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Foreign Intelligence: Arrival Of The Great Western.--Ten Day...

Foreign Intelligence: Arrival Of The Great Western.--Ten Day... image
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The Stenmship Creat Western, Captain Hoeken, nrrived at tlus port ar 3 o'clock this morninnr in iwelve daysaml tifteen liours froin Bristol, having left that port on the lst nst. She brings 7f passcngers, who havo certainly been treaíed toa short and picosünt voyage. Tlio news is not important. No change inCottor. Tho poorcsc grades of American arp a shade lowcr, if mvthing-. Advices fiom Ihis country of the prospect of the new crup are anxiously awaited. Grain and bread -stufiTs hardlj maintain theirprice. The money mjrket is qniet, and money abundnnt. Business is improving n the maiuifacturing districts. Queen Victoria gnve birth to o dnughter on the 25lli of April. The inother and child are dning well. The Duke of Sussex, nncle of tlie Qucen, died on the 2 lst, 70 years oíd. He has been for nearly half a ceniory a decided VVhig, and a pilliar of the Liberal cause in the House of Lords. He was greatly beloved by the Quern, who feels his loss drpply. The great steamship 'Great Britain' s to be hmnched at Bristol in June. Priiice Albeit has consented to be present. The New York packet ships Roscius, Europe and Indepcndence, have arrived at Liverpool. Parüament met on the 24th; and Sir Rob ert Peel explained the failure of his attempt j to negotiate a Commercial treaty with The amount of it is that England wanled both enda of the bargain, and Brazil would not stand it. The United Sta' es are to be tried next. Nothing else transpired of any importance. An experiment has been mide with Henson's Aerial Machine. It rose 62Í) feet, bul in eonsequence of some part of the machinen breaking, it descended with fearful rapidity The ititrepid expcrimentalist escaped witt slisrlit ininries.IRELAND. In onticipation of a conflict between a gatheringr of Repealers at Clones, :.n Monnghan County, on Monday weck, and a party of Orungemen froin Fertnnnagh, who were undcrstood to have collected lo oppose the meeting, a considerable body of military and pólice were concentraied on the spot. Th' ir presence did not prevrnt a fatal aflïoy; the anned I Fermanagfi Orangemen carne np and attempted to stop the procecdings; che Repeal party rcsisted; and in the turnioil, a Repealer was "ripped opon'' and k'lled. FRANCfi. The Ministry stands firm, and has credits (appropriations) voted for the year'a service. A Council of Scate was abont to deüberate or: tho amnesty to politica] offenders, which was expected to be granted on the occasion of the King's fete. The Maulóri journals state that Ibrahim Pacha, the son of Mehemet Ali, was ab'iit to visit that port, his object being to examine the arsenal:?, dock -yards and ports of Frauce. PORTÜG A L . The atlcmrt of England to negoíiato a Commercial Tieaty vvith Portugal has utterly failed. (Portugal has had loo muchofthis alrcady ) The English pnpers are very savage on Port uguese stupidity! SPAIN. The new Cortes is nol yet organized. It 15 doubifiil whether the Espertero or the opposilion w ill liave the majority. The question of the prolongation of the minority of tne Q,uen was beginning to be agilated. The Castellano contains a letter from Saragossa of the 12th, slating tint the Ayuntamiento and national militia of ihat city intended to present a petition in fuvor of that pnjictto tlie Cortes.Accounts froin Madrid are to the lOth. Tho Cortes conUrwed to be ocenpied in the verificn'ion of the returns. Amontr 99 deputies who have been dec'arcd duly elected within the preceding two days is Seisor Prim, lately depriveci of his commission of Colonel. for hi condiu-t during the late revolt at Barcelonia. The new ïninistry had not been appointed. - The fullowing list had, however, been circa - lated: - M. Campuzano, os President and Miniser for Foreign Aftairs; Alonzo, Justice; General Inarte, llie Interior; Ccneral Cii con, War; Pita Pizarro, Finance; General