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Central Railroad

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- We culi nüention toau advertisement in lo-day's paper of tlio Irnl Railroad, by wliich it wilt beseen that tlic ll fnre to Jackson has been reOuced to #2 00. ' The Cotnmissioner lias actcd wisely in ' tlns step, and it wül have a tendenry to ' crease greally tlie travel across the Península. I The dislance trom Detroit to Chicago by tliis rout is 269 mi le.c, and may be traveled in 3G ( hours. Fare on]y S3 50. The distance by the Lake rout is 700 miles, and cannot lie ' performed in less ihan 70 honra in plesant ( weaiher. Who would not prefer the ro;id rout? - Dit. Jïdv. ' ÍCFThe American Board o!' Forèign missiqns have 20 missioiis at 87 stations. 1:3 missionaries. and 117 native helpers. They lnve 17 printing eit iblishments. an.J h:ive s3ueJ works n 32 binuageü, spoken by more thm 50. f 00,000 of peiple. Tliey hnve GI3 fre3 sj'iooIs, insir.ictini; '27.010 pti[)ils, and 8 scinin iries with 1 .103 pnpüs, an'J ÜJ c!mrches with 23,000 mem!ers. T!:e rcceipis for t lic'. ycir have been I Sl'üi:''1. Ics3 by 9J.159 dollars than ilic receipts of the pr'evious year. HU' At the nnnual Business Me.eiing of the A. & F. Anii-Slöyery Socia y, letters were ren1. rrm Messrs. Lafou, Green and Andrews, hite missioinries onnecle 1 with the Americnn Board, giving the re ions njf ilieir voluntary disconnrelion fnim the Boird. The principal rensjn assjgried is - ilie bonnl s licits nnd receivcs donaliüiis firom Slfivüliolticrs. without reproof or reItuke. and in a w.-iv lo countenance and keep the system of Slavery in existencc. QIT'Tlie A:neiic:m Moral Reform Society wiih in a few years lnve issued nl néteen miUióná folio pnges of ronding .natter. 21.000 papers per montli were ssned last yenr. Petiiions lor salufuy laws liave heen ciiculated in O!iio and Yor!i. PjuneylVania has pdssèS a law making scduüjion a penal ollonco. Qrr"Tlic Chrisnan Freeinan snys thnt j m 'ii's are on foot in Connecticut 'o è'stabüsh the phirality system in elections. It is desired by many ol hoth pirties as a tneans of diminishing ihe influence of the liheny pa'ty. The Freeman .■nj's tlic majority system naw prevails in all the New England stairs.QUTlev. Mr. Ilavmoml. of the Mendi mission 'n intr.iduced the 'lYmperance reform into Si'r rn tieon'e. INIncli interest was in.-inife.stod n the en use both by nalivesnn 1 Ruropems Ninc ofihe Men -ü.-ins are at wmrk on a large larm in a high s'aie of cultivación. KTThe American Bible Society Inve issned during the p?sr, 215. GO") Bihlos nn.l Tcstnments in li) lifbrcKl tontones. The recefpts o!' ihe Society havo en $126,' 148, 7'. Tïiirtcen agenis have l:i'ii eiijiloyeil. To most heathen iniions, t!ie Bible In I beun sent in the -Lüglish langu'ogtf. OHrMr. Bct's liis !nen gjvinypiibliciry to pri vn!e convcrs-it ons butween liiniself iml .Mr. TyIcr. verifica by iiis on th. He makes Mr. Tyïér iind iiimscir iUitse nntl swenr like the. vilest ui' MückgunrJs. O The creilit system is (ast getting aniiqitateii in Si. Louis iinil Cineinnnii. Om? const-qnenct' is, that the West is last filling with YunkeeS. - 'I'hoy umler.-iíanil how to use the nimble si.xpence. O"Milwnukie. '. T. "contoins nc.nrly -1.000 inhal'i'aiiu. The first iramed lunise wns eiectcd eight years ago. It lms na cxcellont liarbor, and volunblö watèrpower. (CFTlie An cricnn UnnrJ had in ilindosl.'in n 1837. lL3-ï free schools, m whicli wcre tautjht (.000 cli.ldren, at an averagfi ex,)enee of 3 ! ceñís cicli. 0=" Mr. Tylcr iá to be present at the grand Bunker IIül celebration, June 17. - Daniel Webster delivers the oration. DlfOnicial reperts niake ihe number of piupers n England and Wa'es, Indoor, 221.000: Out-door, l,-207,-107; Total. 1, 429,085). fX The Liberty Convention of N. H.imp sliire inrets June 7, to nomínate candidtites for State ofiïcers. Anti-Slavery papers are inultiplj 'ing. One liasjtisi bern started in Lodi. Cattarauguj co. N.Y. The Lowell Wnshingtoninn, Mass. lias hoisted the Liberty banner. (L Boston is growing rapidly. A gentleman late]y counted 124 brick houses in the progressofconstruclion. Dr.gnicraaj. - Michigan has 'répenled hor Inwa to nun:s'i sjduotion and adultery, - SkumtfnÜ - Morning Star. N. H. [TTTlic Freo Presa snys. t'nnt 250,000 persons have pnssed over the Central Rallrond without injury to ony onc.


Signal of Liberty
Old News