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Wesleyan Methodists

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"Wherers. The Wfijjeyan ftfetkodists of the State of Michigan having been informeel of the formation of sjmilar socletjes in the Eastein Stites. who IiQve'cksired a ur.tón ferith u., or we with tliem. and have .■'ppoiijed a Conveiuion for the purpose of forming a discipline ëuiinblë foi persons holding ihe principies df the Wetlcyan Metli. dists for :hc whorle Uniied States. Therefore, Resolved, ñy the Quaueily Meeting Conference of Manchester and Wolf Crcek Circuit, held in .the town of Adams'. liiüsdule Coun'y, lst. That we cordiaüy reciprócate the desires of Union manifested hy ourpasiern brethren, nnd that wc hcrehy cordially acknoviedge our gelief that it will bu espccially beneficia! to us. 2. That we shall entleavor to meet the calis of our Kaslcrn breihrcn,. to meet in nt Utica, State of N. Y. tlio 3Jst day of May next, Bither by personal delégate or ccrrespo.ndence. - 3. That we cor,;jn!)y opproye of (Iiq, paper en;uleJ ';The Tiuc Wefeleyon," publithed in the city of Boston, designed to protect those principies so de;ir to us ns Am,ericnn Chi stlan.s. 4. That we wil] do all in our power ;o extern! its circulation in this Suite. 5. Th,-!t wc here!y respgtfutyy reqnestthc Membeisand MiniBers pf t)ie Vcsíeyan Methodist Churcli in (Michigan, with all other fiicnds interested, to meet in Salem, Eoid'a neighborhood, the fust Wednesday in May next. to respond to tho.cnll of the above ni'ined Conv.ention.


Signal of Liberty
Old News