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Cheaper than the Cheapesi. THÉ Siibscribers me engnged in il:e marufactory of PLOUGHS and PLOUGII CAST1NGS. of aquitluy, which they are bold to say, cnnnot bc surnnssed in any respect in the State, whifch thev offjr at the low price of FOUlt DOIÍ,AK, wiih ono extra poinf Farmers, cali and see for yourselves. WM. S. LOOMIS & CO. Clinton, Lcnawee Co., April 24, 1K4J. 1-tC. WOOLEN lAiVUPACTORY. THE subscriben would infor;n the public tha they are now manulaciuiïng WOOLEN CLOTH with a dogree of success equal to the most sanguine expectations. With the mnchin ery they now have, they are able ta nianufuctur from 75 to 100 pounds of wool per day. Th cloth they have made for the Inut time n.ontlisi of' the best q"uality. and that innde in tuturo ui bc eimilnr. They have enrirelv overeóme th (iilllciihies of staning on establishment of tbi kind id a ncw couniry. Thoir terms are 07 cents per yard for ful led cloth finished or huif th cloth wil! make. If any alteration of the term should bc deterniincd on, public notice will b given. All v.'ool reeeivcd befare such notice i given will be workedon the abov'e tenns. Il'htiy wish to have their wool worked without mixitig it wilh other wool, it will be done, proviticd they assort it themsolves, and turnish it in quantities óf 100 pounds of one qunÜiy of wool. It is mueh bctier to sew up wool in sacks thanto tic it up in blankets; the cloth should be jronjï. Provisionsofnl! kinds will be receivd in pavnient for iiiiuiufnciuring to tlio amotint requir'ed or the consumption of the establishment. Wool sent by railrond to Scio. will be properly nttend2d to; the nurpber ai pounds tboulti !jc markcd on liesack wuli ink; alsii the weiglu'of the aack Fiie wool will be workttd in turn asit cömrs in is nearlyaa can be dono with reference to the jitlurent qunliiie?. [Lj Many Farmers hare expressed to ns their jratificaiion in consideration of onr starting tliis ranch of business, nnd many have encouraged ns jy iheir patfonnge dilring the lasi year. We now nviie n:i to bring their wooli to the amount of lo, M 0 pounds. and reccive tbc benefit 01 the vcry oa8onable lerms on which we ofi'ur to manufflO 111e it. The establishment is 2. milest west of innArbor, on the fforbn. Si V. FOBTEK, &.CO. Scio, April 30, 1813. 1-tfïtïEDICAX, ATMD SURCUCAX. ' PRACTICE DOCTOR A. P. BLAKESLBE would re spectfully jnform ilio citizens of Salino and the oiljacent country, that be has removed into the "Finch House," opposite Dr. Gurley's, where ho mny be .ound ready for business ai all hourti, unless professionally engnged. Having receivcd an encouruginj eharo of patronage during the paai ycar nmong them, lc has conc!u led to mako i aliñe h'u permanent ii elenco, tnisling that his auccess and aitention to business will ensure him a continuance of the public fnvor. Althongh perfectly satisíled ihnt his succes and attention to business shall gradúate thecontidcncc whicti may be placed in him, he deemsit noi impropor to state that he possesses testimonial of a regular course of medical stuift, and enjoyed ns a student, the best opportunities n fiord e d by the Medical Colleges and Hospitals in New York. IJe wi 1 promptly aticnd to all cases of a suru:n diameter, to tho various aflections of the EYK ano EAR, and adopt the most recent and best approved modes of practico in such cases. Chargos wilt be niodcrnic. - A. P. BLAKESLEE. _Saline, April 24. 1843. 2w-l Cash and Barter Store. C. J. GA 11 LAND, HAVING purchascd the entire Stock in trade of Godlrey nnd Allen, will be happy to wait upon such as will give him a cali. Kis stock co:isist8 of a general nssoi tment of goods, and will be sold ckap, and lor reailij pay only. WANTED, ín excliangc lor GOODS, nioat kinds of country produce, and 300,000 FLOUR BARREL STAVES & HEADING, fur wliich a fair price wil! be paid. Ann Arbor, April 19, iSVX 52-tf. " BOOK BMïSïïSyr AT THK PAHKK MtlX (LOWKK TOWk) ASN AHIIOn. EBOOTÍI would rcspecifully infotm the inhabitani8of Ann Arbor and vicinity that he continúes tho business of BOOK BINSI1G, nt the old ulnnd, in the Paper Mili. Oíd Books will 1)0 neatly rebound on short noticc. Al! kinds of RUIJNG done to order.- Country produce taken in payment. April 19, lf&?. 52-tf.ToFhysicians and Country Merchants. "PIERRE TELLER, WholeÉJT sale and Retail Druggist (sipn of llie Golden Alonar.) ]3Q Jêfferson Avenue, Detroit, has on hand and ollers to purchasers, at vcry low rates: 4 Cnka Epsom Salts; 2 casks flour Sulphur; 2 Bbl=. Powdcred Jalap; 1 Bbl. powdcred Rheubari); 2 Bbls. Cream Tartar; Castor Oil Uy the cullon or donen (assorted sizos:) Cnmphor, Caloniel, Qninine, Corroaiye Subliinaie; French and Engüsh Chemicais; l'crfumery of all Uinds; Linseed Oil; White Lemi. dry nndiivOii; linglish Vcnitian Red; English Lamplilack; Sp. Turpentine. iMichigan Glasa cf a!l sizes together with every other ariicle conne-ted with the Drug. Paint, Oil. and Dye Stuff Business. April 17, 1843. r,_,f.REortgage Sale. DEFAULT haviiig been made in tlic jmymcn of a certnin siim of money, secured, to bc paid by indenture of mortgnge, hearing date the nimh !ay of May, in ihe year of" our Lord. orie thousnndeight hundrcrl and thirty ninc, executed by Milier Bnrkcr, of Clinton. Lena wee Counrv. Michigan, to Gcorge Westfal'l. of Plymouth. in the County of Wnyne, MicJiigan, and recorded in the Register' e Office, of the County of Washtenaw, insaid Stnte. on tJic 1 lt!i dny of May A D. 183Í). at Ji'i o'clock, A. Al. in iiber, No. tí, pago 118, upon whicli there is claimed to be duo, at the daie of this notice. the sum of one hun dred and twelve dolïaro und sixty one ceno. Notice is thcrefure Iiereby ven, thatby virtue of a power of sile ín said murtgagc contained, and pursuarit 10 the statnte insuch case made and )rovided, will bc sóld hl public nuciion or venJue, at the Court House., in thu village of Anri Arbor, in tlie Couniy of Washtenaw, and Si ate f Michigan on Tuesdny, the twenty-lilth day of July next, at ono o'clock. in tho alternoon ofthat dny, tho prernises in saidmortgngc ifescribod, as follows, to wit: All that ceriain picce or parce! of land. situute, lyingand bein? in tho county of Wnshtenmv, in the State aforeaaid, and known nnd described as being the southwest qnartcr of section No. four, in townstiip No. four, souih of range No. four cast, containilig one hundrt-d and sixty acres of land, be the same more or less: excepttng and reservinsr nll ihnt cortain prt of said trnct of land, above described, which was hcretofure dceded by Grove Bniker and Persis Brirkcr to laala Currier." Said Mortgage hoving been given to secure thepayment of the parchase money of said premises. GEORGE WESTFALL, Mort. II. A. Noyf.s, Att'y. Dated. April lOth. 1843.


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