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Chancery Sale. Absolute, for Cash and to the highest Bidder. ÍN the cause pending in the Court of Chancery, for the Second Circuit of the State of Michigan) whorcin James Abbott is eomplainant, and Abi'gnil Welch. David Enton, Gcorge Welch, JJeiïry Welch,' Harriét Welch. and Augusta Welc'h. are defendan s, the said George, Henry, Hnrriet, and Augusta being Minors, under the apc of twenty one years, - Whereas, by a decreuil order in the nbove cause, pinda by bis Honor Ehn Farn6vorlhF then Chancellor of the State of Michigan, hearing date the fourteciitbdiiy of July, A. Ü. eighteen hunJred und lorty one, il wns ordcred and deerced, thtst the above named defendants should redeem certnin morlgaged premisos in the Coniplainant's bilí contnined. by the payment of the suin of lourhundrcd and ninety-eiglu dollars and twenty-ibur cent?, and the interest to nccruo thereon, from the i'ourtcenth day of July, eighteen Kundred nnd forty one, the date of a certain report in said decree mentioned, and also the costs of cuinplainant to be taxed. on or bcfore the fourteetuUdny of November, in ihc year eighteen hundrtd and ioriy-one. or that in dciaull thereol, the said mortgaged pretnises with the nppurtenances, or so nm-h thereof as would be sufficient to pay the s:iid debt nnd the interest which had accrued, or might thereaftcr nccrue with snid cosis, nnd which might be so.ld separately without injnry to the partiesor eiiher of them, should bc soid at public auciion, at the Court House, in the yillage of Ann Arbor. in the Cpunty of Washtenaw, by and pnder the direction of one ot the Masters of the said Court, the said Mastcr firstgiving aix weeks previous nolice of ihe time and place of sale in soine newspaper published in raid CoUhty, aa by the said decree, referente being thereumo liad, nwy moro fiilly appear, And whereas, the said premises are yet unredeemed, and the above stated sum with interest, and eosts, is yet due and unpajd, iow, theiefore. notice is hereby given, that in pursuancR of the directions of the said decree, and by virtue of iis authority, 1 wil!, on the sixicenth day of Mny next, at the hour of Twelve ï'clock, at noon, at the Couit House of the County of Washtcnaw, in the villape of Ann Arbor. sell to the highesl bidder, at public Auciion, the lands and premises in snid decree rnentioned. or so niucli thereof as miy bo sufT.cient to pay the aforesaid sum. interest nnd costs. and can be sold separately without injury to any of the porties in this cause, which snid fonds nnd premisos are known and desciibed n? follows, viz: All that certain tract or pnreel of land sitúate in the County of Washienaw. and State of Michigan, known as the Enst half of the South Enst qunrter of Sceiion number thirty-two, in Township number four, South of Range number seven Kast. coutflining eighty acres. The sale will be absolute- without redemption nnd for cash. G. T. GIUDLEY. Mnsler in Chancery. C. TT. Stkwakt. Sol. forComplt. Dated this 2trth day of Match, S4'3. The above sale is adjourned to he 8ih day of June next, at the time and plnre nbove mentioned G. T. GR1DLEY. Master. Ann Arbor, May Tfi. 1843. PÏoughs! Flougrlis! C:3 CJUrr' BE BEJT! Ij Til E subscribers Iiavc censtant'y on hand a largc nssortment of' PLOÜGHS, of a superior quality. which ihey (ittcr tor snle as CHEAP as enn be purchnsed at any other place in thi'3 County. Those wishing to purchase will please cali :ind examino for tlremselves. PARTRIDGES, KENT & CO. Ann Aibor. April 20, J 8 13. 52-tf. Tands for sale. TH K undersiirncd is amhorised to sell severa] trncts of and in the counties of St. CJair, Saeinaw, Sanilac, AV'ashtcnaw ;md Lenawoe ui thcir Cdfih vnhie. and mkein payment Sinte Scrip and Wnrrnnts at par. or the:r equivalent in cash: or he will proportionatc terms on time. The cash valuc mny be ns?ertained. f desired, by nppidisers chosen by the purchaser and subscriler. The Washtennw lands-consist of 118 acres in the town of Webster, slighllj improved. of e.irly and choice selection. and 214 acres 3 miles below Ypsilanti. on the River Huron. inving rich bottom and upper lunds. good timber. running wnler, corn and wheat soil, excellent sites for buildinir. surrounded by settleni' nts, good toads ind milis. About 30 acres have been under cultivation. CHA'S H. STEWART, 47 tf Jeffb'son Avenue. Detroit. IfliCiinery Sc Drcss illnlcisig. Mns. C. BCJFFFINGTON, RESPECTFULLY onnounces to the 'mlmbitants of Ann Arbor and vicinity, tliat she has oponed a sfíop, midway, between the upper ar.d lovver villages, where the businefs of MILLIJVERY DRESS MAKING will be cnrried on, in all its branches, with ptinctnality.deppatchj and in the best and most fashionable style. Ann Arbor, Aprils, 1843. DO ly POTASH Kettles. Cnuldrons, Sugar Kettles, Po' Boilers. Five Tail Ketilts. nnd small Uollow Ware, Mili Geaiing, Wagon Boxes. Plough Castings. &c. &c oonstantly on hnnd. or mnde" at short notice at the ANN ARBOR STEAM FOUNPRY. PARTRIDGES, KENT & CO. March28, 1843. 49-2m CHAKtf.ES H. STEWART, ATTORNEY AMD COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND S0LIC1T0R IN CHANCERY, JKITERSON AVENUK, DKTROIT. 49-tf. "FRES I.AB0E." MARCOS STEVENS r SAMUEL ZUG. HAVE tiïken the rooms in the lower end of the White Block, directly oppositc the Michigan Exchange, where they will keep an oxtensive assortinent of CMBWytST WcÊRE, of every kind, quility. and description, of their ■wn manufiicturing, and wnrranted to be-Ofl fashonnble, good, and cheap as can bo had West of New York. Purchr.sersnie requested to cali and „xiunine our extenslve assortinent before buying. Any nnicle of Furniturc made to order, and Warrantcd to piense, UPHOLSTERING done in all its various jranclics. nnd at the shortest notice. CÍJA1RS, LOOKING GLASSES. AND W1LLOW WARE; nlso. Mahogany i Boards ind VetnsrS - ascheep ns the chcapest. WANTE3Ï, ín rxchnnne. CHFJUIY, WALNUT. AND MAPLE LU MUER, fa. $0. $,;. STEVENS &. ZUG. Detroit, April 17, 1843. 51-3m CHEBSB. FOR Sale by C. :. GARLA ND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, May 5, '13. 2


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