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Burningoa Theatre. - Late Englis h papers contain an account of the bnrning of f Theater in St. Petertburg. The particular; are liorrid. We extract the following: When the fire was over, when the flamei and lite were exlinct, and all who were within lay in a burned and chai red heap, the mei ancholy business of removing tlie ded was commenced. The 6ipht is snid to have beea beyond all idea harrowing and appu]ling,when, on clearing away the timbers wliicli hnd f;i lien in, the mass of bodies was gradnally discovcred. They were pulled out one by onp, with hookss; sme were completely caibonized, others ronsled hke clifinuts'; many had only the hair of the hend siiiged; many wiih glazed eve, btirned hair, and charrrd faces. hád on tiieir huliday clothes nnd decorations, which the ñames had nat reaclied on account of !he close presiire of the thromj. These presentod u far more repulsive spectacle thaa ttaee which were entirely burned. In one part of the building, which the flames had spared, were fountl dense rnasses of bodjes stiil standing upnght, hk a ho6tof shades from the nelher world. A female wns foun( with her head hnnging over ihc g.illerv, om holding her hand and her handkerchief before her face. A gomlemnn who witnessed thp operation of clearing away the bodies, tolt me that he conld nol touch lood for three dn vs so frightful were the images thal hnd incesrantly htmnted him afterward; oivJ a lady who had ookeJ in from a distance, was so shocket that s'je hecame dehrions, nnd rnved for several days, both sleeping and wakinjf. The number of the victims was subseqnen ]y etated officially to be 200, but a person toli me that he countpcl with his own pyes, tifiy caris, each of which contoined fiotn 10 to 15 bodies. A Ilevolt'tng Picture, - A wrier in the New Yoik Aurorn, draws the following revolting but faithful picture of Broadway, the tnain artrry of modern Bb} Ion : "Brondwoy has hecome one o tbc mos intolerable nuisanres thnt at presen, níílictb our city: and', rlihtniph the nttention of tilt municipal authoritieá has heen frequenily calíed lo the evil which v e speftk of, yct nothing has bern done to remove i, or to check, in ihe least degico, its hb minable carerr. The moment the shados of rvening close in upon us, Bn adway is literally thronged witli tho off-scourii gs nnd out-pr-urings of tl e very lowest deus of vice ond nii.sery. At ever) eten yon er counter the impuc'ent caze of n df. graded biing, who has fallen a victim to the wiles of' some human fiend, au outcast from eocieiy, nban(!onpd and rütcarded Ly friends nnd relativos, nnd forced to rpsort to the most revolting crime of which the mind can conceivp, t o escape from ulier starvation. From n constant fiimilia.'ity with crim, (bese wftfirCunato fejnales bec'ine insensible ofevery leeling of sliatne; uud every estige of that natural modesty which ever characterisps the virtuous female is uttcrly desiroyed. Thus, unchecked hy f i !er moral or legal restr.ii:it, they taly to th in he most public thorotighfares of' oor cty, und, arrayed in tlie most gnudy npparol. they exercise every art that thelr ingeunity can inven?, to allure to destruction the youths wlio, for business or plcasure, venture to walk the btreets at nitjht. The sireet most obuoximis to Uiis evil, is Broadway. In this, the n;ost public streel we have, in t!ie ery heart of our city, where our citizensof boih s' x-p are constantly p-ssng, the moát intolerable outrages upon de:ency nndgood ordor, are nigh ly to be witnessed1 "Prostilntion is a ncceípary evil, fo: it is ne which has exis ed since the knwn civil - zationof the world: and, however rductant vemaybeto Ctinfes that it is uivivoidtible, ac s prove t :o be so. But inability 1o prevent it is no pallmtion lor nllowiig llnie who are mgaged in this unhallowcd traffic, to make ur puhlic streets the mnit at which todisoseof thetr easily purchased charms."Lord Brovghdtn.