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j Plougrhs ! Plongrhs ! ! THE subseribcrs Iihvc constanily 011 hand a largo nssortrmiu of of a superior qualitv, whicli ihey oflbr for sale LHLAPHR tlian can be purchated at nny otlier placo ín this State. Thoso wisliing to purchase vvill picase cali and examino for theniselves PARTRIDGES, KEJST &. CO. Ann Albor, April 20, JS4.3. 52-tf. Cash and Barter Store. C. J. GARLAND, HAVING purehased tlic entire Stock in trade of Godfrey and Alien, will be hnppy to wan apon such as will give him a culi. Jiis -stock consists of a general nssortment of goods, and will be sold cieup, and for ready puy 'muy. WANTED, In exchange lor GOODS, most kinds of country produce, nnd 300,000 FLOUR BARREL STA VIJS & IIEADING, for which n fair pricc will be paid. Ann Arbor, April 19, 3843. 52-tf. BOOX SIXTO ER?. AT THE l'.H'i It Mil J. (l.üvKR TOW.v) ANXAHBOX. 1 BOOTH would respecifully nform the J inhabitants of Ann Arbor and viciniíy that he continúes the business of at the oíd stand, in the Paper Mili. Oíd Books will be neatly rebonnd on short notice. Most kinds of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in payment. April ID, 134X 52-tf. Stray Horse. jiAME into the enclosure of tlie subscriber in 'S Ann Arbor. on the J5ih instant, a dark lny Horse, of pniail size. npparently about six years ohi. a irriall whiie spot on his back. probably ocensioned by the saddle. 1c owner is requested to cali and prove propeny, pay charges, and take hiin away. DAVID J. NOWLAND. April 24, 1S43. . 52-Bw TO eLÓTHÏEis7 MJIJV UFA CTUR'ERS A KD MERCHAJVTS. THE subscribers are now receiving, at thcir 6tores, 188 Jcff.irson Avenue, and corner oi Rnndpjph nnd Woodbridge ttrects, Detroit, a large and cmeral stock of Bye Woods &, Bye Stuñs. 35 tons Logwood, Fustic. Limewond, Ñicarrainta, Hypernic VVood, in the stick, oU ground Ciimwood, 150 do Fustic 120 dö Logwood, 100 do Rcdwoodsr, .50 dó Alum, G hluls Copperns, 4 do P.lue V i triol, 4 pipes Oinbie and Crop Madders, prime, r00 Ibs. Kxtiact Logwood, G00 do J5cngal, Madras and Caraccas Indigo, 300 do Blue Nutgalljt, (Allcppo.) 250 do Powdered Cúrcuma,' 2()0 de 'ordiriis. 10 Carboyá Öil Vitri.tK' 6 . do Aquí Fon ie. 4 do Spirits Sea Salí?,' 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 cases Lac Dye. 308 Ibs. Bnnquo Tin. 2."0 do C.rëam Tartar, 500 do Q' icreciron Baik. Together wíih a complete assorlmení ofall the minor anieles in the trade, to wit: P.fss Papers. Tëazicfi, 15rushes, Jiicks, Tent Iiooks. l)vc KqttlcB, Pickers, fítiiliríg Irorw, Nippers, Prttssiate of rotash. Sal Amoniac, Sal Soda, Sugar of Lénd, Steel . , Reeds. Card Cleanev,MACHINE CARDS, Salinen Wnrps, Shcars, &c. Tbis entirc stock lias becn purchased vyithin dio last two weeks, and selected pcisunally by one of ilie concern, who has been in the business í'or the Inst eleven years, and they have no hcMtaiion in snyitii.' thal the qunlity of these oods is uncNceptioiwliJe. They.wili pooilivly be sold nt the lowcsl New York jobiing prices.'witli the addiiion of transportaron only. The suhpcribers hnve t!ie sulc Agency in this Slnie for the safe of "L'ARSON'S SIIEARING MACHINES," nml ihe eek'bntcd -LEICE&TER MACHIXK CARDS," drcidedly the best in use. TiiLÖ. H. EATON,' & CO.' Apri! 11. 