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Present To The Turkish Sultan

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- A mostsiiperb and elaborately finishecl specimen of English manufacturo, ntendccl ns a present from Ali Effendi, the TurRisb Embnssndor, to the Sultan, was yesterdiy tworning inspected by her Mnjesty and hia royal %hnès8 Pnnre Albert, at Buckingbam Palnce. Tliis costly present, wliich was mnnufactured by Mr. Taunton, of Norfolk streel, fslingtpn, at a cost of 500 guineas, isati umbrella of linio rnore than the ordinary size, covered with rich brocaded crimson satin, manufaclured in SSpitalfield exprese!; for the purpose. Tde whoie oftlie metal of wlrcii a iscomposed, is of pure gold. The handle, wnich opens with a secret epring, confnins a gold chronometer, the dial.of vvhich is about an inch and a half in lameter. Tlie part containing the chronometer unscrevv?, and beneath is a sun-dinl and composF, (the plaie of pold) set vvilh a brillinnt of the first water; and upon this portion of the handle being unscrewed, the ' in arüclcs arearranged in six compartments: A thermometer, u pencil case, and watch key, i a knife with two bludes, the star and cresceñt engraved on each side of the liantüe, a comb a toothpick, ar.d an omomented circular case containing (in threedivisions) 25 leadsfor the ! gold pencil-holders. ín the next compartment of the handle is a mirror, set in a bordering of chased gold. The tube.which is of gold, highly engraved, with a design of scroll work and f)ower.=, j (when divcsted of the handle and fernile, the latter of which contains a powerful microsepe, richly ornainen'ed carved in gold,) s ! so ingenimisly contri ved, as to form a toíuscope, with a 20 miles' range, haring a sliding tubeto adnpt it to vaiious sights and distances. The whoie is enclóeed in a red morocco ase, lined wilh green velvet and white satin, v'ith the star and crescent emblazoned at the ! four corners and in the centre. The two i massive hancilcs. atu. the locks, key?, and hingeí, are ofsolidgold. - Bandilli in Louisiana aud Mississippi. - The New Or'.eans Tropic of the 2d inst., contnii)3 the following frightful and exciting story. "VVe learn that a grentletnan Trom Washington county, in this State, over llielake, arrived in this city last night, with a dernand upon Governor Montón, for a detachtnent of troopg to aid in qticlling a most álarfning insurrection, attended with ferious loss of lifp. The faets as we undrstood them, are as follows: Several hundred men frorn Hancock county, Mississipr.i, joined by many from Washington county. in this State, had forraed thernselves into a band of freebooters. for th pillage of propert)-, and the desiruclion of lite. It fe stated that tbey are well organizeJ and armed, nnd are regularly encamped. Many lives huve already been taken, and rvtensive robberies have been committed. We take it for granted, that a detachment of troops will be ordered to the scène of diíficultie.s, in accordance with the demand made opon the Governor." The Covington (Louisiana) Advocate, of the 29th uit., statos that on the WednesSny previous, a band oftwenty men calling ihem8e1ve3 "Regulators' npproáched the house of .Mr. [Jirnm Adams, in Washington parislt, and shot down both him and hía hrotnpr. A gun was fired at Mr?. Adains the ball from which was stopped by an intervening lence, and she was obliged to fly to save her life. Adams it appenr;--, had bncome odious to the "Regulators."' on ucrount of lawsuits which he had bronght agntnst omr of Jiis ne&hbors. The munlorers of Adarns belong to ihe gangspoIceu of in tlie paragraph copied from the Tropc - Post.Slaie Priêon. - The recent disturbances that linve occurred at the Sing Prisoivnd tlio ofte: repented complninis e]$ewhere,that State Prisons have beun nejr'ected or abusec, induces usto spcok ofour Peí i entinry in contrast. Since Mr. Tifus, the present Superintendent, lias had ie in charg-e, he has been constantly neqninnr an inflnence over the convicta that has dissunded tlipm f rom al! attempts to escapo, and ndoced thmn faitlifully and wiüiiiirïy to perform the task that is allotled them. Soon af;er he took his pot, he providcd eac!i cei! wjth ab.ble, and wit h the aid of somo oftheyoirig gentlemen of onr villatro, has had a 13il)leClass regularly tanht npon Rvery Sob:U!i, which has been regularly attendcd bv a Inrpe mnjorify ot those under bis charge, (e has allowed the prisoners to be supplied with books, and not nnly in liia own dopartrnont has he treafed them as men whose feelinrrs were fo be rptrarded ns far as was consisrenl with the establishrd Fdiscipline of the priíon, but he has by his influ ence, induced all others within the walte to troat them as men - moral, responíible beinjrs, vvho liave an intellect to improve, and i t-oti] to save.