-An American in Eugland gives ine following áccnuni of Lord Brougham's manner of speaking: IJis first sentfincos, like ihoée of most grrat orators are exceodingly ordinary. nnd deliveredinastvle tTiieti rtny school hoy miltt have equalied. He turns to the bundie of sniall slips of paper besule liím, tafees up one of them, and, apior holding i close to his oyes for a moment, throws it oehínd liim, and goes forward. The storm is rinng. Mis manner is becoming every moment more nnimated; his voicc, never plea6ing, is crowing more loud and shrill; his arms swing back and f.rth in uncouth, but most efilcient geslures; the . House is perfectly stilled, and by the time he ' arrivés at the second heud of ncgmnent, it iappirent that he has gained a complete com mand of his auditors. The second note adds but fuel to thefiarne, und on he goes, like a fire on the prairies, btirning, blazing, scorching.and consuming all before him. His op ponent quake-j with terror and surprise as he bcholds the siz-ong cords of his logic snapped assunder, like the tow in the fin me, and shrivelled into thin oir; and at last, blislnred with enrcasm nnd pnlled with vindictive irony, he falls down discomfited, bCiieatli llie fiery tempest thut overwheltns him. Such work is too wnrm to last long. The orators voice and manner grows more feeble; his victinj Iie3 before him "flaved alive!" and quiverng at every neivo; and he sits down, perfectly overeóme wit li the gigantic effort. The au (lience not cating to henr more, taKc lhir liats and disperse; and onr American friend walks awüy wiih the firm conviclion ihat i( Daniel Webster is not the greatest mm in the world ihat rnan is Lord Oroughatn. The plea of insanrty in oases of homicide seerr.s to be quiie as effective in Knjrl.nnd as here. There is this diíTerence however. - When the prisoner is freed there on t!ns ground, they send hiín to the lunatic Asylnrh: here we let him run to kill some body else who may chance to tread on his toes and occasion ánother paroxysm of the disease. The acquital of McNaughten,the nssassin of Mr. Druminonc!, and announced by our foreign news. oifasioned rnuch discussion in London, ond the ministers of the Crown were nbout to introduce some more distinct and satisfactory [frovision for a plea in like cases. Stret Clraníng Machine.-A Dr. Jones, of New York city, has mvented a machine for cleaning streets, which promises to be of great ut!ity. It sweeps the streets, and loads tlie'dirt into the cartas it goes aloncr. The Netf York Herald th:nks the city coüld save S50.000 peranmirtfby its uise. If eo it will certainly be a' great labor savíng machine. The New York Express says tbat the fleeco of wool from five thousand shéep, raised , by one man in the State of Michigan, watfsold in that city on Friday.The Baink Bill. - We publish ta-day, a length, the most important act passed by th late Jegislnture,viz: tliat )f regulating the issu of tliè chaitered öanks, ond abolishing the office of Bank Commissicner. The piincipal provit-ions of the bill nro - Thot ihe Safety Ftind Bank shall, on th first of July next, makesworn returns of theii circuiation, deliver their platea to the Comptrollcr, and after thot date, not issue theii notes without the same being counlersigned and registered by him. Thatbefore the first diy of July 1814, all bilis not so countersigned shall be burnt, and the Ktockholders become irtdividually liahle for oll no'es nol eo couutersiLned outstanding after thnt date. Tliat all bnnks and binking associations shall mako full reports under oath quarterly of' their condition, which reports are to be publtehed in the State Paper and n the coimtics where the banks are located, and if auy bank negloct to report for two quarters it is to be t-losed. The office of Bank Commissioner is nbolished, bul the Comptrolier is authoiized to oppoint special iigents, to examino suspicious banks. Lnstly, any bank that ciosee, is at liberly to wind up its affuirs and surrender its charter, on complying with certain conditioiis for the paynient of its bill holders. Sic transit gloria, Safety Fund-i! - Utica Gazet tt. UNIVERSALÏSM AT THE SOUTH. The Gospel Messenger, an able paper published at Prnvidence, maintaining the doctrines of the Universaiists, aiterapts to expiain the rcason why that doctrine doeá uot flourish at the South. It will, doubile?, answer ns well for olher denominations- the ministers of which wil! inevitubly find in the end that tliey "gain imthing for the cause of truth by dupficily and tane-serving!" ♦Univfrsalisni is nn'i-slavery in ita princi piep, in ls pirit, in its roíiilis, and it can never m'ike head-way in a comrminity which is detorminod fo cherish ns a hallowed instilution, the vilel form of slavery. Tlie truth i?, and our fouthern brethren know it, Univcrsaliim and Anti Slavery are dentical - and henee, a minister might ns well preach genuine abolitioñism, without reserve, ns preach pure Universalisin. Out southern ministers endenvorin vain to disguise the fact of tiiis inVima'e ielaUon between our ftith and the ant.