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Cause Of The Hard Times

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Why ia thisccuntry Dl stich dee distress Without ftmliwj peMiIence or war' It Is böcduse (iiB-third of tiiis nation have Hved in idJenef on the labor of theothei tvvo. thirds, by the raeans of credit, for the last twentv yearg. The nation contnins 17,000,OOOof jeople. In the tfmtesu slove States we may estimatc the ponulation aLS,QOO.0OO. 'i'hcre are 2,700,000 sjuvi s. Tin; persons to whom Ihe title to these slaves exist. are Lóö,- 000, or Üic Êeventy-fccond part of the nation, who own the slnvep, rrd govern Uio republic. The wive?, childrcn und relatives of tlie ]ivcholders are 1,250,000, (o wliicb ndd tl:e owuers, and t mokes J, 500,000, or onetwelfth part of the nation, who rule us in Conres-,as to'.h -art o=do üstlie Soutli dcs;re?, in Con" gress, ftr fearoi losing tha Fiippnrt of that part of the suth who are calltd Wbig&'or Democr;it9. Labor in slave States is regardcd ns dispracefiil, when perfornied by white persons. - Tliis is ti general ru'e- there are some excep tions. Therê are not overone anda half millions of tlave-laboring men and women in the Southern States, or one to five, wlio are rcpnrded as primo laborera. Tho other 1, 200,000 sla ves nrc infirm, oged, children, or fugitiveb in the woodi and swainps. Labor i the only suppmt for atmlion; nnd thaf. nation whjch has tho greatest amo'jnt of availabie, employed labor, is the richesi nation on the long run. Only one person out of five, labora in the Southern Stntes, and that is a slave, whose every movement is proprlled by fear- not compensation - no, it is lash, not cash. The 6lave provides in part for himself and four other beingp, and vet we are loU he cannot, if free, take care of himself alone. But t cannot be denicd that ihe 1,500.000 elaves cannot furnish much over two-thirds of the sustenance of the South, wit"i all the white labor, which only prevails iu limited dis'.ricte. Since 132C, or fi'teen years, the South have been trusted with 8300,000,000 of northern labor, or $20,000.000 a ycar, from the free States, which novnr has: or never will be pal in aught except Dankruptcy. There is scarcely a neighborhood m the free States which hns not paid ita quota townrds the t venty milüons per Diimtni, duriug some one of the lest fiftcen years. Letus look nt our etaples - wheat, con, ryp, oai, butter, clísese Jiides, iron, wool manufacture.-', bats, shoes, cloth, woolen, cotton, carriages, leather and jrooda which the North have importod from Europe. Le1: us exanu'ne the credit system, na applied to the intercourse between the slave and free States.The South has got holJ of ïiorthern labor in a great varietv of ways, and will continue to do so as long as slavery exi.ts. A., m the county of Oneida, U a wool huyer, nnd ia trusted; be is considered a min of Jorge property. He buys 200,000 weight of wool of the farmera oround, and in years past, en an average at 40 cents per pound, or $30,000. He eells it to a large manufncttiring establishment in Massachnsetts, on credit, who make it into cloth, and send the dotn, valued al Slin,000, to a commission merchantin New York, who sella one half, or $75,000 to ten different merchants in the Southern States. IIo eells in large quant ities the other half to wholesale jobbers in the city of New York, on credi', and the jobbers for sake of great profit, eell to different mrchants at the soti'h. Th ose sonthern merchants, one halfof them, fail: for directly, nnd indirectly, tliey have got the whuio of the cloth. The commission merchant, if he has watranted these Koutheni nie?. (nsho often does) fails - the New York jobbers fail -and it f.ills back on the manufactunng Co., who fail- end A. fails, who has bought the L00,000 oounds of wool of not less than 400 or 500 farmers in Central New York. Some of these farmers fail for wart of this vtry monoy to pay their debts: nnd their hired men gn unpaid, uud tlieir mechanics unsatisfied. But suppose A.,the wool buyer hart got the eighty thoesimd dollars out of 10 different 13-mks in Central New York, and got twenty or thirty of his neiglibors to endorse and h:id paid the farmers for their wool, and then A. liad sold it as befoie s!a?ed, and southern merchants, the New Yrk coimisi.ion merchant, the jobbers, üTidthe Mantifacturing company had successiveiy failed, then A. and his thirty endorsers are probabiy ruined, and mnny persons wliomthey owe: for thcy, A and his endorerp, must stand tliis load; and if tlrey cannot, then the banks who loaned A. tho money must break, and the wid ow and orphan steckholders must lose their little property in the bank. But suppose the Manufacturers get tle Boston banks to loan them the money to pay the Oneida wool buyer; it only shifts the loac from Central New York to Boston. Or suppose, as was dometimes the case, the southrrn uierchnnts had borrowed the $150,000 of the U. S. Bank or its br anchos, "nnd then fail as they at the south often did, and óttgged down a branch of that bank - font seems the south got $25,000,000 of thal bank,never to be paid. Thus the U. S. Bank is ruined. The