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CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PLASTEE, " The most effecluul rowdij yd discovercd foi lihfvinntism, l''evcr Sons, Ji liücSiccllc ings, hijltimmtiiioh in the Eycs, 0 üivc'lkd Th roa l in IScarItt Ftnr, Qyin&ey, c I 4'C y-c, TUE CHEMICAL l'LASTER is nn import ént remedy lei' those wlio are afllicted witl chronic and inflaniir.ntory coinplaints, by its eas 1 ing puin. counteracting infliiiuioalion, and yivinj n specdy relief by is active, strengthening. ano - dyne. diiiphoretic and cniiiitciirriiinit pinpcilics- ' on eíU:clual remedy for Chronic and lmfluinnyato ■■ i rv R-heúníñtiam, Agne in the Bre;ist, Sealds 11 iïmiis. Bróteos, Scrofula, Ulccrs, Oíd Sores o rI ilmost every description. Cankered and Swellei is Thioat arising from Scarlet Fever, Fejpjis, Whiu - Sw'clïingBJ (.'hilhlains, &c. Persons súflbrínj) }' Trom Liver Complainif!, Pulnionary diseaees, lil'.- (hiiKiuntion oi the Lungs, with pain in the sidc, ': bock or Iinibs, wïll lind relief' hy the rsc of thii '- Plnstor. ín all cases it may be used with perfcci - SA)i' DEAN 8 QREMJQAL l'LAS'IKU t ' put up in boxea at iiliy cents and on e dollai h each. with full dtrcoüoiw accompnnyinji ench bnx, j Maniifnctured and sold whol-.ale ly II. UARc RIK & CO.. Asbtabulo. Ohio. sole praprjtlo p. g to whom all orders sliould he iddréfsèd. Sol(i ;- also liy their Afrente througliout the country. ETA liberal discount made to deuleisand phy!■ èicians, ' For testimoniáis and certificates from pcrsoii! 1 óf the hiplirst respectibiliiy, who hnve userl the ' Chemicnl Plnster. see another column of this pa - per. For sale By the iollowing Agents in Michigan: n II. W. Rood. Mie, j J. C. Lanimore. " C. Sxannhun, Edwardsbqrkh. Win. O. Austin, White PiL'eon. Isaac Bcnhani. Jr., Conataniine. s Dan!. L. Kiu.bcrly. Icraft. II. 13. iluston, & F. March.jr PM Kfifamozoo, s, .lames W. Cothren. P. M. Galeslui gh. T. L. Bolkcoin. P. M. Battle Creek James M. Parsons, P. M. Marshall. Paul Raymoi.d. Druggist, J.-.ckson. Wm, Jackson, P. M. Leoni. Hale and Smith. Grass Lake. John C. Winans, Sylvan, J Milleid & Son, De"ior. - Thomas P. Mav. Jr. Plymoutli, f Perin & Hall, Northville, Mead fe McCarthy. Fannington, ' Peter Van Every. Frank lin, Julios Dean, Pontiac, Mack fe Sprague, Rocluster, James Stephen.", Utica. i E. C. Gallup. Mt. Clcmens, G. &.J. G. Mili. } n JohnOwen&Co. J DetI01tDr. Thos. M. Sweeny. Dearbornville. L. Sainsim. Ypsil.imi. J. H. LUND. ) W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann A bor. CHR1STIAN EBERBACH, ) 9-ly N OF2jC_T_I O N . ONE PRÍCE STORE. THE subsciiber still continúes to sell DRY GOODtf, and DRY GROCERIES, atNo. 5, Huron Block. Lotrr.r Town. I lis stock of each was carefully seiectcd and well purcliased. which enablcs hiin to sell loyy for rendy yiy. As he believes the rnoney of the same uuiility of every person, is of the same valué, he will solí to all for the same price, and no nmount of Oratory can swervc bim from that course. Persons can make just as jj;ood bargainsby sendmg an aííont. as tocóme tliem.-elves. In connexion with the store is a Gkist and Fi.olking Mn.r,. where he vvül constanily pay Cash lor Wheat, at the highest market price. Farmers and Wheat buyers can have their Gristing and Flouring done to order and on the most reasonable torms. Those who wish to purchase goods, or get Vheat fioured, would do well to cali and enquire his prices, and into his manner of doing busiiu-ss. DWIGIIT KEÍ.LOGG. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. Feb. 28, 1843. 45-ti. DR. BANISTERS CELEBRATED FEVER AGÜE P1LLS. - Punhj 1 csctahU. A safe, speedy. and surc remcdy lor lever and aue, durn ague, chili lever, and the bilious disi eases peculiar to new countries. These pills are designed 'or the affi-clions of tbc üver and other interna! orgaris which attend tlic diseases of the new and iniasiiiatic i)ortionsoi"our country. The proprietor having tiied tlieni in a grest variety of cases confidendy helioves that thcy are superior to any remedy that has ever been ofleted to the public for the above diseases. It is purely Vegetuble and pe.fectly harniless, and can be taken by anyperson, male or i'emale with perfect safety. 'Ilie pills are prepared in two separate boxes, mnrked No. 1 and No. 2. and acceompanied full directions. A great numlicr of cortifi'jates might he procured in favor of tlii.s medicine, but the proprieter lias thouiiht fit not to insert them, in as rhuch ns lie depends upon the merits of the same for its reputación. The al)ove pill is kept conátantly on hand by the pro)rictcr and can bo had nt wholesale and rotnil at tlic store of Beckley &, Co. Orders from the country promptly attended to. Ann Arbor. (lower town) May29ih 1842. 0 L. BECKLEY JJROJYÉÏT TO JBJÏÏPJÊ. THE subscriber would hereby give notice (o the farmers of Washtenaw, and the neighi boring counties, thal he Oil Mili I now in operaiion in Ann Arbor, Lower Town. where he intends at all times to buy FJLAX SEEDi (and other Seeda used in niaking O.l,) and pay the higb'eét price, aud the best ol pay. - One Dolí. ah per husln-1 will be paid for good ! cloan seed. or, one gallon of Oil given for the ' sunifi ([uantity. Fakmj;ks are rermesled to fry Flax on their Slimmer faJljJwe, and thereby avail ihemsclvcsot two crops instcad of onc. Mkihta.nts no 1 1 quesicd to send in their seed and exclumge for Oil in preference to senjJiqg t New York or Boston for it, and ihus keep what moripy we have in our own State. [4r- tf.] JOEL R. IJIDDEN. Ann Arbor; Lower Town, March 1. 1843,,


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