-slMve.ry movement. Slavc-holders nnd their abettors see plainly pnougli the soph'stry by which Brother Case and olhera of our Ëoutl.ern clergj', uttetnpt to reconcile tho slnve .ystem wilh our syslem of reiigioos f'ait)i and prai.-tice. Out clorgymen at the south, ö'iH gain noih iig fur the cause of truih by dupheiry and time serving." - Emancipator. The Log Ctilin, Hard Ctdn',aiid Coon Skin Cump'Mfin tobe revivrd Jnr 1844 - By the Richinond NVhinr, the leiiding Clny paper in Virrinia, it anpears that the liuinbucr election0( lintr s)stun of 1fi40. i to befic vird agnin ifpossible. The Wh'g wasornamen!ed wilh the cUt of an unccnlh urchin in'enJed to represent C!ay ns the "mili boy of the slaslies." Tliis atigust matter was introduced to its readtrs in tlie fol'owing appropriate style: 'Tliea'i'Ve cut represents Henry Clay ns henctually was n his early boy-hend - a mili boy, liding to mili, lmost litenilly in his shirt tail - n. scape grace, in the way of tniancy - stopping to fling at every sqiiirrel or old hare that came oeros? him - it may be, getting downtotakca round of boxing with some noiybborinjf archin - ilways overstaying his timo at inill, and pr. üably gel' ing birclied for it when ho got home, und put supperless to bed."- Fre-t Press.PROGR.ESS IN TUNIS. Tliis Moslem Bey peems defcrminpd to try the meltle of our Cliristinn President in tlic mntler of siaiery. Must "the United Stntos come laf-t';" The hst steamer bronght as Lhe Ijflndon Anti Slavery Reporter, with the lollowing letter: Tvnis, Junuary 5, 1843. We are progressing here as it f hould be with the abolition of slavery. I presume that vou have sern f -e Bey'e lat circular order, 'thnt everv chih! of a slave in this regency shull hencelbrward be boru frce." Tliia ncnsure nimio would vlltmately settle the nfair: bilt I un stire tliaf nearly all the Moors vet'possessirig1 slaves, finning how short vvill be hefime wl.ich they may cali thetn thir., iil very soon give thom their liberty, were t but to please the Be}', asmany have already lone; for they would nat lose the service óf the blacks, bul find that they have only changcd their ames f rom sluves to thal of faithful scrvants. - Malla Times, February 10. Mahometan and Chiustian Slavrry. - Sir John Malcolrn, m hts interestiny sketches of Persia, - ':Slavc3 in the Mohometan countries nre only Hable, for any crimes that ihey ma'y commit, to hafj the punishment to which the freemen would be subject. The Jaw procced on the ground of their not being supposed on a par, as to knowledge or social tiet?, with other parts of the communiry. The chri?tian legislutors of chnstinn slave countries reverse this principie, there beitig scarcely an offence pnumerated in the slave codes, which is not punislied with far gteoter 6oventy on the ignorant nnd degraded negro, Ihan on tlie educated white. Professed christians mny here learn a strilcing lesson of justice trom Mussulmen. The Erchanges of the country were nevcr in as good a state os now. The rates of discount are exce3Ó"ingly small, and the facilities of cnllecting and remiitingos good ns can be desired. More and better ihun all, the exchaiiges, in their proper arrangement cannot be throivn out of order. If we will but let the currency and the exchnnges alonp, they will remain sound to the end of the woild,even tho' (hat event shouM not happnn until a thousund years from the first of April. General Jackson even, cotild not now put a single wheel out of geer. Let us then be contented and thankful, and never get p another rebellion against the laws of currency, and ihen we8hn!!avoid another six years flogging. - Jour. ofCom. The Burlington (Vt.)Gazette says. thaton Wednesday two little children of Mr. Isaac Tlirockmorton of that place, weïe left by themselves In a stove room for a few minutes; on the return of their mother, thp eldesr, n girl about four years of age, wnáfoundejveloped in flatnes; her bnrning Clothes were mmediately removed nnd medical aid procured. but the hule suöèrer survived but about 10 hours. An nnti-slavery conv'ènlion atClevos, Ohio, on the 7th inst. was broken np by a mob, ond the dwelling house of the Prebyterian minister of the place, who