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Peters Filis. 'T3 fun iheysny to gct svell with them, ALL mankind througbout thcir w'iúe and immense circulution ihat ever try ilierh coniinuc to huy ilieni. Peters' Pilis are purely vegetable; tlicy wuik n inirncifs, nor do they proíess lo cure all distases, becnuse they are tlie scietttifij compound f & regular physiclan, who lins madé his profeesibn ihe study of'his lifc! Dr. IVcrs is 11 gradúale o f Yulo Culícge. also oílhe Mnssacftusetts Medical College, umi lias eon;ewlun distinguished himself as a nan nf science . nd genius ninting the lamilyof ihe lale Gjv. I Petere; Peters' Vegetable Pilis nre simple in thc:i ,)re.:inition, mild in tbeir action. tliorouh ii their operntibrt, and u'rmvalled in t hei r resuFts.- The town and country aré nliké filled With theii proise. The p.ilace and the poor house al; kt i echo with tlicir virtues. In all climatcs they wíl retain thcir donder ful powers and exen them unalicred by age or situ-uion. and this the voiceol'a grateíul comtminiíy proclaimed.- Poters' Pilis prevent - keep ff diseases if timel) used, r.nd hnve no rival in cining billious fever. i lever and ague,dyepep8Ía, liver complnints.groui j sick hendiiche, jaundicc, as!hma,diopsy. rheunu ■ tism, cnlargement ofthe, piles,' colic. fe maleobstruciion. hearrburn, furred tongue, ñau sea, distention ofthe stomach andbowcTs. incip ent diarrheen, flaiuleneu. habirtidl conetivènes lossof appetite, bloched.or snllow complexioi and in all cases of turpor of the bowels, whei n cathartic or aperielit is indic-ated. producin ncither nausea, griping nor debilily; and We re peat all who buy them continue to try them. The most triumphunt success has ever alten ded iheiruse and cuough ie already known o them to inunoriaÜze and hand tliem down to po terity wiih the improvements ofthe age in mee cal scicnce. Dr. Peters was bred to the hea ! ing art, and in order to supply déminds, he ha originated and callee! to his aid tlie only sient drive i machinen' in the world for pul workins. 'Tis perfee', and its process impnrts toahe pí esseniial virtue. hecauee by being perí'ectl wrought, all the piils' lii'dde'ñ virtue ís revealec when callcd nto ac;ion. and here also it is Peíer excc'lsall tlie world and takcsall the premiums medals and diplomas. So elcar the tract for th Engine- Peters' Pilis are coming- a million o witnessescan now be herd for iheni - resistles - do yon hear thatl while a host can testif that they believe they owe their salvation Iroi disease rmd death to' Peters' Pil!, ■ and if calóme andknivesarc getting partialiy into disuse w are only mistaken. Ceruficatf.s.- This paper could be filled wit them by residents of Michigan, by your friend and Jieighbors - ask our ngenis. It s now we! known that ihe people will have Peters' Pil!s and to hinder would boto stop the ruehing wint Price 25 or óO cents per box. The rcsisileps forcé oí '.hese fuihs- llieir uni versal reception, adc'ed to the testiniony of mili ions, í:ke(p it before tlie pcplo1' nnisrand wi] be heard ihrougliout ibis vale of teais. Their happy influencc on )oung lndies whil suflbriñg énder the usual changos of liTe as di rected by the laws of nature, they impnit a huoy oney oí" heart, feeling and action, an elaslie step velvet cheek, lilly and carnation coniplexion b) their action on ihe chyle, &c. and ladics in del cate tiiuations aiways admit their power and io nocence, and take thom two or linee at a tim' without in ihe slightest degrec incuiring ihe hazard of an abortion; whieh faets are ofthe uttmsi iinportance. Pimples; a yoong lady sent hr love to Dr. Peters, and saya she fceis more grateful to him for therestoraiinn ol her beauiythai ifhehad saved her life. 