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■Some time since we publishedaft article on Postnge, demonstrating by statements of official repórtsihat the North is to.ed 8500,000 o year to pay the Postage bilis of the Slave-holders. We have since Been a statement that in the greater part of the South, cents are not iised asa circnlating medium, and tlierefore postage is not exacted on newjpapere. Tlie follnving item shows that the Southerners do not usual ly pay for nevvspapapers, and the consequencé is thut the North very.kindly foots for thom thb handsom e bill of half.a million a year! Shall the frecmen of the Norih ahvays "put up" with euch inso] ence and injuslice.Sovthèrn Poslagé.-pïd ytíu know that South oí'tlie Poloihac, tlie reople never pay a cent of postage oh newspapera? Mr. Sever, of Arkansas, said in the Senate, when the Post Office bilí was under con sideration, tbat íhe Southern people will not put vp witk a Post Masícr tcko should atlcmpt lo makt thcm pay f or newsjpapers..-Loioell Journal. {L? The public printiiig should in all cases bo let to thé lowést bidder. Whën any other systetn is adop'ted .individuals contrive to cheat the governwerrt in some way. The pockels of favorite parasites are filled at the public expense. The Detroit Advertiser lias ilíe íbllowing instan ce ol" it : Isaac Hill, in reply to an attack of the íilobe, suys tliatBlair & Rives,iuice Mr. Van Buren went out of office, have done jobs ft.r the Govenimenl to the amount oí'ttvo hundréd thousand, do'.lars and received íbr them prices liigher tlian are cliarged by printers in any other city in the Union. He furtíier adds, tíí&t one of thoir firm is now a partner iii the jobofprintitig the Documentary Ilislory of thé Revolution, in twenty volumes, för vvhïcli Congress have btipulatec1 the payment of twenty-seven thousand six hundred ond fifty dolalrs pei volume- the vvliole expense FIVE HUNDRED AND FIFTYTHREE THOUSAND DOLLARSO Eight Liberty men were clected lo tlic Ho use of Representan ves oí New Uampshuo.


Signal of Liberty
Old News