1843. 51 tf Mortgage Sale. DKFAULT having been made in the jiayment oí a cenaiíi snni of miinëy, be ju.d by indenuite of mortgage," bearing date the ninth day o! May, in the yeár of our Lord, one thousai:d eight hutidred and thirty ninc, executed by Miller liaiker, of Clinton. Lenawee County, -Michigan, to George Westíall, of Plyrnouth. 111 the County of AVnyne, Mchi;m, and recorded 111 the Jlenster's Olrico. of the Coniity of Washtenaw, insaíd State, on'the llt'i day of May. A. D. J8Ö9. ut Jt o'clock, A. M. in libur. Mo. Ö, pnge 118, upon which tliere is ciaimed to be due, at the date of this noiice, t'ie aura of oiré hnn ciied and l.vvelve dollars and six.ty ono cents. A'otice is ttiereforë herelVgiven, thátby íirttie of a power of su! in saia'inortgage" contentad, and pursuant 10 tlie btatute insuch case made ánd provided, wiM be sold'at ffilblic auction oí veiidue. at the Court House, in th'j yillago of Aiin Albor, in the County of Washtetiaw. and State of Michigan, oh Tuesday. the twenty-rifth day oí i Jiily ne.t, at one o'clock. in iho níternoon of ihat day, the preinises in saiil niortgage described, as iollows, 10 wit: All that eertain piece or jiaicnl oí la'ntf, situute. lymgand b'eing''in tfié conrity of Waahtenaw, in State nlbresaid, and known ind described ni heilig the soitthweñt quarter of section No. tliirty-four, in townanip No. four. soutli ofíange No. four eaát, coñtainin ore huiv Iretl and slxty acres of land, be the sanie inore or oss: exceptiny and re%érvirfdJj that certnin part ! aaid ttict oi Intuí, above described, which was ' leretoíore dee3ëd bj Grove Barker and Persis {.irker 10 laafa Cturier." Said Moitgage haVíng oen givcu to secure the payment oftlie purchase íófiey oí t:i:d pre mi sea. GEORGE WÈSTFALL, Mort. JI. A. Noyes, Att'y. Daíéd, April lOtli, 1843. rl-3mFOUNBRY. F)OTASIÍ Keitles. Oauldrons. SugarKeiller, Potasli Ji.oilers, Fívü I'.u! itctllo, nnd small iulluw Vnrc, ,Mil[ Geaiing, W.ngon Boxes. Ipugb CastingSj &c. Vc. coiistüiiily op hnni. or inde at short nüt,ce at tlic AÑN AliliÖR TEAM FOUNDIIY. PAUTRIDGES, KENT it CO. Marché. 1843j flT-ra iI TO CX.OTHZERS AM) WOOL CARDERS; rpriE subscriber would respectfully soücit the _L attention oí Cloihiers and Wool Cardcrs, to an exnmination ofhis present Stock of anieles in their line, assiuiug them oí' their superior cjuality, (wluoh will be apparent tipon examinatión) and , and of the unusually low rates at whicb hu is enabled to sell them. Among a variety of nrticles belonging to the I trade mny bo enumerarte1: 1 Cards of every description; Shuttles, Steel Rce:ls 4-4 5-4 wide; Cloihiers Sattinctt Wnrp; Emcry; Tenter Hooks: Worsted Hnrness: Cnrd Cleaners and pintes; Screws: Copper Ketiles; Shcaring Machines, Pnrson'n, also. two or thrce Carding machines. The subscritor feels himsclf warranied jn nssuring the trade that his supply oí. Clothicrc Toóla, togeiher with some ]2or 15 toríoftrsorted DYE WOODS and DYE STUFFS, form onc of the largest and inost complete stocks of the kind ever oílered io tho public of Michigan. Owing therefore to tlie inducements he can ofler to tliose engnged in the CLOTH DRESSING nnd WOOL CARDÍNG business, of an extensivo stock nnd low prices, he sohcils íheir e:;itmmntion of the same before purchasing or malung arrnngements