- The consequence has been that many a hnrd ened heart has been soñenoo, mul many a perverse will subdued - anti, fiouII Mr. T. be permitted to remain at his pre?ent pnst, (and we will consent that he innv, let the political chances be wh;it thoy nnv,) we have no douHt that our Prison will afford an example to other States, that thev mav imítate.- Mich. Slale Gaz.Great Pigeon Roost. - The Miners' Express, of Dubiiquo, eays: "There is an immense p igeon roost in the forks of the Maqnokef.i, in Jnckson country, such as has nnver been soeri in this country hefore. It is tliree miles long and a half a mile in widch. There enn be no estímale made of thoir number. Their roosting places are about a mile distant from their nests and feeding places, beiug three in nnmber, &s each one covprinsr a seCtiqn of land; and, in pnseing to and fro, tliey darkon the air with their mimber, break down youn treea with their weight, and hun dreds are killed by petting pntnnjrletl in tho failing limbs nnd branches. The peoplë lill them with clubs, and their nnise is so loud that when a gun is fired amongst them the ennnot be heard, and a person cui stand ijl one pluce and shnot aü daj', the birds return - ing as poon as he can lood. They are building iheir ntsts, and the people are altirmed lest theymay destroy their crops." A Líssmtfor thé DaspoTtdmg. - Wm. Cobliet haa said: - '%Go nnd kick an int"s nest about, nnd you will see ilieliitlo laborioun, cuaragequa croaturea inst.mily sot to work to ret it toaetlier again; nnd if you do tliis ten times over. they ' will do tliesnrne. Hereis the sort of aliiU' that 'iien must be made of to oppose with siiccess those who, by whatever me.ins. get possesron .)f frrcat nnd mischicvou.i power."Yucatán- is'urrendtr of the Mnxican ders.- New Orleans papers of the iílh, bring I intclligencc of tho totu! disconifitiire of (tic Mexi can forcé of 2,000 men hnd advancod ! on iho town óf Meridn. They were coinpeited ' , to surrcnder ai discretion. The victurs allowed tiic Alexicans to repir', without iheir arm?, for ' their own counti y. Tho tcrins of cqpitulaiion ' were. diat tlie Mcxicans procced to Telchaclt.- it was believed t!int tln:rc being no vessels at i chack to convoy the Mexicana out of ihe country, , ihey would he condacted ínto ihe interioras prisoneraofwar. All ihe carTnon, with the equipü:i;nta, were-tobe conveyed to Meiida ly the ■ i utna voluntcers, to romain subject lo the ' der oí tho Mexican government. alter the ' ent war shull be lertninated. - Free Pre?s. ■ Terrific Thundcr Stoi m and loss of Life.- 1 Our city visited yeaierday nfiernoon whh tne most violent sto'in of rain and hail, :ccompanied witli thunder and ligfetnmg, tlmt we recólteec ever to have witn s-it-d. h seemed for a few muments ihnt the "windows ol heaven were opened," and the ram poured down in such torrentsthat (he streets were completely submurtre-d and preeenled the appearance o'è r'ivers. The Sixth Ward PuMic School House wns srrtick with IfgfaJiiingyand two of ihe scholars, a dauhtor of Mr. Hopkins, aged about twelve ye.irs, and a daughicrof Mr. Eeklilï, the City Sexton. aged about eight years, were instantly killed.- Sfveral oiliers were slighily, and two severely injnred. The building, wuh the exception of tUe chunney, down wliicji tho fluid passed, and the windöws, wbich were entircly demolished. wns not materially injured. There were fifty or sixty cljldren in the house at the Mme, and it (ippears truiy marvil'ous ihat no more were killed. - Advertiser of Wedntsday. Xeic York Kotey Marlctl.