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The Bill Repealing The Law Granting A Jury Trial To Persons ...

The Bill Repealing The Law Granting A Jury Trial To Persons ... image
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The bill repealing the law granting a jury trial to persons claimed ns fugitive slavea, passed the House of Representativos in New York but was not acted upon in the Senate. - Scvcti Demócrata voted mr- not " tpn righleous men '' be'ing found irrojnL them. The vote was taken at midnight! It was urged that according to the decisión of the S. Suprcnie Court, no State has a ríght to ejíisiate respecting tlie condition on vhich fttgitive elaves shall be returned, and thereflre it was nuil and void, a mere nicumbrance on the statute book. When the law w&5 passed, it becanie a valiiable safeguard to the liberty of the colorcd race; but since the decisioti above mentionod,ue euppose its practical effect is smnll. Yct the Jinsle f the Legislature to repeal all its provisions, looks disgriicefui and servile. lts repeal wne doubtleas in tended as a sop to tbc slaveholders. Americans ín late years, have made an tstonisluug progrcss i Jüo mechanical arts. - They have in sorae of these branches, reached aeir perfection; altho;igh it niay, in sotae respects, be attributed to foreigiiers moving, into this country who are ski. ui snechanics. Americans (jcíiií aotbitious to excel, im-. itate them, and take n great delight inbringint1 evcry thing to a etate of perfection. It niay juctly be eaid, that we now furncslt specimens of mecbanism which cannotbe equalled by any of ihe most polished Nations of tfae Earth. A laudaWe ambition fíiows iteelf atnng our ioechanie, to exercise their skiii and genius, and may it continue tobe eo.The Albany Vigilance Committee wy in refcrence to fugitives from Sluvery: We take thie occasion to say, that our frietids in the country, and in villugea, who nftd labo; will aid the cause of Liberly by eending jn ló h Conunittee for any amotmt of malt and frtnah: Mor. Ten (2iys notice wili cnable ns to suppiy ulmost any culi. And we believe tlio tim has coaie when the neceFêitv ofhtaldittg lïp die prosjwriry ot'CariaSa, at ihe expense of our owu country, hus nearly passed away." Tlie S'ave-hoiders in New Orleans are getting íieoáy. The Collector of Cu-toms is eavl to h;ive appropriated 8100,000 of tiie public vioney to ttippJy his nocessitie; nnd the kte Post master waR a!so a a heavy defaulter. We suppose, like their iUustrioiis predeccssor,"Sw:ntïtit,:hey will jx:tition Co;igress for a compromií-e! IxTKnKSTiNo Familt. - A meeting of six bnthers recen. ly tok place at Euton, Madi60i) connty, Y.,) whicl is perlnps withoJt a Kiruilel in the country. Dr. Silas Clark, öf tïerkimer connty, aged 75, nnd his brothers Nathaniel 79, J nns 71, John 69, Samuel 67, and Josinh C4, nll viirorous and healthy, averagirt2f 70 vean of age, formed tlie circle.- To witivss eirch a meeting vould almost pay for a trip from Albany to Madison, if the other brothers are men of iatelligeHce nnd worth Ont we know the Doctor to be. - AlhanyArQ?3 Thcre was a meeting of the Historical Fociety of New Yorlc, last month, and the priijèipat speakers were A}!ert Oallatin, W. F. Lawrcncp. niid Daniel Webster, Mr Web6r gave a his'ory if .the Bpundary queátion from the bezinning to the present time. His - remarks Were received wilt great nppluuser Qp Haijti.- P xsideut Boyer has departed fVotn this island. He is now on his wiyl to England, on Uóard a British tn-m-ofwar. the Ijovernnient ís now adininiatced by a commit1ce o!" iVventy-five men, utitH a new Prc-eidpnt Can beelected. Au arntyof fwenty tioK-and men, has taken poasEssiou of Port au Prince.


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