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A g ntleman in Tennestce has written to a fríend in Conucctieut on the subject of . vcry. The letter is pnblibhed in the Chrislian Frecmnn, from whicli we extract the foilowing: ♦ Yon ask me how many of our people would be willing f o aboüph elavery. In E. at least. Jn N. Curo linn o majority - in fuct a mnjorily i I he legnl voters of the wiiole south. All thut is wanting is energy and concert of oction. The abolitionists have not rettirded the t-mancyo. (ion of Ihe slare; bul umeliurated his condition, and laid the oxoH t the root of the trne. By pprecvering indubiry, yrithrjGod'9 blessiug, they will triurnph. Tiie üglit gets nto the south; so nnich eo that a late pnper at Nasliville snid, that nothing but the clection of Mr. Clay could sustain slavery. The abolilionists have made on iinp ressicm on the iSfowA, bryond Ihetr eslimation. Jl few ycars ofperscveranre and the systan will all. Our worthyjudgo told me in a conversation this evening, tfnt lie rejoced at the success of the culture of the cntton ín India. Althougli itcaufcd much distress in our country, ultimately the effect would be beneflcial. We hve in East. Tennessep, some 220.000 whitcs and 20.000 slnves. Most of the non-shiveholders and two thirds vvho nre slavehotderp, wish the evi! abolit-hed. You would hear the eystem spoken ofwith as innch scverity ns at tlie north. The slaveholders hope to keep out the Üglif, but hope in vain. It com(s in, in correppondence and by pnper? - Many a aboliti.ui paper gets in and circnlates tinti] worn out - and by travelers from the free States. Qarry your principies (o the Polls. Show your foilh there by your woiks. Ilüivescen too inuch sufFering brought on the country by elevafing a murderer - a slavelmlfler anda duolist tothe Grbt office in the gift of the pnoplo, to fcel Bny anxiety to have another tbere.'"


Signal of Liberty
Old News