- Tho New York Express says: The offerings at Bnnk are less and lesa, it ia easy to obtain money out of doors at five per cent, lor choice paper, that but few will oiTur ai Bank and pay six per cent. The offenngs at some of our largebanke have actually been less than ".$3,000 on a discount day. and to get up to 20,000 is quite an uneommon occurrence. Three years ago the average offerings at these banks were irom 70 to $150. OOG.- j The amount of specie in the vaultsof our banks i is bclieved to be about $12,000.000, a sum far above aay thing that was ever known. The people of this country have most certainly run inad. In all paris of the country, they are presenting Com. McKenzie with medals of difj ferent doscriptions. some of which cast thousandu of dollars. Some few day? since, the citizens ol Philadelpliia presented him with a gold niedal which cost ifo.öOO which was raised by a subscription to which no one was allowed to sub scribe more than $1. On Ihe same day this medal was presenied to Com. M., a poor woman was found dend in a miserable hovel in the suburbs of the city. The verdict of ihe coroner's j'iry was, "died from starvation." - Chcmunc W!dg. b The jVatioftal Dcbls of Europr. - An estímate of the nationol debts of the principal European kinardoms in the May number of the Merchants' Magazine, niakos the debl of Great Britain amount to $3,700,000,000. - T.'ie national debt of France is I etween egh and nine huüdred millions of dollars. The debt of Holland has renclied the sum of L650, I 000,000, which in proportion to the populaüon is the larest national debt in E'irope. Tlie public debt of Spain nmounts io $775,000000. Magnificad Bible. - Harper k. Brothrrs are nboiif. to pu'clish the most manificent Bible that has ever been eot out in the Unitec States. It will be poblished in nvimbers, aiu will be siipcrhly printed upon fine paper, ant bp embellishjd and illustrated by no less than sixlcen hvndred engnuings - two hundred of theni Ja rge sizc, md we know from hoving5een pruufe of a great number of them, that it will do honor to the arts, and to the liberality of the great pnbiisherp. The smaller engravings will bs placed at the head of each chapter ond will illustral the main incident mentioned in it. We congratf.latc the public tipon tlie prospect oí po sj.lendUl an odiiion of the Holy Book, and one which will be publi&hed at so reasonable rate as to be attainable by almo-it every family in tlie country. - JY. Y. Courier. Spain - Frora a letter, dated Cadiz, March, 1843: 'This city is in a state of lamentable deprension. fié hundred tlousnnd inhabitants are reduced to nearly fifty thousad. Siill it is striking and benutifnl, and has an air of adir.iralion and ifo in spite of i's decnyed comrnerep. Ten milos back yon are in danger trom bnnditti, and the rates of insurance on property carrièd a few leagues into the interior are as well settled as on merchandize trnnsported by sei. The people live in town?, and the ihiervening country is as wild as üregon." - Albany Jlrgus. A Congress of JS'afions.-Bavid L. Child, Esq.. in a letter from Washington, to the National Anti-Slavery S.andard sayp, that preparations have'.been, fora considerable time making in So;ith American, for a Congress of the South America nations. Seven have appointed plenipotentiaries to represent them in such an assembly at L:ma. These are Mexico, New Granada, Peni, Chili, Bolivia, Buenos Ayres and Brazil. Venezuela, and Ececador, whose concurence is important, will undoubtlv unite. Among the objects to be considerad hy the Conijress, is a reference of nll national quarrels beiween the parties,to the arbitration of that body, and the prevention of the slave-trade. Spred! - The mail now travels from New York city to Albany in seven hours: from Albany to Rochester in twelve: from Rochester to Bnffalo in four: and from Buffalo to Clevelnnd in 14- making the time between New York and Cleveland 37 hours! From Boston to Albany is 10 hours, which makes that. city 40 hours travel from Cleveland. - Rodiester D. Adv. The southern papers state that the tide of ' emigratinn is fasl fiowmg into Florida. It is ( supposed that the grant of 200,000 acre3 of y nrovernment land has boen already taken up. At a