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Threshing Machines

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HPHË undersigned would infonii ihe pulilit JL tliat tliey continue to manufacture Uoksk PowF.iis aml Thiiksiiinc; MicmNKflj two and h hall mil es trom thé yiljngq o( An'n Arbor. on the rail-rond. The llorsc Power is a late inveiuioti by S. V. Fosier. nnd is tleciilcdly superior to any othcr ever oflered to the public, as will appear by the . statements of thosr who luive used them diiring the last year. Il is light in weight and smallin compnss. heing cnrried togeiher with the Thicsher. in a commioii waggon box. and drawn with case by iwo horses. It is ns litile liable to break, 01 get out ut repair, as nny othcr IJorsc Power, ) md will work as easy and thrasli ns nni.h with four horses attached to it ns nny oihcr power with fivc horses, ns will appcar f'rom the reeomnioiidaiions bclow. fiw pttftefna have been mnde for the cast Iron. umi addilional weight and strengih applied wherevcr it had oppeared to be oecessary irotn one yera's use of the ninchine. The stibscribcis deern it proper to state, lliat a minihcr of horse powois wore sold Inst yenr in the village of Aim Ai hor whicli wcre believed by the pmchnsers to be jtiöse invontcd Í by S. W. Fostcr. and thnt nusi r ;ill ol them j were eitlicr ïnatlc mateii illy diflTerentt torea beíoré sold, so ns to lie materially ciit' 3 ferent from those made umi solit by the sub j seribers. Sucli nlicrations f o i 1 1 r decidejllj ; (letnmcnta tothe utiliiy ul'thc machine. Thej j have good reaaon to believe thnt every one o tliose returned by thc purchasers ns unsatisfa , torj %vere of th3 clnss. Tliey are not awari 1 tliat any Power tliat went from tiioir shop, nni . was put in use, as they made il, has boei i condenincd or tnkffisideas á bad machine. Allwhowish Imbuyale inviu::! lo examine thein and to enquiíc oí' those Jio have uset them. There willbeonrtor ñxamination at N, H. VVimí's, Dfí.rtcr riliagí ; and one at Mak. tin's sloíchnisc vi Ditoit. - botl: these gentlemen being ayt'iits for the saie o them. The price will be $120 fora íour horsc , power, with a threshing machine, witii a siave . or woodon bar cylinder; an:l 130 fur a horso f power witli a tlireshing machine with an iron ; bar cylinder. i The atteniion oftho reader is invited to the j folio wing reeommendations. r S. W. FOSTER &CO. Scio. April 20. 184. RECOMMF.XnA TIONS. This is to certify (hat we have used onc of I S W. Foster's newly invenred Horse Powers foj about five moiuhs. and rhreshed wiih it about 8000 bushels, and believe it is conetructed on Letter principies thnn any other Horse Power. One of the Undersigned has , ownedand usedeight different kinds of Horse Powers, and we believe thaf fowr horses will thrash as mach with this Power as ƒ re will with any other power with which we are acquaintcd. H. CAPE. S. G. [VES. Scio, January, 12. 15=42. is to infonn the public that I have purchnscd, and have now in use. one of ihe Horse Powers reeently nivented by S W. Foster. mnde hy S. V. Foster, t& Ci.t and believe it be constructed upon better principies, and requires less sire.ngtli of horsts than any other power with which i am ac quainted. A. WEEKS. Mount Clemens. Sept. 8, 1841. This is to inform the pnhlic that I have purcliased one of the Horse Powers, reeently invented by S. W. Foster. and ÜAad it fora nuiiier of months. and believe it is the best power in use. working with less strength of horses than any other power with which I am acqitninted, and being small in compass. is asily moved from one place to another. I believe 4 horses will thresh as much with this power as 5 will with anv other power. - The plan and ihc working of this power have been univer3u!ly approvod of by fermers for wbom I have thrashed. E. S. SMITH. Scio. April H. ly42. S1MEI7T MACSS2MSS. The subscribers make very good SA1UT MACHINES which they wi'll sell for $60. This machine was invented by one of the subscribers. who has had manyyear's experience in the milling business. We invite those who wish to buy a good machine for a fair price tobuy of ns. It is worth as rmnh as most of tha machines that cost from 150 to $300. S. W. FOSTER &. CO. vSeio, April 18, 1843. SFXOND VOLUME the. m%.aiNi et, Dv itc.ff to tb.z nu.sü;s (ilion ff Hiiimm Plujsiatogy, emimritig (■r.jilwUigij. Phrevol gij. Pat'iclology. Pnsv)gnoiny, Pfijchohgy, Neitrolog;, Elrxtricitj, Gulcanism, Magncüsm, Light, Cdoric, Life-. BY LA ROY SUNDEP.LAND. The Design of this popular and interesiing work, is the investigation ofall the laws which appert'iin to Human Life, and whith are concerned in the production of those stafes of the Mind, called SOMNAMBULISM, IiVSAN1TY, DREAMING. SECONÜ-S1GHT, SOMNIPATIiY, TRANCE. CLA1RVOYANCE, and various other Mental l'lienomena, which have, hithcrlo, remained shroudud in mystery. lts pages are enriched with Essays and Communications. öeJoiling FACTiS, illusirnting the Science ofGÉHOLÖGYi which leaches the hijlv anees and siisccplili.l'tis of theJiUMANBHAIN, nnd the mcilnlof controlüng ius s.[niate orgnns by PATIIETJtíM: togctlier with sucli ir.ibriiiaiion is may assist in the mostsucccsslul a)plication of this wonderful agent to IXiagnosis- the Delineation of CharRcter - and the relief of Human Sufiering. The Second Volume will be conimen'ced in Juno. 1813, in larííc octavo form, and issued monthiy. on the foïlöwirtjg TERMS: I. Two Dolía p. i.i mira ver-, wil! pay for one copy for the year, or sixteen copies of uny one nuniber. II. For Six Dollurs, fifty copies at any one nuniber; or four copies for onc yer. III. For Ten Dollars, ninety copies of any one nuniber; or seven copies for one ycar. IV. For Fjfièën Dolíais, one hundtod and fitiy copies of any onc nuniber; or twe!ve copit6 for one year. V. To the li-irlr. thcy will bc pnt at Nine Dollars, per luifidicc!, wla-n one hundred copies are ordcral at onc tivc, with the cash in (ulrnvrr. EF Agents must state, distinctly, wh::t the i money sent is designed to pay ior. whetber lor I an entire volume, or for so inany singlo copies of one nuiiihrr. As these terms are low. the Puhlishcr ennnot doubt but Agenis willsee the .lusticcof giving ', special attention to what follows. - C All paymenta must be receivcd by the Publisher bcfore each nuniber is senl out of the Office. D All payments must bc ren.itted f ree of loslagc, and in Safetyfund money, or its equivalent, in this city. HU Agents must givi p'irliailnr inslrurtiims as to the manner in which they may wisti each I numberforwardcd. ttZFEvery editor who shall trive this Prospectus (including this paragraph) eix insertions. shall receive Thk Maonet for one year, from .Tune, 1843. providod the pr pers contnintng this notice be forwauled, marked, to ''The I New York Card," New York City, and ]roI vidcd, alto, that these conditions be coniplid ' wilh bcfoi e January, 1844.


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