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DEFAULT having been niadu ín tho payment of a certain sum of njoney, sccured, to be. paid by indemure of m'ortgage, hearing ciate the nmtli dny of May, in the year of our Lord. one thousar.d eight hiuuired and thirty ninc, executed by Miller Barker, of Clinton. Lena wee Coiuuy. Michigan, to George Westfall. of Plymouih. in tlio County of Wayne, Michigan, and recorded in the Register'a OlHce, of the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on the 1 Ith duy of May. A. D. 1839. at li'J o'dock, A. M. in luier, Ño. 8, page upon whieh there is cluimed EO be due, at the da:e of this notice, t'ie sum of one hun dred and twelve dollars and sixty one cents. Notice is tberi'tore herebygiven, tliatby virtue of a power of sale ia said inorigage containeJ. and pursuant to the Btatute tiauch case made and provided. will ba s;ld at public auction (r vendue, at the C'urt House, in the villano of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw. and State of Michigan, on Tuesday. t'ne twenty-tifth da y ol July next. at oneo'clock, in tho aftemoon of that day, the premises in said mortgage desoribed, as foüows, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land. situute, lying and being in the cunty ol Waahtenaw, in the State aforesaid. and known and described as being the souihwest quarter of section No. thirty-four, in towhsJiip Ño. four, south of range IVo. four east, containing.oiy: hundred and sixty acres of land, be the sanie inore or les?: excepting and reservins all that certnin part of said tract of land. above described, whicii was herctofore deeded by Grove Barker and Persis I Barker fo laaia Currier." Said Mortgage having j been given to secure the payment oftlie purchase money of said premisos. GEOxiGE WESTFALL. Mort. II. A. JN'üyf.s, Att'y. Daied. April IOth. JS43. 51-3m TO CLOTEISB.S AND WOOL CARDERS. T'AE subseriber wonld respectfuüy solieit the atteniion ofClothiers nnd Wool Cardcrs, to an examination of his present Stock of articles in their line, assuriug them of their superior quality, [whieh wil! be apparent upon exatnination) and and of the unusuaüy low rates at which he is enab'ed to se!l ihem. Among a variety of nrticles belonging to the trado may be enumeratec: Cards of every description; Shuttles, Steel Reeds 4-4 5-4 wide; Clofhiers Jacks; Sattinett Warp; Etnery; Tenter Hooks: Worsted Harness: Card Cleaners and p'ates; Screws; per Kettles; Shearing Machines, Parson's, ako, two or three Carding Machines. The snbscriler feels hi niself warron'ed in assuring the trade that his suppiy of Clothiers Tools. togciher witb s ine 12or 15 tonof nssortedDYE WOODSand DYE STUFFS, formonc of the largest and most complete stocks of ihe kind ever offered io the public of" Michigan. - Owing theref'ire to the inducemenls he can oífer :o those ensnod in the CLOTH DRESSING and WOOL CARDING business, of an extensivo stock and low pricess, he solicits their examination of the same before purchasing or making arrangements elsewhere. PIERRE TELLER, Wholesale Druggm, 139 JeiFer3on Avenue, Detroit. April 17, 1843. 51-tf. finiiE subsenbers would iafqrm the public that JL they are now manulacturing WOOLE.N CLOTI1 wan a degree of success equal to their most sanguine expectations. YVith the machínery they now have, they are able to manufacture from 75 to 100 pounds of wool per day. The cloth they have made for the last three montlisis of the best quality. and that made in luture will be similar. They have entirely overeóme the difficulties of starting an establishment of this kind in a ncw couniry. Their terms are 37i cents per yard for fulled cloth finished. or half the cloth the wool will make. If any alteration of the terms should be determ:ncd on, public notice will be given. All wool received before such notice ia given will be worked on the above terms. If ny wish to have their wool worked without mixing it with other wool, it will be done, provided :hey assort it themselves, and turnish it in quantities of 100 pounds of one quality of wool. It is mtich betier to sew up wool in sacks thanto tie it up in blankets; the cloth ehould be 6trong. Provisions of all kinds will be received in pnyment for manufheturing to the amount ïequired for the consumption of the establishment. Wool sentby railroad to Scio, wül be properly attended to; the number of pounds shouid be markedon the sack with ink; also' the weight of the sack. - The wool will be worked in turn asit comrs in. as nearly as can be done with referenco to the different qualitie?. Ilir Many Farmers have expressed to us their gratificaron in consideration of our starting this branch of business, and many have encournged us by their patronage during the last year. Wc now invite ail to bring their wool, to the nmount of 25,0(:0 pounds, andreceive the benefit of the very reasonuble terms on whieh weofl'erto manufacture it. The establishment is 2 milest west of Ann Arbor, on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER. & CO. Scio, April 30.1843. 1-tf "grave stones MONUMENTS, TOMB TABLES, &.c. T;iF, subscriber has a large assortment of Marble, of the best quality, suitabie for Gravk Stosf.s. Mo.voments, &c. whieh he will ■ sell cheap for cash, or exchange for produce, at his oíd stand, No. 90, Woodward Avenue, troit. Persons wiehing to buy will do well to cali, as ! they will be sold much cheaper than have ever been afTorded in this State, and ofa Quality that cannot lail to please. WM. E. PETERS. ! Detroit, Oct. 27, 1842. 29- ly JAJ1ES . BIRlEY, ' ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL. O II A T L 4 W. SAGANAW CITF, MICHIGAN. JG. B. will also act as Land Agent in the Land Die:rict in whieh this (Saganaw) County is; he will makc investments for others lands, pay over for non-residents their taxes, and give information gcnerally to persons intereêted in this part of the country, or deuirousof bucoming iminigrants to it. '


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