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On Reading

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mong the young of both sexesto read novéis. - j DuVpcriodicalsare crowdedwifh fiction and nnnce- storics about sighing spirit, and broken ic.irta, which are calcúlate! fnty to disorder the magination, fi'.l the brain with a thousand wild deas, and rendcr the mind etnpty aad visionary. ] IVo would recommend history, biography, books f traveU and voyagoa, and tlioso works which i jontain the noblo lessans of wisdom, moraliiy, nid religión. The study of history is .generally nteresung, nnd bv a proper systcm of rcading, it may be rendered very useful. History unfolda to view the dceds of eminent men, who have distinguished themselves. in different nges of the world. It spreads out tho map of human events by which we are einbled to discover the origin, risc, and progresa of nations, tho different traits of character which individuals of each age have posseáed, nnd the whole chain of leading events whieli have transpire, from the Grst dawn of society to the present dny. The oxperience andwisdom of nations aru eollecteü ana spreau om iipop the pnges üf history. By history, wo are cnabïed to discocr the causes of thosc míglñy rcvolutions which have. in different oges, shaken the politica! vor!d to its very centre, and overthrown cinpires and potentatea. It is intcrcsting to an cnquiring mind, to trace the progres3 üi the liuinan mind from the iirst dawnihg of reason, through tho various stages of science and the mechanics arts. And it is no less nteresting. to wit ness how Uirdy has been the progresa of nations, to thcir present advanced state of perfection in the nrts and scienecs. The biography of gwrüt men, too, kindies a nob!o spirit of emulatïon in the minds of youüL men. ly which they arelod on to dceds of rénown and valor. Minds which othorwise, pcrliops. would sink intoindolonce and inactivity forever, are, by being made acquainted wiih the great exploits and deedd of men Jcd on to renewed exertion, and made to shine, like alars of tho iirst magnitude in the temple of fa me- IIow niucli better would it be íor every individual to confine himself to tlio sober facts recorded in history, and !o the lives of the wiso and good. ihan to Avander thiough the flowery pages of fic:„.. II..


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