setUement calíetj ManDfttee, about seven , :niles below Tarnpa, and at the nmiuh oT the Pampa, they h-ive orange treo?. lime trees, a ' rreat vnriety of grnpeí!, and olire, nnd most ' mds of tropical frtiits, in a state of cultiva:ion. [n these davs, wo hardly know of a more lecisive test of Chnslian principie, than t ürict fidelity 'm rendering to all their dues i Time has heen, vhen mariyrdotn was perhaps l lie best tesl ofChristian character, but honc Vty seems now to be likely to claim the high;st place among the Cbóstian virtues, inasmieh as it is the one which is the most difu icult to be exercised. - Y. E. Purilan. p q The road from Strasburgh to Munuch is o ornpletely lined with fruit trees, forming an ivemeof250 miles in length. The people n that part of the world have an admírale tl aite, which it would bo wcll to imitate. pLadies' Fashions in Pcrsia.- Mr. Perkins, in hi9 new work 011 Persia, slates tiiat the f dies of the Iiighcr classes in thai country vote a large portion of their time to the toilet. They paint as freely ns French, nntl lace as unmercifuily as American ladies. In summer, they dispense with hosiery and shoes. ' cate feet are with them, as much an object of study as deücnte hands, and, to increasc their charm, they color the toe nails auburn. The Mammoth Cave Ilumhng Exploded. ', Mr. Mitchell,hosesupposed rest orntion from a pulmonary complain!, by a residence in tie Mammoth cave, was described in many of the papers, died a short time since after Jeaving the Cave. Of thirtcen Invalii s who resorbed o tlie Cave last winter, seven have alredy led - five nt the Cave, one on the journey ' lome, nnd ono a short time after rcachin"ïome. - Tunes. The Ysxl Congress.-Tho rosultfor ' ion of inember of the next Congres in 1 1 , States, stands as follows, compared with the lections in the snme States, for the last Coiijresft: 1342. 1843. Dem. Whig. Dem. Whig. 53 56 G6 20 Welearn though the Natchitoches Herald hat the Choctaws have raised $10,000 to , juild a College for the education of their 'outh. The Choctnw nation numbers i 000 souls. They have a press which la st i car printed more than three tri;] ion pages of jooks and pamphlets. i Sovthern Rail Road. - Ninetv tons of iron and spike, for completing thé Southern j ■ road to Hillsdale, have arrived at La anceBay Harbor, a part of which has already gone west, and the whole aniount, six hundred tons, is on lts way to this place. ] roe Adv. i Anti-slarcry income. - Politica I, and it mny )e ecclesiastical ül-will, loss of eeneral popular favor, hind ranees in business, togeiher with a olear conscience, the blessings of him who was ready to porish, and, if the motives be right, the favor ot God. The American Colonization Society are pursuing mensure. to raise 820,000 by .f50 donations, in order to get enlire authority over the whole line of iho Africanconst from Cape Monnt to cape Palmas. Pastors of j churches are requested to take collections on ! the Sabbath preceding the4th ot" July. Free colored people are prohibited by lavv from entering the Sate of Missouri, and the law took effect from nnd after the lat day of May, 1343. Captains of vessets are made liable to a fine for introducing them. and col_ orcd people to imprisonment, 6hould they go there. Mr Stephcns in his late traveb in Yucaton, visited the rtiins of fortiJour distinct cities, once the abndes of a race which has perished from the earth. These ruins ire covered with den?e foiesis, which our country mun has been the first civihzed man to penétrate. - Patriot. Tico more Mol ton Cfiurchts. - The Baptist chnrch in Racine, Wiscnnsin, and the lst Congregationnl chiuch in Weymouth, Mass. have taken the right ground. We notice such action almost every time we open our papers. It is stated in the Phila'lelphia papers that a new missile ol'var. called the thunderbolt shell, which in its explosión wilLtear assiinder the Inrpest ship of war, had been recentfy tried m that vicinity, 'ir. the presente of several Noval Officers, who prónounced its performances perfeclly satis j acto ry'm every way.' A few days since at Cincinnati, Ohio, Judcre Wood, while 6entencing a man to death, nnmed Andrev Walton, convictcd of murdering