clsewhere. PIERRE TELLER, Wholesale Druggist, 139 Jeílbrson Avenue, Detroit. April 17, 1843. ' bl-ií. Chancery Sale. Alsolvle, for Cash and to ihe highest Biddn: ÍN the cause pending in the Court of Chnncery. for the Second Circuit of the State of Mich'i gan, wherein James Abbott is pomplainant, and Abigail Welch, David fnton. George Welch, Ucnry Welch, liarriet Welch. and Augusta Welch. are defendnnis, the satd George, IJenry, Harriet, und Augusta being Minors, under the age of twenty-one ycars. - Wheroas. by a decrcial order in the above cnuse. made by bis Honor Elon Farnsworth, then Chancellor of the State of Michigan, hearing date the fourteenthday of July, A. D. eiyhteen hundred nnd iorty one, it wns ordered and decreed, that the above named defendanti should redeem eertnin morlgaged premisos in Die Complninnnt's l)ill coniained, by ilic pnyment of the sum of lour hundred and ninety-eiglu dollars and twenty-four cents, and the interest to accrue thercon, froni the fourteenth day of July, eishteen hundred nnd iottjjOBO, the date of n ccrt.-iin report in snid decree mcniioncd, and nlso the costs of complninaiu to be ta.xed. on or beforc the fourteenth d.iy of November, in ilie year eighteen buodred nnd loriy-one. or that in dcfault thereol, the said hiortgaged premisos with the appurtcnances, or so rnueh thcreof as would be sullicient to pay the said dubt and ihe interest wíiich liad accrued, or inight ihereal'ter occrue with said costs, and wliich rntght be sold sepnrattly wiihout injury to the parlies or either of them, should be sold at public auction. at the Court Eiouee, in the villnge of Ann Albor, in the County of Wnshtenaw, by and under the direction of one of the Miisters of the said Court. the said Master fust giving aix weeks previous noiice of ihe timo and place of sale in some newspnper published in snid Coui-.ty. as by the said decree, referenee being thcreunto had, niay more fi.lly appear, And whereas, the snid premi sea are yet urrredeemed. and the nbove stated sum wiih interest, and costs. is yet due and unpaid, INow, tlierefore, noticc is hereby given, jhnt in pursuance of the direciions oí' the 6aid decree. and ly virtue of i:s Diithority, 1 will, oa the sixtcenth day of May next. at the hour of Twelve o'clock, nt noon. ai the Court House of the Connty of Wnshtennw. in the villape of Ann Arbor. sell to the highest bidder, at public Auclion, the lunds nnd premises in snid decree mentioned. or so much thereof as may be sufiicient to pay the nforesaid sum, interest nnd cogip. and can be sold scpaiately without injury to njjy of the pnrties in this cnuse, whidi cnid Inniis nnd prem sps aie known nnd described as followp, viz: All thnt certain tract or parce] oí lnnd sitiintc in the Coufjty of Wnshiennw. and Sto,tc of Michigan, known as the Enst half of the South East quarter of Section number thirty-two, ,in TownShip nuinber fnir, South of Range number seven East, containins; eichly acres. The sale will be absolute - without redemption and for cash. G. GRIDL1.V. MristerJn Ciiancery. C. IT. Sol. forCompit. Dnted tlii.s 2oth dny of Ma.