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YPSIZ.ANTI ACADEMY. TE AOHEB.S'' S&MZlff A a? II. II. GRIFFEN. Principal. MISSC. E. HAMMOND. Assistakt. THE twelfth term of this instituiion will commence on Monday, May 29, and continue 1 1 weeks. Wliile this school is equally open to all of both sexes, who wiah to nequire a goud eduentiun, particular atteniion wlll bc given to tliose who are prepcring to tca:h. The exclusivo and uninicrrupte-J uuention of the principal will be given to impart a pr;iciicul knowledge of tlic English branches, líe oecupies about half au liour daüy in lecturing, witli the aid of the apparatns, rmnerala, or otherwise. Afpar.itus. - The lnstiiuiion ia furnished wiih Chemical. Philosophical. and Aslronomical apparatus, Surveying Instruments. Geomctrical I solids. &C.) to the amotint of$30Q; also, a good Cabinelof Minerals worth .■J'iO. TurripN in the coiumon Engl'.sh branches, iacluding Composition and Declnuiarion from .2.ÓÜ to is:;.:")U. In Philosophy. Chemistry, Astronomy. History, Rheturic, jioany. Álgebra,' Geome:ry, Surveying, &c. from $4,5ff to 500. ! Vlezzotin'o and Chinese or T'.iborem pniniing, .j3 0J each for 12 lessons, taught by Mis. Grif-' f 'en. The tuition ís to be paid at the midiiie of the term. Nu deduciion for absence will be made,' except for protiacted sickness, and no one will he :eceived for less thnn five and a half weeks. - Books may be had of the pnncip-il at Detroit pi ices. Board. Including room and wasfaingv from .si. (10 to I.5U per week; for further particulárs nquire of the principal. Rev. Í. M. Weaa. Rev. II. P. P.nvers. Rev. O. F. Nortii, J Fa'üchild. M. D., J.C. AMen, M. D. , G. and E. M. Skinner, haVe kindly consented to forma visiüng co:nmitt-'e. to be, present at the Week reviews on Thursday. and at the public examination oí the school. Ypsilanti. April 29? JS43. 5-1 v.For Sale. ONEyoke ol" WORK1NG OXEN. Knquire at the JJat Store of H. BAGG. Lower Town. Ann Arbor, May 29, 1843. 5-if lost7 A VA UABLK UMBRÈLLA, cotton cover, which lns been lelt at sonie store or (iwelÜng in the village. The fiuder is respect;"ully requesteü to return il to G. BECKLEY. E.DEAFS CELEBRA TED CHEM1SAL PIASTER. THE fullowing is one from among the nu- ' tr.erous icslimoninls from persons of the liighest re?pcctability, which the proprietors have received. From Kiniball Poner, T,&{. Mayor of (he town of VVooitér, O., (one of ti e firin of ';iYeil, .More & Co.) I ilo hereby certify thnt I have' usc.;l i:E. Dean's Chemical Piaster, Jr Qhróíiic Rkcumat.:sn in the cp ing of 1H-10. and f uu tul i' a ccrtiiiu atre. and have not been trnjubled wiih the compliint sincc. K. PQRTER. Woosier. Wayne Co.. O.. Dec. 9. '42. ö [ET For the disenses in 'which this Piaster isapplic.ible, see adveniscment in another co'umn of tliis paper. E. Denn's Chemicni Piaster s for sale in Ann' Arbor. (Lower Town.) by , ' J. II. LIND. öud W. S. A: .). W. MATNARD, ? Tpper CHRISTIAN EBERiJACII, S Town 49-1 y cLlTOJY StMfMJÜr&Rlfl A ,-s-UMMF.R TKRM WlLLcommehce on the rust rnonflny of June next. and continue twelvc Weekd. Tl TI Om Forcommon Engtish branclus, .1. !( For the higher English bniaclR1?." -i.OO For Laiin and Greek, 5,01) GEO. W. BAXCROifT. Prt ceptor. MRS. UANCRUFT. fttceptress. Clinton, May I7? 1843. 4-4v 7ooo FLOUR BARRELS for sile Chcap for QmH l-y C J. GA R LAND. 2 Ann AilHr. Upper Town, May 5, W4& Shcep Shears. -pORSaleby c. j. GARLAND. Ann Arl or. Upper Town. May 5. 1843. 2 B-LAÍIK .OËgpS ;.MQ K TG.A GES EX IICUTIONS, SÜMHONSES, &;c. tyt-siGifAi otra l jju


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