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ín the Western Uongressional District of this State, the anti-slavcry influence has óf late extended rapidly. Last fall, in se'vpra] count;es,it was sensi'oly fok at ihe polls. At the next clection, it is certain the Liberty candil:ite to Congress will reccivefrom one tofwo thousand votes. The whigs will have it thnt the Liberty organization is a great detriment to Iheir prospects. It inay be so: we shal] not disputo them on this point. They have doubtless considered the matter thoroughty. Well, the whigs in this District, are in a decided minority, and there is no hope whatever of carrying the Ditrict, if the Liberty ticket shall receive a handsome Fupport. In other words, the Democratie candidato will bc elected unlepg the whigs and Liberty men tinite tlieir teams and pull together. Tiiere i no mistake abont tliia. Liberty men ask no favors of' the olher partios, nor will they fora moment think of a compromise. What ilien shal! the whigs do? The Editor of the Jack soo Gazelte has hit en the only plausible that scheme can be acopted, viz: to makt the uhig candida Ie an anti-slaviri, man till ajter the election. The editor must be a yankee! Hea r him, in hisinitiatory suggestiona for a Wh'g-Anti-slavery rally in the Fall.Annexalion nf Texas. - F rom on ocensionnl hint that is tbrown out Itere and there, wc are stifpicimis thac anothereffort is to bc ma Je by tlie sla vu interest of the south and the rlnvgh ftces of the norlh, to extend the iimilg of the United Stitrs beyond the Sabine. - Should such a plan bo again brought bef ure congres, we bope there wjll be no parleying upon the subject. Let it be met vvkh an un compromising anc' unyielihng oppotion. - The territorv ff onr Hcpublic is airead y large enongh, and if not, we want no occessions that will brinr an addiüqnal infinence in favor ofslavery. Tlie qnestions that have ond will nrise out of the present existence of that curse ninong us, threaten to distract and dcatroy the nation, nnd we say most emphalically, its supporters should not be permitted to receive any additional veightfrom foreign sources. In the selection of our candidatos for Congress, therefore, especial care shouM be taken, that no one receives a nomination, who is not pledged to use his influence to prevent the annexntion of Texas to the United States, and' to do nll in his power to stay any increase of the slave power in the counsels of our natrón. A large proporhon of the people of the northern states ae thorough going anti slavery mon, and no ne who is nt willing to become pledged, that fie wül faiihfully represent them, should receive thier suffroges. It seems the whig candidate must "do all in his power io ittnj any increase of the Slave Power in the counsels of the nation." That wül not do Sir. Yon will not cntcliany ubolitionists wiiti that bak. The '-slave-holders rule the country now with absolute sway; and they will be content if they can friuintöin their present domiñation. The wliig candidote is to be pledged only against its increase. We are told "a large proportion of the people of the Northern States are thorovgh going slavery men." Hoio thorough going? As thorough as the editor of the Gazette, who vvould put on invetérate slave broeder over "the counsels of the nation," who is opposed (o all anti-slavery action, present or future? The other whig editors in the District will probably follow in the track of the Gazette,and endeavor to show they are as slavery as any body.' , That course migbt have answered in 1833, but n 1?43, no paper or candidates will receive the confidence of voting abolitionists who are not the out-spoken advocates of liberty principies.Q3 The following is the committee apointed by tlie class, wliich has just closed its course of eiglitlectures, on Mcstneristn, toreport the result of the investiga! ion: Dr. Dentón, Chairman, Guy Beckley, F. Sawyer, jr. Dr. Cowles, M. Eackcr, Rev. F. [J. Cumiiig, Professor Whiüng, Professor Williams, Dr. Ormsby.


Signal of Liberty
Old News