'Tis fuil to get wel with Peters Pills.fbr they cnuse tlie blood tocourse as limpid and genile through the veins as a tnountnin rivulet; 3 or 4 is a common dose, henee thi patiënt is not compelled to make a mpal. TRO U BLE IN PLUTO'S CAMP. Quite aslonished Oíd Pinto enmelo New York. 'Hearing Peters had got his Pili Engine at work,; To resign his commission, his hour gláss and scythe; í have come tdeliver them all up to yon - Sir, my calling is over - my business'is through I hnve been for threeyears in a terrible stew, And I really don'i know what on eaith J'ani to do:- Not of your n-ighty sire do I come to complain But a tamal New Yorker, one PETERS l name; The diseases my nids. n this war of mr.nkind. Are sulidoed by this Peters, what help can we find? I would yleld him N. York, sir, if there Ík would stay; But, sir, Peters will heve the wholc wöfld for hit swny. While mnsingin cogncil what course to ptirsiie That Engine of Pelero broke forth into view. The Kingof terrors looked a while. As ihough his soul was tun ed to bile, At thni unsparjng scoúrge of i 9 Is, By nll men known a's Petera' Pilis. These Pilis ol Pcfers'slop the blaughtcr. , And leaves the blood as pure ns water. Now Peters malees, l've heard him say, Five hundred thousand pills a daj; So ihat the chance is very small Of people dying there ai nll; For soon the cheeks, so marked for doom, Begin like any rose to bloom. Look tve! allihlntry continue lo buy them.Forsnle as follows, by Meisrs. Bench & Abel, G. Grenville, F, J. IS. Crane. Mnynard, & Co.. G. Wanl, S. P. & J. C. Jewett. J. H. Lund. II. Becker. Dickjnson & Cógswél!, and S. K Jones, Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner & Co-, nnd J. Millerd & Son. Dexter, Wm. A. L. Shaw, Lima; J. C. Wmnns. Sylvon, Hale, & Sini'.li. GrassLakc; W. Jackson. Leo.ii: D. T. Meriiman. Jackson; M. A. Sboemnher. Michigan Centro; Brotherson &. Co.. L. B. Kief & Gil berf. Manchester; D. S. Haywood, Saline; Snow &Keys, Clinton: J. Scatieigood & Co., Plymouth: Stone. Bübcock & Co., and Julins. Movius&Co.. Ypsilanii; Picrro Teller, Detroit; J. et J. Buhvell. niifl Dr. Underwood, Adrion; dart &, Moshcr, Springvüle; Hanren & Cook. Brooklyri; Smith fe Co., Jonesvülc; L. RI. Boyce, CliicTiTo - and almost every where else. Oct. 19; 1612 27-!y Fainting. aj J9l. ita J8S l! ai. 1 , BEGS leave to inform the inhabitnnls of Ann Atbor, and tlie scrroutuüng country, thai hnving located himself in the Lowcr Vitlage, widi tlic view of carrying on the above business in ill its branches, (some of which are HOUSE, SIGN, and Ornaiuciital Painting', GILDING and GLAZING, GRAlNIXii. n imifation of nll Woods, MAHBLKJZJNG. TRANSPAREiCIES, BANWE11S. &c. respectfully solicita a share of public patronage, as Ii is prices sha IJ be low lo conform to ihc times and his work done in ihe best mnnner. T. L. vvould say to Farmers that he is particuInrly desirous lo atlend (o their calis, as produce is the best kind of pay. Ann Arbor, LowerTown, RIarch C. 1843. '45.- ly. Aim Arbor Iron Store. (LO W ER TOWN.J T I TÍIE subscriber coniinucs to keep on hand n X good assortment of Iron, Steel, Nails. &c. fee. which he is sclling rciy low for Cash. DAJN W. KELLOGG. March 6, 1843. N. B. I wonld here say to tliose indebted to me, or to ihe Estale of my deceased Father, that if they do not pay up soon I sludl have to wait longer, under the laws of thi? Státe. 453w D. W. K


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