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"The United States Of Virginia."

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An arliclc wilh this title wiil be found on ' the first page frum the N. Y. Courier. We commeud it to the attention of the farmers of ; the Northwest. There is a list of abouf a ' hundrod Virginians, whose averuge salary, exclusive of the President and Upshur, is about ! fwe dollars a day. Most of these are bly clerks at Washington. The greater part of the Balaries might be reduced nearly or quite one half without detriment to the public ' service. As it is, these slave-holding' nabo'os are permitted to roll jn splendor in Washington, snpported frotn the Public coifers. The free laborera of the North pay four fifths of all i the public revenue. Thus the farmer of j igan sweats and tuils and scritnps bis family n their comforts, and selis h:s wiieot at three or four shülings a bushei, (less than it cost,) that he niay support ihese Southern grandees in splendor! We do believe the people will yet wake up to a sense of their situation, and elecl members to Congress who wiil have the manliness to reform these abuses, nnd advocate the rights of their constituents. Such a delegation Michigan has never yet had. The people need to be represented by some of their uwn number, and not, as at present, by three launes, selected out of oue city, who know comparatively nothing of the wants and interests of the great body of those they represent. Qj' The Democratie Convention of Oakland County expunged the name of Mr. Van Buren from a resolution declaring their choicc for the Presidency, and inserted that of Mr. Caüs. 05a The bill introduced nto the Pennsylvania Legislatura to prevent crimes ogainst chastity, passed both branches, and has become a lo.w. 05a" Flour was selling in New York, June 3, from $5,12 to $5,87. Wheat was woith $1,00 to $1,05.OCf The Democratie mojority on Congressmen in Virginia is 4221. The Literary Messenger seems much disturbed because Abolitionist? withdraw from Churchcs, iliinks the effect 8 bad, the cauae of trutli is hindered, &c. All we have '.o say ia, that withdrawing from churches is not ncceesarily a part of Abolitionism - that verv few Abolitionists have withdrawn - and that every church member has a natural and scriptural right to withdraw for sufficient rcasons. From the nalure of the case, each person mustjudge for himself what are sufficient reasons. We will not now argue the question, but will merely ask tl;e Editor of the Messenger if he would be pleased with membership in a church composed exclusively of nianstealera and slavcs? UU" The Address of the Liberty Conventiori will be read with interest, and will do much good. It is an able and eonvincinjj document, and ought to have a wide circulation. We are publishing 1500 copies in pamphlet form for dis- bution in Ihe District. KT We learn from the Michigar State Gazette, that by a recent decisión in the Circuit Court, a person who becomes security for costsiii a 8uit commenced in a Justice's Court will be Hable for all the costa in the higher courts, if the case be carried up, and there be not an express stipulation to the contrary. If this be law, it should be generally known. EP Very many Congregational Churches in the East are excluding slaveholders from their fellowehip Bnd niembership. Why not? Why not exclude a manstealer as well ns a horsestealer? U" Mr. McLellan, of Monroe, has been nominated for Congress by the Democratie Convention of this District. It is said he is a Calhoun man. We wonder when he will be ab!e to carry out in this District Mr. Calhoun's favorite theory, that "thk Capitalist should ai.ways ow.v the Laborer ! !" O The length of the Liberty Address has excluded "Iota of editorial matter, a part of the Foreign lntelligence, and other interesting anides, all of which shall appear as soon as possible. CT The communication of "P." arrived too late for this paper. We hope to hear from the writer agnin.


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Signal of Liberty