took a part in the convention, assaülted, and much damagad.t í Mr. O'Connell, the great Libcrator, eays 3 1 of Dicken' Notes: "Perhaps it ia right that I should ndil, that fevv people admire more the writingsuf Dickens, or read them with a deeper interest, than , I ('o. I ara greatly pleased witli lus Ameri can Notes.' They give me, I think, a clearer idea of everyday life in America than I ever en. tertained before. And his c!)apter, canlaining I the advertisements íespecting negro slavery, is more calcula led to augment my fixed dëtatioti of slavery than the most brilliant declamition or the most eplendid eloqtience. - The chapter shows out the hideous features of the system far better than any dissertat ion on its evils could possibly produce them- odi ons and disgust ing to the public cye." Taring Law Suits. - The Lngislature of Louisiana hns passeJ a law, taxiugall law euits institnted in the city of New Orloans. The rotes are as folio wí: On all snits for sums of money, propeitv or dumnges, $300, a tax of $2; suits for from &S00 lo 500, tax $4; from 500, to 1,000 dollars, 5 dollars; from 1.000 to 2,000 dollars; 8 dollars; from 2,000 to 5,000 dollar?, 12 dollars; from 5,000 to 10,000 dollars, 15 dollars; from 10.000 to 20,000 dollar?, S0 dollars; on all insolvent proccedings, a tax of25 dollars; and in actions where no specific amount is deman.ded, a tnx in all cases, to Ie charged and re■covered wili other costs. The money thns obtaincd is to be applied to the support of the city Judiciary. Condilion of the Soulh Jrest.-Tbe holilers of the immense debts due from the people and merchnnts of the South West, enn form eome idea of their prospecte, from occasional disclosjures. A Washington correspondent of the Hampshire GazeUe gives the following extract of a private letter from a gentleman in Louisiana, to his friend at W.j "To be serioup, my dear fellow, the country is in a state of suffering of which yon can form no idea. Every dny neffroes and houses po under the hammer, and the peoplo, who decanip for their slaves for Texas, aredriving lis mad . Properties are at a price that is nuil. The folks know not whot eaint to pray to. - Wo now pay off the old score of follv, finan - cial and politica!. Tliere wants nothing to cap the whole, btit general repudiation, and ihnt wil] como. The Locoh ore there for a bout." Thk Somkrs Mutini'. - The Court Martial acquitted Capt. McKenzie on every chiirge preferretl npainst him: the President of the Uni'cd Si ate?, has approved the decisión. - The verdict seems to be in accordance with the public sentiment. At the same time the two triáis hnve developed a terrible stato of thingf" in the Navy. From the record it ap pears that hco thousnnd three hvndred and thirtren lashrs were infleted upn the sailors diiririíí thut one voynjre. And vet Capt. Mc Konzie is represented as a very uild man. - What then must be the situation of other crews? We know noti ing a' out naval dicipline, and cannot judge f' the necessity of such rigorous measures. But we caunol see how rny parent can consent to hav a son placad in such a school. One boy aged It years, received one hundnd and one lashes in (wo monlhs. It the resnlt of tirs maUer shall open the eyes of parents to the sitnation of boys n the navy, some good may yel como from the terrible affuir. - OberV.n Evangelist.Ekfkcts of tur Earthquake. - A corres. pondent of the N. O. Tmpic writing frorn l Havana, says that ïhe Is!aud of Mnrtinique has changed i s level; on the northeru side it is lvo feet higher above high water mark l ha u formerly; on the lee side it is siink two feet. AU the houses have an incünation from a perpendicular. In Antigua a large mountntn hos been rrnt osunder, leavmg a fissure in it of oiie mile r.n I n Imlf in extent, 75 feet deep, and 35 foet in bremllh. It is impossible to eave the rogar ciops, as the uiiils are so b roken that they cannot bc' repaired in time to grind ca::e. - Tribune. In Iieland the lunafics nnd idiots exceed 8,000. In one thousand male patients, insanif y lias been suppoed lo be caused as followí-: by dninkniness, 110, diense 100, epilepsy 78 ambition 73, hard labor 73, born idiots 71, misfortune 69, old nge GO, love 47, chagrín 54, accidento 39. religious enthusinsm -29, polilical events 2G, poisonous eftluvia 17, í 11 us:ige 12, crimes, remorse and despair 9, pretended insnmiy 5, mul-confirrration of the skull 4, other