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TO WOÖL 3ROW1RS." WOOL CAIÏDING CLOTH DRESSING. THE Subscribers respc'-tf'tilly nnnounccto ihc ciiizcrs of Aun Albor nnd vicinity, thm ihey nre prepared (o cnid wóol nnd drcss cloth lor rustontcrs. in ilic best siylc, and at the shortest notice. Hoving good machinery, experienced workrbcn, and long practicë in ilic business, thcy have tlie utmost confidence tlmt tbey shall givc nmp!e satisfnction to those who favor tliein wilh their patronage. WOOLÜNT FACTORY. 'i'lic subscribers havo mi hiind a large amuunt of FULL CLOTH nnd FLANNELS, manufaciured by themselves, wliicli thcy purpose to exchange for wool. TEHUIS. One yar.l of (uil cloth wil] be given for two and three-fimrih pounds of wool in the flccce; the cloth to be of the saine quality the wool wjll makc -ALSO- One yard of flannel lor one and n half pounda of wool. Thankful for past fuvors, the subscribe rs would respecttully solicit a share of public pationage. J. BECKLEY & CO. Aun Albor. May 12, 1S-13. 3-tf. TO CLOTHIÍRS7 MANUFACTURE RS AND MER CIJA JVTS. f I iIIF. subseribers nre now rcceiving, rit their JL stores, 188 Jcffcrson Avenue, nnd corner of Randolph and Woodbridge reets, Detroit, a largo and general stock of Bye Woods ác Dye Stuffs. o5 tons Logwood, Fu&tic. Limewood, Nicarratrun, Hypernic VVood, in the htick, 3') bbls. gruund Camwood, 150 do Fustic 120 do Logwood. 100 do Redwoode, 20 do Aluin, 6 hhds Copperas, 4 do Blue Vitriol. 4 pipes Ombro and Crop Madders, prime, r()0 llj.s. Extrflct Logwood, 000 do .Bengal, Madras nnd Cnrnccns Indigo, 300 do Blue Nutgalls, (Allcppo,) 250 do Powdcred Cúrcuma, 2llO do Verdigris. 10 CiirboysÖil Vitriol. 6 do A(,un Fortii--. 4 do Spiriis Sea Salt?, 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 case? Lac Dyve, iiOO lbs. Banquo Tin. 2."0 lo Cierun Tartar. 500 do Qiiereciron Bark. Togetber svith a complete assortment of all the minor anieles in the tradc, to wit: P.ess Papers, Teazles, Brushes, Junks, Tent llooks. üye Kettlcs, Pickers, Burling Ironu. Nippers, Piussiateof otash, Sal Amnniae. Sal Soda, Sugar of Load, Steel Kecds. Card Cleancrs-', MACHINE CARDS, Satinett Warps, Shcars, tc. This eniire stock has been purchased within the last two weeks, and selected per6onally by one ol the concern, who has been in the business for the last eleven years, and they have no he.Mtntion in sayinc ihat the quality of these goods is uu- Thcy will jjoiti vly be sold at the lowest New York jobbing priees, with the addition of traiisportatiou on!'. The sukscribers have the solc Agency in this State for the sale of "J'ARSON'S SHF.ARIXO MACH1NF.S." and ihe ctlihróred '-LKICUSTEII MACIIIXE CARDS," di'cifleHly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, &- CO. April II. 18-13. 51 tf raTl boad TEMPERANCE HOUSE. rTliJF; iindersigned would respectlully inf.)rm JL the Inends of Tcmperance. nnd the public goncally, that theatióve nanied House, fornierly known as the Teniperanee Hotel, and situaied on the corner of Michigan avenue and Washington street, near he Central Railroad Depot, having imdergone tliorough repairs and jiy areat adilitjonul iniprovements, is now ready fo tbc reception of' all those who mav favor Iiini with a cali. The Rccommodationsf in every respect, nre not inferior to any Tenijierance House in lbo coutitry, and eveiy nttention will be givcn to such as bf-siow thcir patronage upon this laudable enterprise. N. J5. Carriages alwnys in readiness to cotlvey puisengers to and fron'i JJoats and Cars. VVM. CHA MP. Detroit, May P. 1843. 4-1 y Cash and Barter Store. C , J . GARLAN 1) . HAVlNGpurchascd the eritirè Stock in Made of Godlrey nnd Allen, will be happy to wait upon such as will give him n cali. II is stock consists oí a general ussortment of goods, md will be sold cfieap, and for rcaili vin only. WANTED, In rxchange lor GOODS, most kinds of country produce, and 300,000 PLOUR BARREL STAVfiS & IIEADING, ror which a fair price will be pnid. Ann Arbor, April 19, ).-i:. 52-tf. IT THE I'AVK.n MILL (loWEU TOWN) AKN ARBOR. E BOOT H would respecifully inform tho inhabitanisof Ann Arbor and vicinity that ie continúes the business of ISOOK BINBfiKG, it the old stand, in the Paper Mili. Oíd Books vill be neatly reboiuid on sliort notice. All kinds of RULING done to order. - !ouniiv produce taken in paynient. April l'J, 134.Ï. 52-tf. To Fhysicians and Country Merchants. GT) IERRE 'J-ELLER, WholcáJL sale nnd Retail Druggist (sign of the Golden Mortar. ) ÏÜO Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, has on hand and ofl'crs to purchasers, at very low rotes: OT[í7"3f ' 4 Casks Epsom Snlts: 2 ensks ( ; T4 flour Sulphur; 2 BbN. Powdcred II Jalap; 1 Bbl. powderedRheubarb; jMjjl) 2 Bbls. Creanv Tnrtar; Cnstor Oïï by the gallon or dozen (ssorted izes;) Camphor, Cnlomel, Quinine, Corrosive Jublininte; Frcncli nnd English Chemicais; Pcritnicry of all kinds; Linseed Oil; White Lead, ry and in Oil; English Venitian Red; Englisli jainplilack; Sp. Turpentine. Michigan Glass cf nll sizes together with every ther artiele conne'Hed with tho Drug, Painl, )il, and Dye Stuf!' Biibiness. Anril 17. 184:?. f.l-tf. Sheep Shcars. FOR Sale by C. J. GARLAND. ( Ann Albor. Upper Town, May 5, 1843. 2


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