stock is inamly owned by persons of the iwrthern and free states, and thousands and tens of thousands of these stockholdcrs have been utlerly ruined by the 6outh, and persons having a liltle ïBcome of 3 or $400 a year from the U. t?. li.nnfc, jch as the infirm, the agcd, the decayed, the widow and the fatherless, who, by this bonk and otliers beiug ruined by the south, have been driven to the Poor house in the free states or into extreme destitution. Men who buy up butter and cheese at the north, have been ruined very aften by the same process, frora the south, and the loss finally rol'edbaek, üke fulling brick, on the butter and cheeae nsakertí, who by not beinj jwiidfor, werê unable to pny thcir laborera, and thus fílmense distrens ensues. -L The aouth has become indctyed to Lynn, in M;k;. n tlic ast fifteen yenrs, $3,CUO,000 nevcr lo bc paid, for boes and boots nJone. - It is a towli of only 14 or 15,000 inhabilanta. Let us see how this matter appears in another farm. A tanner in Chaufaiujuc county offers five ceñís a pound for green hides, and is to be trusted one year tiJI lie can turn tliem - he buys on credit and tans n the rotigh $20,000 worth, and brings tliPru to aleather merchant in Utióa, who buys them aain on credit, and sets some twenty men to make thom complete for the nse of The maker, and for t'venty-five thousand dollars sells them to a great manufacturer at Lynn, who lias 100 mn doing j b work, who make for hhn O60,000 wort li .of boots andehoes out of this leather; and this Lymi boss from time to time sends ff his manufactured shoes and boots to the commis.vion merchant in New York, who solls them directly, or indirectly, tosouthern merchants whofail; the New York go bettocens are likewise ruined, and the Lynn man and liis oue hundred workmen and their families, to inniiy of wliom 1(H, 200, 300, 400, &00 and S'GOO of unpaid wnges are due, all fail; bnnkruplcy rolls over them, and ruins the Uticn man mul liis Jaborers, anti the Chautauqite lanner and Iweuty yenrs of industry are swept lo dpstruction, and the proprietors of those for forty miles around, are lefk to contémplate the modo and marnier ofshoeingand booting nn idle, vngabond, slaveh' iding population, wherc only one in fivc work , and that man o slave. The rnan who has Eold his hides without pay, in Chautauque, says to himself: "Slavery has done this. and always will si treat me, not only as to my liides, bui also as to my wool, iron, wheat, hats. and every other thing we grow or ïnake at the North, until Slavery is abolished at the Sotith, nnd men go to work and produce an equivalent to pay lor what they buy." The Chatitnuque man ?ays, on reftection, it ia no longer a mystery to hiin to undersland how the South get hold nf ur property, eat, drink, and wearit. The Xorth in the last fifteen years, has lost five limes os mwch by the South, as the entire specie of the North at this Jime There is bo little money in proportion to tlie debts we owc each other at the North, that the man who hns money can biy at one half the old prices; labor is reduced one hnlf, owing to onr losses by slavery, and as a punishment for npholding ihis dreadful crime of not emancipating the Slaves; until at last we shall find by so doing we get but half our pay for our !bjr, at t!ie Norlh. So long as we will vote for pro-slavenr rulers.and thus uphold sluvery It the EO'itli, it is a juït retribution of ProviJence to nmke ns, vnpaid, supply for our la)or nt the North that deficiency'which the slaveholder cannot extort by the lash, frotu the slave at the South. We have not oneïalfas ninch personal property,cash. silverand gold, as we should liave had,in the free States f the South had paid us for what she has eat, drank and worn out of our free labor. - And m betler times can be expected while slavery exists - while one third of the white populatïon at the South governs the country nnd has two-thirds of the officers in the Navy, in the Army, in the Departments at Wasliingtnn - and three-qunrters of the con-ïiils andforeigh ministère, - and fifiy millions expended in the Florida war, for the benefit of Georgia, Carolina, Alabamn, Tennesecj'Misniísippi, Louisiana. Arksnsasand Florida contractors, to break up the last asylum of the fugitive plave at the South. Alas! alap.' we are nothing but wretched, conquered provinces, north of Mason's and Pixon'a line, paying1 tribute to Southern masters, until slavnry is overthrown, and until it is no longer disgraceful to the white man to earn his bread ay the sweat of his broto. Labor will be honrnb!o in all at the South the moment slavery ceases, and the amount of labor there then, wculd be instantly doubled. The value of our labor and property at the north would bc doublé by tea ring slavery from the vitáis of the country. We should instantly a bolish the act of 1793, 6lavery in the District of Columbia, the interna! flave trade between tho States, and not nllow Florida a place in the Union except as a free State, and cause Congress to guar antee to each State a republican torm of government, and then Sluvery would nreare to crawl into his cofiin.


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