unkown causes 115. The wat to keep a nkwspafer bill undkr your controll. - Wlieti you linve a few dozen of eggs, a fevv pounds of hut te', a fevv bnshelá of oat.s corn or vvheat, or the like, or a fevv shillings ín money, just carry or send it to your prinler, with - 'Ptease g'tve credit on. viy paper.' Letlhis rule be observed and pracliced upon a few times a year, añil there will be no danger of one's newspaper bilis getting the upper hands of thern: - neither wil] the expense be feit m ony fumily. - BelJast Journal. A Fair Hit. - Mr Giddings, in a business speech in favor of an appropriation for the Imrbor of Cleveland, said: "Why, sir, look at your Florida war: for nearly fight years that war was continued; and it is susceptible of matbematical demonsi rat ion thal for fcix years the people of Oiiio paid nnnually a far greaier surn to catcli thote runaway negmes than thewhole amount paid by the Federal Government for ha rbor purposes within our State since we have had existence os a nation. And will Southern gen llemen novv refuse to us the trifle demanded for the protection of our property and the lives of oursailors? ' ThbGreat Wan r- Ten years of public service in state nnd national cotmcils, with men of all partid, and oall dscripüoiiF, and from every región of the country, has long since eatisfied me, th il the quality most important, as it is certuinly ?he most rare in the represenlative chamcter, it is a bold and fearless independence, that will shrink not from the performance of any task that honor and t uty may prescribe. - J. M. Bolts. Rkward of Mkrit.- General J. B. Dawsor.j the Loco foco member of Conress, whc threatened, with nn oath, to cut thé throat of a whig member, from ear to ear, on ihe floor ofCóngiess, jf he did not keep, silenr, had been appointed by John Tyler, Post masler at New Orleans. Á receñí connectión by marriage, wiih Mr. Wicklifié, is the only applogy offered for thjs infamous oppointnjent. Boston Alias . Lnrd OU. - The Cincinnati öazette states that four mannfactories ih that city had made, during the past year, 116',944 irallons of Inrd oil- the valué of which was $75,089. The quantity of lard reqxiired was 7,802 bárrele.Steam Ballootu - Laie English pnpers contain t learned descriptie) of a sttnin carriage, designed to navigate the air. It is now constructinjr n England. lts external nppeorance is thus describcd: The area of the sustaining sur face will be, we uuderstund, not lees thnn 4,500 square feet; the weight lo be sustntned, inchidinr the carriage and its total bu.den, is estimated al 3,000 pound?. The load is said to be considerably loss per square leot than that of many birds. It mny assisl the conceptions of our non-mecbanics] readers to dd that the general appearance of the machine is that of a gigantic bird wilh stalionary wings; thal the mechanical priciples concerned in its support are strongly exrmplified n the ose of a kite; tind ihut i:s piogress is maintained by an applicalion of power like that whch propelö a stermbont. In the operations of nature, particuiarly ín the flight of birds, will be found many strikin illusirations of the principie on which the inventor has proceeded. A Ckrislian Overseer. - A correspondent of ihc Albany Patriot relates an interview held by the Rev. Abel Brown, at Augustn, N. Y., which shows what effect slavery has on the religión and humanity of Northern men: "Mr. B. encountered an overseer, a member of the Presbyterian churcli in Augusta, who has bren, for manj years, a woman whipper on a Southern plnntatjon, nnd who confessed that he had slnpped women to the skin, and whippcd them uniil the "blood run down to their heels.'' He said he was obliged to whip them thns or they would not obey. He also said that it was lawful to whip them, tind Christian men at tho North helped nuke the Conslitution nnd laws, which tolernfed all thisI hope the Presbyterian church will soon exclude such a pitiable man from their body. Oür Akcestors. - Calling one morning on a gentleman, (at Cape Mom) I was 6hown into his Library, nnd while waiting for him there, took up Cicero's Ieders to Atticus. One of the first letters which eaugnt my eye was ihat in which the Roman Orator complains of the stupidity of the èlaves from Great Britain. Just as I had fimthed the perusul, my eye lichting on two busts p'aced in oppotte siiles of the room, Cicero and Newtun, I could not help