailed cvery niglit from her gang, nsfailhful scnlincls - as the evening and the morning wntch. to ■proteclher proper t y. her per son, and her Ufe, from rob brij, orviolmce - nnd of this case or instance, I can truly sny, ex vnociisec omnèsi' "Exuuo disce omnes," cohcJödes Mr. YeacTon- from one instance learn the genera) rule. We team then, that ihrongh the South, on pverv plantotion the owner is appiehensive of robbei y orviolence. On a planiaticrí of óo slaves, there wi'l be otily about fífteen men, over 21 years of oge. It foümvs that two out of every fifteen of the laborers, ia a district of country remoto from cities or villages, in a lime of profouml peace, are kept avvake every nigjit, to protect the plaveholdcrs from robb'ery violcnce.' What a state of securiiy and Miss! They dare not close their eyes wilhoi somebody to stand guard, with loadec weapdn?, over thrir human cattle.03a" TIon. D. P. Bamard, M. C. from New York, n an address to his consúmente, snys h referenco fo Mr. Arnold'a Retronchtnont Bill ihat lie conld not corceiveof ono case in ten tlioiisand to which this bilí npplicd, where lio considerad ihe preeent ullownnce by law too much. Mr. Greo'ey of ihe Tribune, ci:es liim fo a case, where fie allrtwed $64 from íhe Tnasnry íbi a night's on board a sfeamboal (o N. York, wrien on his way to Washington. Ilis night'a 'odin cost hrai probnbly 3; and ha réceived $61.- It cost h:m 80 or S5 to go to Washington, and he received SIGO. The lotocsl grade of Cusíoóo House r.fficers now receive $1,095 a ycar, or jiií-t as much as in 1836.. The'pasfcnge of tliis Dill u'otild have rcduccd the Jarger salaries malerially. As onr Representative, J. AI. Howard, votedagainst this biH, supposeAe should address his ccnslituenls on the subject, orïd argüe the cnsc wiíh them, as Mr. Bamard has done in New York, JVIany of ihem would like to know hisreasons for hiscourse on .hisdubject.Ho. J. C. SrniGG, lire M. C. from Kentucky, who gets sa tlrunk that he ppevvs in RÍS desk at Washington, onnounces liimself n candidato for re-cleclion! Before liis constituets send him agnin, lïioy liad better supplv liim with an ear, in tho plnce of that whicli was bitlen öfflalcly in a drunkcíi fight, The correspondent of the Tribune writes from'Cincinnati, iliat credit is Ijardly ko.own in nny sales. No one knows whom to credit, an3 lionest wan are afraid lo promise lest thoy fail in the performance. Of 101 rpformed men at New London, 60 Jiave rccently joined Chrislian churcijes.


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