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A Rowland For An Oliver

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A writer n a late number of the "Southern Qunrterly," witli apparently more zeal for i}ie "poculinr instituí ion" and "practico I pystem" thau sound or tound Iogic, has attempted a vind catión of slayery on Scripiural grounds. Ilis facts and llieories are fu bjecled in the Mnrcii number of íhe Chrislian E.vaminer to a "searching1 opera t ion, '' by yvhich they seom to be very beauüAiIly anmhilulcd. Tlie parngraph Ín the article of the Exaniiticr, a an applicalion of the Bible argument, which ivjíl not be greatly relishe.1 soulh of "Masón and Dixon's line." líere iL a. "One word moro. Our breflmren at the Soutlí are seeking to legilimate elavery and the sla ve trade by appeals to the Bible, as tíie fmida'ncntal nnd siipreme law of the world and particul-Trly to the Pentateuch as nonfniningr under divine snnction the germs of that patriarchal sysrem by which the African race is (nade to serve them. Let tbem not tike it amisf, that. we at the north should 6hare 'm their reverence for God's revealed word, and for that portíon of thcdiinc law which Moses wrote. Let iliem bcar with u?, should vve hcreafter oboy, as wc undoubtcdïy phall, the prccept recordad inDenteronomy xxiii: 15, 16: "Thou slialt not dcliver unto Lis master the Fervant which is escapee! from his master unto thee: he thall dweil with thee, even ainong yon, in that place which he shall choose, in one of tliy gute?, where it likelh him best: thou shült not oppress hiin." Surely ourfeli low cilizens at thc south will not claim a moj nopolv of pity. While they take their posiiion pon the Bible, thc-y wiJl we trust, give us thcir support and sympathy in obeying one of its plainest and clearest commandments."RevoU'mg Murder. - The N. O. Picnyune of the 13lh nst. contains the particulars of a rcvolting murdfir, which, for the sake of hurÓBnity wc hope is not true. A nmn by the name of Stunrr, at Cypress Bern), Ark., just iibove Columbia, was sorne time since robbed of a necrro, by, as ho süpposcd, some wood-chopper of the vicinity. The circmnstance, it tseems, threw hirn lito a violent nnd nncontrollable rage, and, failing to entch the ihief or recover his negro, he svvore that his dogs should eat llie first wood-chopper. that ever again ven tu red upon hisgronnd! Only a few days since some poor wretch of a wood-chopper stopped nt Stewarl's door abont nighNfull, reqiipstingf the sherer of the roof 1 11 monrnrr. Steivart admitted hitn, and soon after let n opon the man a parce! of sa va ge doir?, w'10 actually tore him to pieces. Stewart instantly fled. and a reward op $1,000 is oflered for his npprehension: part by tho Governor of ArkanaF, and jart eubscribed by tlie citizons of Colombia. We do not bflieve New Englandcan mafch tliis iiiatance of chivalry. Kin% Olho, of Greecp, ig a most extr-'vartint fellow. His palace cost nine millions fancd, fiirniture two millicns, and the govern ment officers have received no'pay for 6ix month.. Sqtbbath Schools. - The number of Sundjy schools, in Í334, was in the free State., 504,335- in the sfovo State?. 32, b31. The single State of N. Y. had tvvice as many as the thirteen plave States. The Army Coint Marlial which Intely eet { at Swithville, N. C, for tne trial ofLieutenant Fremount, of the 3d U. S. Artillcry, for "illegal and unmiütary conduel" in whippinj thrcï soliüors, Eentenced that oölcer f.o three month's suspension, and confinement to the erarrison tluring Ihat time. The Secretary of War at the request of the Conrt Martial 're - mitted all the punishmentbutthe confinement. This we take it will not be deeined very severo.nsit only amonntstoa "denial of leave," for that time. - JV. Y. Courier. The Missouri Logislature have passed a law that nobody in that state except the Bank of Missouri, shaTl denl in exchange, under a alty of five hundred dolíais.


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