exclaiming, "see what thnt man says of that man's countrv.1' Dr Philip. Snow. - A friend from New Tpswich. N. II. iafornis ua ofn enow bank thero Which til e past winter drifted around a house to the depth oftweuty-sicfeetJ and slill rema:ns. Stops have been cut in the snow from the door of thedvvelling, and you must oscend higher than the roof of the house beforc renching the road. There is no mistake in this. - Maine Paper. Riet. - It s raid rice was plnnted in Caroina in I6f 8; but owing to the bad seed ïtwas abandoned. In the year 1695 a vessel arrived from Madngnscar, tiie mnster of which furnished a gentleman with a smnll quantity from which has pprung immense sources of weallh to the Soulheru States. So much for the reuma nt of a sea store left in the bottom of a bag.' - JVashvüle Agricultura list. i(So!d for jniljees. -An able writer in the New World speaks of the free colored men, arrested on puspicion of being Washington, ns being linble to sale for their jail fees. This is not so now. The law was repealed two years ngr. They nre now dischargcd, af'ter n certnin time, nn I the jail fees are paid out of the Unitkd States' Treasury .' - Jllbany Patriot. The Pmssian standing nrmy now ronsiels of 122.000 troops of the line, and 430.000 andwehr, making an effective forco of 552,000 men. It ís, perhnps, ifnt generally knnwn thaL the Duke of Wellington ii the "only field mirshal in the Pmssian nrmy. ' The whole number of pntents issued by the [Jniled States previousto January, 1843, was 12.992. 517 patents were issued in 1842 including 15 re issued and I5additional impruvement?.Gond Idea. - At Pittsburgh, Pa., public dinner, hereafier, are to be ffiveei on the niesmeric principie. The gentleman who suuerintends the dinner, wil; mesmerize all the diner.1 , and then eat a splendid dinner hitnself, in vvhich all throngh mesmeric symp.uhy, will paitake: one dinner will thns sntisfy hundieds, vvhich wil] materially reduce the expeuse. Taxbs on Knowledgr. - The Winchpster, Va , Repjblican says tbat by a tnx bill before the Legislatura of thnt State, "Pnblishers of newspapers aro to be tnxed tvvice the price of a yearly subscription. Thai's decidedly clever. Our forefathers' knowledge is spreadincr too rapidly!' Corruption.- The "Spirit of Missions" (Ep:6copal) proposes to have a Missiowarï Collegk siipported by slave labor, the slaves to be ultimately treed, if tliey conduct well VVe hardly tho'.ight a northern man could be Ibiind corrupt enough to propose such a thinc. -Albany Pul. Spaahh Coins -The Banks of New York, Boston and Troy have agreed to receive the 25 cent pieces for only 3 ets. and the 12 for 10, and 6 for 5; this boing the averoge volue according to their weigh'. It will bring onr American coin into use, bnt will also drive a vast amount of specie into Canada. Specie - There was brought in the Brittania, at Boston, $2,281,875, in specie. -And there were fifteen boxes and one parcel of gold, of which the amount was notgiven. The amount of specie arrived in New Orleans within the last six monihs, may be eet down in round numöers at nine millions of dollars. Tyler Democracy. - John Jone", of the Madisonian, has given us tiie following as one of the anieles of the "Tyler creed." "Universal white suffrage with universal education.' Tius is the language and sentiment of Thomas JefTerson- And with these priicipleswe win for the People, or perish wilh the People' It is slated that the destruction of Point Petre did not occupy two minutes. In that short space of time this beauiful cüy.the pride of the West Judies, was thrown down and swallowed by the remorseless earthquake. The Cash System. - The N Y. American, hitherto a nubscription paper, price $10 per annum, haa determined to come out on the cash system, and pubüsh at two cents per number. The ravolution in the newRpaper press of the country is epread!n-fdr and wideLife at JYeto Oilcans. - The Picayune says: NEW 0RLP.AN3 JOCKEY CLUB RACKS Last Day. - The races of Sunday wereattended by as large a crowd on the niain stands as those of Saturday; ihere were fewer ladies present, however. Mr. Audubon, the celebrated Ornithologist, has commenced his journey to the Rucky Mountains. The object of this journey i$ to obtain materialts Tor his great work - thequudrupeds of North America- designed to b'e.the most magnificent publication ever got up in this country.


Signal of Liberty
Old News