-eh, 3ïi.Itt ClIANCERY- Ist. CiRcurr. Olivcr Kanc, "} "Q Y virlue of a doerevs. Xï tal order, ssued Aliarles Moseley, J-out of the Court oi Elijnli W. Morgnn, & [ Chancnry, af ..the State Williani ,S. Maynard. ƒ of Miebjgntl, I shafl expoeG tos;iic, to the Inghcst bidder, nt the Court House, in the village of Aun Arbor, Wnshtenaw Count}', on the 8th day of Mny ne.t. nt lOo'clocli, A. M. of tliat day, the foilowing described pren iscs. sitúate in the villnge of Arm Arlior, nnd described ns fwllows, to wit: "Burrinningnt the West sido of the Ann Albor & Salino Road, on the Souih line of Section twemy-nine. in town t%vo, Soutli of .Range sis East; thenèe West on tlie v.iú Sccúon line, iwcnty-or.c. clmins hatidseveniysiriks to a 8take; thence iluc North Sou en clia Is and iifty links to a stakc; thenco ulorte eightinsix and a half degrecs. East nine(teen clminsand seveniy links; thenee due Xonh seven chaina and nventy-five linkg to a stakc; thence North eighty-nine deirrees East, four chains andseyenty-five links to the creek; thence up enid cree!; to the West lino.of said Road: thence with the line of sakl rond lo. the place of begjnniog; containing thirty-six acres and nitieteen hundicthsof anacre, moro or lew. ■ GEO. DANFORTH. Master in Chnncery. Jov & Pciuxi,. Solioitors. Dotcd, iMarch 20, 1843. 48-7wLANDS FOR SALE. TIIi; undersigned 3 atithorised, to sell scvcral Ifnct3 of laucJ in the countios of öt. Chiir, Saêinaw, Sanilac, Washtenaw and Lenawcc ar thejr cish valúe, pñd take in. pnymcnt State Scrip nnd Wawanlé at par. or their equivalent in ensli: r he wiñ proporíipnato tQiins on time. The cash value nir,y bu ïscenniiiecu if desirecl. by nppraisers cliosew by the pmchascr nnd subsci ibor. The WasJjfënaiv lands consisl of 118 acres in Iho town pi Webster, sliph.tlj improved. of cirly aiulelioico selection. nnd 214 acres 3 miles beiow Vpsilanti. on the Itiver Hnron, havhig ridi bottom and upper lands, good tituber. runninfi waler, corn anë-wheal soil, exceilenl'sitosfor buildmp, surrounded ly sctilemcnts, good ioals nnd niüls. About 30 acres have been under cultivation. ÓIl.VS H. STEWART. 'f Jefl'erson Avenue. Detroit. IffiilliBnery & lircss iflaJkiu. Mus. C. BUFFFINGTON, "n.ESPECTFUJiLY odiiouucös to the in--- Iiabitants of Aon Arbor and vicinitj, tlial lie íins opencd a sliop, midvvay, bet ween the upper nnd Jovver villnge.s,vhere the business of MILLI.XEIÍY L DRESS ALIKI.XG vvill be carrred on, in all ifs branches, with puiK-tuality , desfjatch, end in ihobest and ihost fashionable si vlo. Aim Arbor, Aprils, lC4f5. 00 ly SALARATUS - A prime article in boxes or banols, for sale at the lowêst pricet by F. DENISON. Si;.:. 'Jlr 1842: iaToFhysicians and Country Merchants. EpIERRE TELLER, Wholc ÉL sale nnd Retailjöruggiat (sign of the Golden Mortar, ) i'M Jefforson Avenue, has on hand ond oilers to purchascis, at very low rates: 4 Casks Epaom Salts: 2 ensks flonr Sulfilmr; 2 Rhls. Powdcred J:ijap; 1 Bbl. powdered Rheuborb: 2 Bb!s. Crcnm Tartar; .Cnstor Üil by the gallon or dozen (nssortcd size;) Camphor, Calomol, Quinine, Corrosivo bublimate; French and Englisli Chemicais; Perfumcry of al! kinds; Linsoed Oil; White Lend, dry nnd in Oii; Bnfiliih V'enitian Red; Ünglisli Lampblack; Sp. Turpcntino. Michigan Glass cf a!l sizes togethf-r with everv othor nrtiele conne-led with tlle Dru Paini' Oil. und Stu(T Business.' ' April 17, 1843. rjf


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