one John Carreli, remarked that of the sixty capital cases whicb came undor his i dicial notice, at least fifty hnd or"ginaled in drunkenness. Choked Ca Ule. - A correspondent saya his mode of giving relief to choked cnttle", is to et them have a good ptneh of snuff. They will sneeze and throw up anything that is too arge to pass down. Try it. The Opium Trade. - A lorge mimber of merchants have nenioralized the Brilish Government to prohibit the opium trade, on the jround that it is injurious to every other ranch of lawful cemmerco with China. - Pariot. There are 1670 Baptist Churches in Great jritain and Jreland, with 154,000 members. - The amount raised by them last year, for ''oreign Missions, was over $200,000. Over 3,500 were added to their Missionary Churches, in 184L. The Marringe of a Wifcs Sister.- The 'resbyteries of New York (old school) and ïrooklyn (new school,) have both prónounced t right and proper: thongh the latter strangely adds a denunciation of marriage with n broth er's widow, as "execrable incest." - Patriot. The last number of the Southern Literary Messenger contains an "Ode to Liberty," and other poern?, written by '-George Horton a negro boy, belonging to a rcspectable j armer esiding a few miles from Chapel Hill, in otth Carolina.' Mr. Benj. Tappan sajs: "One hnndred and ïfty years have the peop!e of this country )een laboring to tnake a safe and sound curency of paper, nnd they are no nearer to the enjoyment of thia supposed blessing, than when they commenced." _ Micliijrnn Staie credit 3'ands Mr botter ín j York ilian thit of Indiann or Illinois On the , 20th inst. the price current of State Scrip stood j us iullowsin icw York city: Mictiignn, 75 per cent. Indiana, O " Illinois. 20 ': Mr?. Ellli-s in her new work, "The Wives of England," says: "The worst ofnll slavery, s fear of a husband." Quero - Whether bencath that deep, there i? not a lower depth ot' shvery - fear of a icife? ' TheQnincy, Illinois, Whig on the 19th íltimo, states that one house in that city. has ■ rat up, during the past winter two hundred ] ind forty tons of lard, to be used in the lnrd )il business. Hm. Wm. Jay of Westchesíer will deliver I he Animal Addrtjss before the American 'eace Society, at Boston. May SOth.. Mississippi Morutity. - -A writer in o Mis'ssippi paper, the? Free Trader, argües that 'ecurity debts are not binding-, and that to nake a man pay a note raerely because he ■ndorsed it, is woat oatrtigeous! - Mercanlile Tour nal. The Danieh Government of the Island of 3anta Cruz, have given orders for the educaion of all sla ves over the age of five year?. All b!acka over five years of age are to be sent :o school for füur years. An Albnny paper says it is the general opinión that there will be a much larger atnount of freight shipped west on the opening of the canal, than there has ever for several i'ears previous. Managers of Lolteries - Men who pay the Legislature hnndsornely fnr llie privilege of :heating the people. Law proceedings - Linbrushed cobweba of he dark ages. The Gallotes. - The poet Wiht-tier calis he gallcvvs the "dtvjts altar, built up by denon hand?,': upon which human sacrificesare jffered, to glut the vengence of n christian eopl Archdeacon Pnley, speaking of I1Í3 lady nnd Jaughter used to say. "I never let my women, .vhon tliey shop. take credit. I alvvaya maka hem pay up reaJy money. sir: ready rnoney is mch a check upon ihe imaginaiion." Sweden wi.h a population of hardly 3,000,300 supports no less (han 70 polkical jonrnals, ;xclusive of rhosfi of a strictly religioua or ;centific charncter. In Sweden the press ia 'ree - the censorship unknown . Opium Trade. - Sir Roben Peel has anlounced that negotiations have been commenced wifh theEmperor of China, to place Lhe opium trade on a legal ized basis.7 Pntdence. - The National Anti:Slarery Standard in pubiishing that recent letter from Tennessee, struck out the passage, '(Carry your principies to the polls H A large cotton factory is in operation in Durnngo, Mexico. It pays out 8400 a week, in wnges to laborera. Labor is ihere very cheap. The Town Farm of Port smonth lias been leas ed, there being no paupers! So much for temperance.


Signal of Liberty
Old News