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Nuts For True Whigs

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Henrt Claï :- The Life, Soul, and Emtodiment of IVhig principies." [h. SalstonÍ836. "I consider slavery as a atrgr, a curse to the master, a wrong, a grïevous wrong to the slavo. In the abstract, it is ALL wrong, aftd ïio possible contingency can make it rigljt.' Ï839. "What the laut declares to be propcrty, ia pToperty' Thrke Hu-dred Dollars RewaudÍ - Runawuy from James Kendall, in Bourbon Counly, Kentucky, to whomhe was hired the present year, on Satiirday rright last, fihe Í4th inst.) a negro man, named SO.MERSET, about 2.B years of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches íiigí), of a dark copper color, having a deep ecar oa his nght cheek, occasioned by a burn, tout made, eountenance bold and (ïeleriftined, and voice coarse. Ufe clotfiing it is thought unnecessary to descri6ier as be may mvo aU eady changed it.ALSO, From E. Muir, of the same county, on the sarne night, (and supposnd (o have g-one in company,) a negro man, nruned BOB, about 29 yeara old, near 6 fcet high, weighing about 180 or 90, of a dark copper color, of a pleasant oütitewance, uncorntnonly Emvotli face, and a remarkable smaíl íiancl for a ncoro of his He spells and reads a litlle. His clothing was a jean coat and bkck doth pantaíoons.We will give the' above rewaTd for tlie delÜvery of said negroes' to the undersignod, or Cheir confinement in jnil', bo that we get ihern,1 or $150 for either of them', i'f talcen out of the Stato, orSfOO'for them or 50 for either, if taken out of f lie Cbnnty nnd in the State.HENRY ChAYr Senior, E. MUIR. Bourbon County, Ky., Sept. 17, 1839. flCJ The Revo' ut ion in Hayti appeara to be progre6sig without much bjoodshed.


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