Capaz, Marine; Joacliim Lopez, Pre-ident of the Congress. T URKE Y. Letters from Constantinople of the 7th have rcaclied us. The bearer of the ultimatum of the Emperor Nicholas, relative to the Servían (uostion, presented to M. BouteniefFto Sarim Efïbiuli,' had been instrucled to wait eight days for a reply. The Turkish Government seema doiermined to no approach to concession, and should no satisfactory answer be forthcoming within the time presenbed, !he Russian Ambasöador wiüj it is believed demnnd his passports. The Germán Universal Gazette announces, under date Belgrado, 12lh inst. tliat Prince Alexander, accompameil by the metropolitan nnd the primate of Servia, liad rppaired to Schabacz, whete an insiiTection had taken place. Scveral diftricts were in open revolt, and it was feared that tho troops were disaffected. INDIA. Calcntta papers to the 'Ü uit. inclusive, brought to Alexandria by the extra steamcr ; Tennasseiim, to Malta by the Cyclops, ar.u thence to Marseilles by tho Anchoron, liavc ' been ïcccived. ' 'l'ho papcib thus are ahnoáttuto of political iiUelligence. The succosaor of the late R1aharajih of (fanlior v;is to be mstalled on t!ie2Oth ultimo, and no oppbsitíori to his acces3on was to be apprehencled. Lord , q Ellenborough wns still at Agrá, yyhítíjer lie p liad proceeded from Dellji, o the receipt of e the intelligence of tlie late Maharjnh's decease. P No news of a later date than thut received by g the ordinary mail, had been received i s cutta, either froin Seinde or Cabul. c CIRCASSIA. b Th= RiissifiiH are said to be preparing c er a ud larger expedition than any preceding, j ' against the Citcassians. Steamers have been i F built in England nnd tliis country for the pose of blockading the whole coast, and c ing flying corps from different points over the c whole country. Jf i he Circassinns are as 1 trepid and successful as fornierly, some of these corps wil! be "flying'' in more than one sense of the word. - Jllbuny D. Patriot. ADVANCE OF C1VIL1ZATÍ0N IN CHINA UNÜEtt ENGLISH AUSPICES. j Wk learn from a late number of the . don Chronicle that "the neweat of our colonial possessions, the fïrst of our acquisitions , in Chino," is advancin? in civilization and ' refinemonl with grent rapidity. Snch a place as Hong Kong was first heard of in England ¦ about tliree years ago, nnd it is doubtfiil, whether the people of that country would have heard of it to this day, if Englisli merchante had not so insuited and abused the I Chine?e nation as to bring on a wir between tlie two countrie?, and thus render it necessary for some of the Engüsh at home lo nndertake the study of a litlle geography. - Now Hong Kong ia improved by new streets bearing sweet sounding English names and enlightend by a weekly newspaper. '1 he hops are fiüed with a!l the luxuries of European life, ond the people can boast of hotels, eating houses, a race course, claret, champagne and a solicitor - the lalter is probably to breed quarréls between the natives und the colonists which will, by-and-by, cause the necessity for courts of law, judges, and a , hangman. Thej havo alieady established a noinnibiiF, and last not leaet, they are to have a theatre. The following is a true copy of an advertisement found in one of the pnpeis from Hong Kong, brought by the last overland mail: - "ADV ANCE HONG KONG !!! 'TUKATRB ROYAL. 'Messrs Dutronquoy and Co. have at length the satisfaction of announcing to the nobility. gentry, and clergy uf this flourishlnj, opulent colony, that their theatre is ad vanenig most ,- rapidly towards completion. n "It is on a most splenud scale, and wha with the pieces that will be performed, the scenery that will be introduced, and the splen " did assemblage of rank, beauty and fashioi r, which they hope to be honored with, ther e j is no doubt but that the blaze of splendor wil dazzle theeyes of all beholders. :'Vivat Rkgina. d i "N.B. The actresses have arrived durinn the last week, their beauties and talmts n y only to be surpassed by their spolless virtues."


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