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john Itiiadulph. - Aa original An'cdote.' - DnriiiiT sorne periud "f Mr. Randolpfi's pnliticiil career, le hnd the il! fortune to oíTend a coxcoii.Msh yoitnj follow, Vhö lifJcrtnined to revenjre hini.ilt' by inaoltloe the Roanoke orator on the first op;)ortutiity that occnrrid. - A. lenth tho opportimity prcsontpd itself, whei) the yourig spriir, infeiina: Kandoljh, on the pavemeut, walkcd up to li:m vcry impudently nud f=ad, "I never gave the way to a d n d rasnal." Mr. RindolpH, puUing off his hat nnd nnkiu the gentleman low bnw, rc lipd, " Well, Sir, I alwnya do' and gave him the pavement.Edticuiïon, lntemperance and Crime.- -OF the present coiivir.ts in the Auburh prisión, only L liad receivci! a coüopiate educntion, 12 an academie - 500 rould rend, 210 could not tead, K7 learne'i lo rend in prison- 4."0 ha.i been inicmperatc, L-23 moilertilft drinkers, 54 total alistinent. - in üOO cuses the crime was causcd by üqnor- 370 lefr. lio'me betoro 1 years of age - 225 hl been boatmon on canals, 100 paüore, 25 soliüers- 81C had pruciiced o-ambiin- 123 lind nttemh'd Sahbath school, 31 had Teud t!ic Bible dai'y- 357 bad been mamad. EJwards al % JVhippins Post.- The day ofter Col. Edwanls. the (Jisliiicruishcd financier, was drajrirfd froin his hidinrr pl:ice, lie w;s lied to whippinff-popt. and one of tlie stodtost it er pers npplied lashes to his bare back, wiili a nine-:a:ls. "Isu'l thot pfetty UPaiiiiPtit of a gentleman?' exclaimed the indigniBt Oolonl. "Ai e iot yon a pretty pèn'.leman?'1 replied llie brandüiher of the ninctailsi 1he Lepislatlve Oouncil of Iowa pa?sed a bilí authorjzing 19 divorces. Gov. ChambcrB haa fetoed Ihe biJ!. lGood Frts in Hard Times.- The Jijdge Advocute's f'eea, in tbo trial of Coimnander Muckenzie, nre 810, per dirm, and $10 for ;very 15 pnjras of record, 150 words mnkinj: i puge. We presume the fees average at least 5-'2i or #80 a day. Is it ony wonder 'ii.ii lilis triol is spread ouL to the length t is7 Letlers and o;jiniuns are offered and placed au tlie record of the Court, all of which swell the BDormotti tees that are to go mto iiis pocket.- .Y. Y. Brprcss. Woolen Manufactures in Michigan. - Two Ë3stern aentlcinnn are now erectinga woolen mannfjurlory at Miirshall, in Michigan. The establishment w!ll be completed dnrmg the rUmmer; willgive rmploymuiit to about forty liunds, and manutbcture tlio conrser cloths, uhich nre in great demand at the West. - Tray Wkig. [Uow wil! ikU öperation of the tariffbenefit Eustern manufacture?, Mr. Iludson?] - Rmuncijjator, Knittjtfg Machine. - A Mr. Frcnch, of Spnnjrn'L'ld. Ma-s., hns invented a machine that knita stockings without It is now exhjbiting in Boston. The Emanciputor says it can be placed on a lady's table and knii lier stockingf, without intertipting her othcr work. The Circuit Courl of the Un",ted Stntes for the district of Alaboma has decidod that the marriajre of a white man with on Indion woman, occording to the forms &t customs of tle Clioctnw nation, is void, that o civiüzed man is incapable of contrading marrioge witli a snvage; and that their offöprinif is illegitimate anc1 cannot inherit. Cast. - It lias cost over $250 fo colorize cach one oí' 4,020 colored peopie, in Africn: oí whora obout half were slaves. Las: summer our Vkriiancé Committees colonized over l .500 in Canada, at a cost of uot more tlian 8 10 a heat). Thcy were laves froin every slave State in the Ünion! - Patriot.Mach has tbeen said ín the papers r.bout Bible-bnrnin i Canuda, hut we take it that in nne huif the States of tliis Unión, one liulfof the populntion are not alloued to receiv Riblos, and if tbey 6hould ohtam th;m, the Protestant pr et-as nüd people wonld imite to wrest thein awin, and if no otlier menns vvould answer, tliey would not scruple to buni tlicinl - Entart. Costly Talking in Congress. - A spe(ch of nrdiimry or moderate lenih, dulivered in Congress, cist the penple of Uie Union about Jive or six thouaand dollars! Economy. - The House of Representativos of PfeoniyJvnnm, have passej a bilí reducing the pay of menibürs to $2 per day.


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