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Peters Pills

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: 'Tis íun tlicys:iy to gut well wuli iliem, J,L mankind Üiio'lighout thcir wicie and ini , XJL mente ciit-uiutioii iliiit iei ti y ;h. ui ton. uijiie 10 buy iliem. Peters' l'ille ure puretyvog ütuble; thoy vvprk ik nnmclts, noi do tl,i y" pi o lees ló cure all diseusès, hecaueo iiuy are. th cien tifio compuund óf a Yugular physician, win ins mode bis profeesion ihe s::tfly ui his Inc. Dr Peiers is a ut'Xalc C'uilcgc, also o tin Mussnchuseits JYk-dical Cbllegr, unl lms mui. e wuaidistmguished himself 16 n ninn of scieuci and ainpng.thè.ianiiry of tl, e late Gjv j Peters; Pelete Vegetable lilis re smijle int hei irepai.-iiion, niüci in iheir r.ciio. Üi(rou(;h i ■ .lieiroperaiiori. nnd unrivalled in ihcir re$uUs'I'lie fown nnd country aie nlike iilled ivilh ihii i praisc. Tlie palace md tlie poor house oliK echo with iheir viruu-s. In all ctiiuatcs i bey wil retain ilicir wundvrtul powers and exet thein unaliered byqgpor silüition, nnd thi i the voice al a grateiul uommonity pröcloinied.- I Petera' Filis prevent - keep c ff dÏBeneea il tmitl' ; uscii. . inl linve no rival in enting billiuus lever I fevei nul igue.dyspepsia, livur j sick headaehe. jaundice, nsihma.diopsy. riieuma j tisin, cnïui genten t of Ihe spleen, piles, cóíic, te j male ohstruciion. lieart buin. furred tongue, nausea, disiemion oi üie stoxnach undLowels. íiil-í-í ent di.irrhouri. flatnlénce, linbitunl cónstivehess Kissof appetite, blocliL'd. or Bollow c'omp'lejcion aiul in a!í e:ises (t lorpur of llie bbwelp, wh'ert a cnthaniu or aponeni is indicated. pfoduciDí ! noither n;msea, griping nor di-biüty; and he re I pent all wlio buy tlicm cuniinue to tiy i!iem. The most triumpnnnt succes bos ever atten I ded thoir use aad enougb is nlready known o them to unnoitalizc and linnd them duwn t.r os terity with the iñiprpvements ofthé age ín nied I ícjI scicncc. Ur. IVtets was hred to the her lj ing iiri.añd in order to supply lü.t originíie! nnd oilled lo bis ;id tlie only eienn ! drive i ifíachinery in the vvorld íbr pill wotking. : "I'is pérfec', and iis process ímports to tl,c yti essontiul virtue, becanse by being perfect ly I wrouyln. all the piils' hidden virtue is rcveoled, i wlun cnlled into action. nnd hèré' also it is Petéis excclsall the world ;nú tnkesall t!ie premiums. medöla and diplonms. So clear the tract for tlie Engine- Petéis' Pilis are coming - a million ol witnessescnn now be Lerd for resistless -do you liear that! while a host enn teslify ilnt i bey believo li.ey owe their sahaiion liom disoase añd death to Peicis' Pil', nnd t" cnlomel and knivesarc getting partially ii:;o d.suse we are only niislal.Lii. ('i :.:i icvri:y.- This pnper could be filled with them by residenta of Michigan, by your fTicnds and neife'bbors - nsk uur agcr.ts. It is now well known thnt the póople will imve Peters' Pil's, nnd !■ hinder would I e Uiatou tbe rusliing wind. Price 2"i or 50 cents per box. Tiie rcsisrless "orce oí these t' utbs - thcir universal reception, added to tbe tcsiiinonv of millions. i;Uefp it before the pcwple' niustand will be hemd throughout this vale of tears. Their happy influence on joung ladies wlnle suffering un.'cr ibe usual changeé of lile as directed bv the laws oí nature, ibey rnpart a buoyaney ol' heart, feelins nnd action,' an elastic ati p, veívet ebeek, lillynnd carnation complexión ly tbeir action on ihe chyle, &c. and ladies in r'eíicatesituations níwnys adniit iheir power and irnocence, and take ihiin two or three nt a time wi ilion', in i he slightest degree incuiring the haznrd ofan abortion: which faets are of tíie utmost impbrtárice. Pimples; n yoímg lady sent her iove to Dr. Peters, nnd Baysshe feels ír.ore gratefu' to him for ihciTRtorntion oflie'r beauty thon f hé had saved her lüV. 'Tis fon t et weil with Peters Pills.for they cause the hlood tocoursr nalimpid and gentle tbrrmgh ihe veins as a niountain rivulet; 3 or4 is a commffn (fose, henee the patiënt is nol compelled to niafte a nical. T-ROUBLE INPLUTO'S CAMP. Quite aslonished Old Pluto cnmeto Iiew Y".rk. f Hearing Peters had grot bis Pili Engine at work,) To resign bis coinmission, hia hour glass and scythe; I have come to dcliver thema)) np to you-Sir. my calling is over - my business isthrough: I have.bèen fnr three'years in a terrible stew, And Í reaily dun't know wiint on earth I'am to Xot of your n-igliiy sire do I come tó complain. But a tarnal New Yorker. one PETERS by nanie: The diseases my aids. n thie war of nunkind, Are subdued bv this Peters, what help can we fin.'? I would yield him N. York. sir, jf there he wonld stny: But, sir. Peters will have the wboic world for his Bway. Vlüle musing in cognci! what conrse to pitrsue Tii;it Engine of Petera broke fonh into view. The Kinsrof terrors looked a while. As ihough his soul was ed to bile, At l!iat unsparing scourge of ills. By all men known as Peters' Pilis. These Pilla ol Peters' stop the slaughter. And f ca ves theblood as pure as water. Now Peléis inakes. I've lieard hiiri say, Five bundred ihousand pills a d;y; So that the chance is very smoll Of people dying there at all: For soon the cheeks, so m.irked for doom, Begin like any rose to blooni. Look fi'i'c! qUmkotry ooniinue to bvy them. For sale as follows, by Meisre. Beach & Abel, G. Grenville. F. J. B. ('rane, Maynard. St Co.. G. Word, S. P. &J. C. Jewett, J.H. Lnnd, II. Beeker, Dickenson & CogaweU, and S. K. .Iones. Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner & Co-, and J. Millerd fe Son? Dexter, Wm. A. L. Shaw, Linui; J. C. W:nans. Sylvon. Hale. & Smith. GrassLake; W. Jackson. leoni: D. T. Merrimon. Jackson; M. A. Shoemaher. Michigan Centre; Brotherson &, Co., L. JJ..,Kief & Gilliert. Manchester; D. S. Haywood. Saline; Snow & Keys. Clinton; J. Scattergood & Co., Plymouth: Stone. D.ibcock & Co., and Julins. Movins&Co.. Yisilanti: Picrro Teller. Detroit; J. fe J. Bidwell. nnd Dr. Underwood. Adrion; i Hart et Mosher. Springville; Mannen &. Cook. Rrooklyn: Smiih fc Co., Jonesville; L. M. Boyce, Chicago - and filinost every where else. Oct. J9, 1642 27-l


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