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Albany Daily Patriot

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CHARLES T. TORREY, Editor and Proprietor. Office in the Laio Buildings, Second Story. Corner of Deaver and ' JMnrkct Si reets. Tlio suheriber omntienced the puhlicritio"! or' n new dnity paper on Tues'Jny, January 'd, 1842. It will bedevoted to the cause of liberty, ofgooJ inórala, commercial news. & general ntelligencc In regard to general newa, vo mean to do is tooll as onr cotemporarir?. ín respect to commercial and monetary atlaus, arrange nents are in progrrss. nt n heavy expense. which will make the Daily Patriot second to no paper in the State. Nothing will e%'er bc adinitted in its columna unsuited to the family circlc. it willaim to give the earliest foreign and clomestic inlelligence. includinj full reporta of congresaional and legislative proceedings, city news, court reporte. an{ noiices of our ciiy ris'iiu'iops nud affairs. ín ita political character, it will be devotcd to the cause of Liuekiy, "without conce.ilment, without compromiso." TERMS. - $4,00 a year, payable quarterly in advnncc. tlFNo paper will bc mailed, until the pnyment is made. - ICFTho weokly is issued every Thürsday, at $' a ycsr in advance. Adverlising rat;s.-- squnre (12 lines) first insertion, 25 cents. For each additional insertion 12 ets Si.r lines. or less, half the nbovo rates. One square for a year, pnpor included, $10 00. Our rates are lower thnn those of any oihcr paier. and they will continue to beso. A solect class of advertisements, will bc inserted also in our weekly, which circuíales widely in every couniy in tliis State but 5. and to a considerable extent in 12 otlter States and Territorios, for ir, a square.- O All country weekly papers giving this prospectus Hz insertions, with a notice, will be entitled to an oxchange with the Daily Patriot. AU eommunication must be addressed to CHARLES T. TORREY, Publisher. l


Signal of Liberty
Old News