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Jhe influence of the Liberty Party ,„s been sensibly feit in thw State; and can b8 seen by it Legisfotion, The Emancipator siyp; "On all the subjects connecte.l with shvcry, with one exceptie, the action of the Legifllature has been prompt, firm, thorough and unanircoiiB. No dutirictjan of panies has been recognized here. TJie Democracy which m some States, boast of being the na tural allies of slavery, j.imped altlie" opportunity of sjgnalizing their firlt yearB' rule, by do ng up at a dash, the work that had been so long lmgering on the hands of the retiring pariy,wl)ile the whigs were arotised by their defeat to the neccnsity of bot behmd in tho accomplishment by olhers, of ihat uhich they had for two years been m,porti.ned 10 do, but had lefi undone. It was an edifying and encou.aging sight, to Ee0 these vanous bilis and resol ves come up in their order, and pass, not only without oppos.tion, but without debate-os a mallr of couree, precisely Jike the m -roll or an order of nol ico, in regard to the chnnge of town lines. The Latinier Corrmittce ot all they asked. The pctitioners in rogard to the colorea seamen, got all they asked. The advocates f Constitutional amendment, got all they expected. The opponents of the AntiChristi an marriage law, were fully gratified. The bill Ín regard to the rights of railroad' passengere, was defeateJ by an adroit move of a part of the Boslon aristocracy, but it was laid on the'table with the express decoration that if the corporations do not behave better, they will experience no mercy next year.'1CGr Mercor, the assassin who shot Hebericii in Philaddphio, has been (ried for murdor and ncquitted, the jury bringingin a verdict, Not Guilty. How thcy could bring in sucli a verdict, when Mercer had being watch-. ing for dnys, vvith loaded arms, to kil! his vicliin, ueca.'mot iniogine. Wheu the verdict was annonnced, the spectators who crowded the Court House, gave a long and general cheer. The prisoner was discharged, and jroceeded to the house of the sherifij-where he receivcd the visits of liWriends, and was ,afterwards eecorted by quite a procession to the mansion of his farnily, Yet the mnin ground of defence by his counsel was insanity! The Philadelphia, Forum rep'esents ihatthe greatet-t enlhusiashi prevails for Mercer. When liis fathcr appeared in public, afler tlie trial, a vast concourse gave such a hout as made the city f iiiy rock. The Forum says :"It was an evidence, that the Jiearts of our cilizcns werë kceiily alive lo correct imprcssions, and feit tlmt Singleton Mercer had acted like a noble fel I oio in omging Jiis Sisten wrottgs; lfuv.y thing can heal the lacerated hear'.s of thè párente, t woiild be the trium■phttnt ndry of ihe Father ihroúgl, our ptteeta yeaterday. If any thinjr con stay tl.e courso ofthelibertine, it shqold be a total want of sympathy evinced for his uutimely fate. Wo saw aged nnd palsied .hands clasped togethcr; we saw femalcs their liandkerchiefs] while their eyes were Btrehitftég WitJj teais; we heard cheers and shouts and npplauso whjch a!l come trom the heart; we saw all classes join in nri exreésion of rcjoicing, tbat mercy had tenipered justice, and that the slroiig conside.ralion had been considered more thdn svfficienl to effacc all cnminalili.' Such waS the excited in the city of the Quakers tówards one vvho was himself i f-educer and a cold-blooded, rlèiiberate mur3erer What a demonstraron of the etate of norals in our largecities.OCf" The following from tlie Advertiscry designatos the originators of the act legalizing adullery and fornica tio. Will not that pa peí favor the public tbeyeas and naye, f they are on record ? The roll of infamy ehould bo spread out tvhere all can see it, that they rnay receive from the people their jnst recompense. What induced the Change?- At an early etage of the last session of the Legislature a bilí Was introduced in the House, by Mr. McLeody of Mackinac, tö repeal all laws puniking fornication & adultery, which was promptly and by a very Iarge rríojority voted down. Subsequently it was introduced into the Senate by Mr. Gretnly, and passed that august body. Near the close of the session it caino np aguin in the House, was iully discussed, aud passed by a Iarge fnajority. It received the eanction of the Governor, and becamo a luw. Now the questionarises, what induced the Members of thé House who voteu agoinst the bil! at the opening of the session, to vote for it near ils close? We will not positively assert that it was because they had,during the session, subjecied ihemselvès to the penaltiea oí the old hnv; but the inference is nót an un(air ono.


Signal of Liberty
Old News