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'TELES LABOR." MARCUS STEVENS % SAMUEL ZUG, HAVE taken the rooms in the lower rnd f the White Block, diieetiy opposijq the Mich.ignn E.xcliange, wherc: they will keep an exleiisive assortment of of cvery kind, quality, nnd dëscWption, öf tlioir own mañúfheturihg, and warranicdto be as fashionablc, good, and chcap ao can be liad West of Néw'Yörk. Purehnsersaierequestcd to cali and examine onr extersive assortment before buying. Any anide of Furniturc made to order, and Warranted lo picase. UPHOLSTKRING done in all i's vaiioua branchesu and at the ehortest notice. CFJA1RS, LOOKING CLASSES. AND WiLLOW WAKE; d!so, Mahogany Boards and Venters - as cheep ns the cheapest. WAMTED, In -xolian::e. CIIFJUIY, WAlNUT, ANlJ MAPLE LUMBEti, c. - #c. STEVENS & ZUG, Detroit, April 17, 1SV. 51-3ni' STEAM FOUNDRY; (NEAR THE RAIL II O AD DEPOT. ) PARTRIDGES, KENT &. CO. havcciectcd and put in op.eration a Voundnj. and are now preparcd to furnish to order most kinds of Casting for Mills, or other Machinery. Sugar and Cnuldton Kettles. Potash Coolers. most kinds of iloilow Ware. Slcigh Sfiocs.. Fiie Dogs. Wagon and Buggy, Ploughs and Plongh Castinijsof the varioLS kinds used in this State, and the most approved patterns used in Ohio, all of wliich they icspeciAilly invite the Public to examine. Thcy are prepared to fum:6h Farmers and others vvitli PLOÜGHS as eady in the seaeon as they may be wnnteti í'or uso. and wiiich will be icirrtmtcd g-ood. All Castings made br them will be sold CBEAP, and for READY PAY only. JOB WORK, IRON TURNING ,AND FIMSIHXG done to order, and on short liotice, nt the Machino Shop of fl. & R. PARTR1D.GES fc CO., next door to the.Poper Mili. First ü.rrivaf . IJV 18 43.' In connection with the Fonndry and Machine Rhop, HARRIS, PARTRIJKÍKS & CO. havo just opened a wellselected stock of NEW GOODSü suc'i as Hroad Cloths, Shcetings, Merinos, Satinetis, Sliiptings, MuslindeLains n-avcrCIoihs, Camlets, Shawls," Keniucky Jeans, Flanncls, Criicoes-. Alapacn. Boots&Shoes, Calf Skins S0LEJ1JVD UPPER LEATHER A fíood aüsortmcnt.oi .Hardware and Grocercs. üü of whic!) will !)o sold as low fur Cash, as any oiher store in AnirArbor. ■ H. PN & Co. will take in exchangofor .Goqds', Hules, Pur!;. I.tiul. Butter, Flux ScciL Thiiilh'j S:cd, Tnllaw, # . on as favorable termsas anv Store heie or elsewherc. Any quantity of WHÉÁT1 wantod, and the highest prico paid. Lower Town, Ann AVbor, Feb. 1, 1S4Í?. ._., 42-3m


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