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The Land Of Blood

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A Inrpo mimber of the entcrpnsing )foung men of New England who etnigtate to the Soulli, meet with a violent dcnth. Thcy re osenspinatcd without resistance, or are killed in afirays or duels, oftcr the manner of the South. The last instance of fushionnble butchery in the of Melznr Gardncr, editor of the Chronicle and Old Dominion, Porwnioiith, Va. He was formerly editor of a Demooratic paper in New England, and was much beloved for his mild and urbane manners, and his devotion to the intere.-?tof tlie working classes. He was assaultet' in the street by a Mr. Cook, mul in the affray was killed by the discharge of hls ownpifctol. It appears that he had protested in his pnperafrainst ihe ctnployment of -slaves on the public works at Norfolk, who were employed at lower wages thnn the poor white men could afford to work for, thus mnking ihe rich richer, ond the poor poorer. lijs opponent8, not bping able to meet his nrgunients, threatened his iife, and fmally comm ;nced the assault which rtsulted in h'tí death. The excitement was great All bus iness was suspended on f.hedav of his funeral. The services were attended by a thousnnd persons. A bonner was cairied in the procession, inscriced, "The working man's friend murdered in their defence.'' A purse of 2,000 wasraised for the widow and children. Cook wasexamined by a mngistrate, but discharged; but the feeling among the workintf men vvns so strong that he was re-arre.-ted, and committed for trial. He wili donbtlessbe acquit - ted, as the person killed was only a Yankee.'07 TiieRev. Artliur W. Elliott, o Methodist clergyrnan, we believe, lately made a speech at SImron, Ohio, in which ho defined his position and that of liis clmrcli as fullowa, as was reported in the Philanthropist : ' í can soy of politicnl aboütion as the o]J Du'chman Raid of AutiMasonry . "Masonry, said ho, "is .the devil, but oni mnsonry is worst." So I sny slavery is ttie devil, but po litical nbolilion is worsp. If we hnve any politicnl abolitionists in otir churcb, they had betrer leave Do not misunderstand me. We are wiilinpr that an abolitionist should be in the churcb, if h? will keep his sentimcnts to himself. Bilt if he oes to taiking nbout il, teach'mgr his Bentiments and disturbing the church he will have to leave.1 ' 0? The we6tcrn papers say that Dr. R. B. Bbme.nt has been nominated candidato for Congvess by the Liberty Convention of the Second Districf. The official procec(!infs have not reached u?. Bement is favorably known in thal District as a gentleman of extensive general knowledge, an active and vigorous mimi, a thomughsToing Liberty man, and an able and popular speaker. (ET The pa'agraph entitled Martyrdom,"" in onr paper of last weck, was cut froman ex change paper. Tiie statement in regard to the law of Noith Caiolina we suppose to be erroncoue. It was inserted insdvcrtently.


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