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Ulurder & Suicides PASSING your steerts a few dayssince, I was jlmost horror struck in noticing a continua protracted murder. Cheupest Store in town - 'New York IVJiolcsaU and Retail Chcap cash Siore" "Buffalo Cheap Store" led me to cal where T saw the "Kings English" lie mangled, bleeding, dying. Atanother plnce I saw a great display of "Red Rag3T' and flaming hand bilis, where on examination I found that they claimed to have bought their goods at "Auction" and I knew hat goods sold at auction were of inferior qnality, and such as would not bear the test of private 6ale scrutiny. Oh.thought they out their own throats in buying their goods at auction. I passed on to F. Denison's old etand where I found H. Bkckir fairly settled wnh a large STOCK OF GOODS, selected at private sales, embracing nearly 'every thing called for in the country, at low prices. for ;ash. produce, or good credit. And herel found :hat the free Englisb was spoken, as lam assured ;t is at his Store in the Lower Town. VÍATOR. Ann Arbor, June 12, 1843. 7 tf. TÜ.RIFF OR NO TARXFF. GOODS ARE CHEAP AT GARLAXDS. JUST receivedat the Farmers and Mechantes Store, direct from New York, a general aslortment of choice and select GOODS, conisting of all most every article wauted, such as Sheetings. Shiriings, Broad Cloths, Cassimcre, Calicóes, Drillings, Gambroons, Linens, Umbrellas, Ribbons, Cravats, Mous. de Lains, Silks. Shawls, Bonnets, Hats, Sugar, Tea and Coffee, Crockery, Boots nnd Shoes, Looking Glas3es, &c. &c. All of nhich will be sold cheap as the cheapest. Goods purchasers will keep in mind the Fannsrs andMechanics Store. C. J. GARLAND. N. B. Any goods purchased of him not giving sntisfaction in price und quality can be re[urned. Ann Arbor, (Upper Town) June 12, '43. 7tf For Sale BY the Subscriber, a good location for WOOL CARDING and CLOTH DRESSING, n the Township of Ajala, Simco Co., Home District, U. C. - ALSO- 100 .4cres of choice Land in Granby Town, Misaisco County, Montreal District, L. C. - ALSO- 200 Acres, bemg part of the Estáte known by the name of the Douglass Esta'e, in Sheffrd Township, Missisco County, Montreal District, L. C. - ALSO- A House and Lot in Michigan Village, five miles up the Huron River from Ann Arbor All or cither the snid possessions may be had cheap for Cash, or for Land in this State. For funher particulars inquire of the subscriber at Ann Arbo.-, Lower Town. P. COMER, June 8, 18-13. 7-tf. Estáte of Ira Durrin. THE Undesigned, Commissioners for receivingnnd aïlowing claims against the aforesaid estáte, will meet at the office of E. Mundy. at 9 o'clock, A. M.. on Wcdvcslatj, the21stdayof June next, to receive end examine claims against said estáte. E. MUNDY, J. WELLS, T. FOSTER. Ann Arbor, June 7, 1843. 7-2v For Sale. ONE yoke of WORK1NG OXEN. Enquirc at the Hat Store of lí. BAGG. Lowcr Town Arm Arbor, May 29, 1813. 5-tiMANUFACTURERS AND MERCHANTS.rriHE subscribers are now receivingr, at thcir JL stores, 188 Jefferson Avenue, and corner of Standolph and Woodbridge streets, Detroit, a arge and general stock of Dye Woods 6c Dye Stuffs. 35 tons Logwood, Fustic, Limewood, Ni carragua, Hypernic Wood, in the stick, Í30 bbls. ground Camwood, 150 do Fostic 120 do Logwood, 100 do Redwooda, 20 do Alum, 6 hhde Copperas, 4 do Blue Vitfiol, 4 pipes Ombre and Crop Madders, prima, f00 lbs. Extract Logwood, 600 do Bengal, Madras and Caraccas Indigo, 300 do Blue Nutgalia, (Alleppo,) 250 do Powdered Curcama, 200 do Verdigris, 10 Carboys Oi! Vitrioï, 6 do Aqua Fortis, 4 do Spirits Sea Salte, 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 cases Lac Dye, 300 Ibs. Banquo Tin, 250 do Cream Tartar, 500 do Quereciron Bark. Together with a complete assortment of all tne minor anieles in the trade, to wit: Pïess Papers, Teazles, Brushes, Jacks, Tent Hooks, Dye Kettles, Pickers, Burling Irons, Nipper8. Prussiate oí" Potash, Sal Amoniac, Sal Soda Sugar of Lead, Steef Reeds, Card Cleaners MACHINE CARBS, Satinett Warps, Shears, &c. Tbis enlire stock has been purchased within the ast two weeks, and selected peraonally by one of the concern, who has been in the business for he last eleven years, and they haveno hef-itation n saying that the quality of these goods is unexceptionable. They will po3tivly be sold at thé o west New York jobbing prices, with the ad- dition of transportation only. The subscribers have the sole Agency in thïa State for the sale of "PARSON'S SHEARING MACHINES," and the celebroted "LEICESTER MACHINE CARDS," decidedly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, & CO. April 11, 1843. 51 tfbook binder, y. AT THE PAPER MILL (LOWER TOWk) ANN ARBOR. EBOOTH would respecifully inform the inhabitantsof Ann Arbor and vicinity that he continúes the business of BOOK BIXDIXO t the old stand, in the Paper Mili. Oíd Books will be neatly rebound on short notice. AU kinds of RULING done to order. Country produce taken in payment. April 11), 1843. 52-tf.YPSH.ANTI ACABJÏÏWIY, II. H. GRIFFEN, Principal. MISS C, E. HAMMOND. Assistant. rjHE twelfth term oF this institution will comX mencc on Monday, May 29, and continue 11 weeks. "While this school is equally open to all of both sexes, who wish to acquire a gooit education, particular attcntion wlll be given to those who are preparing to teack. The exclusive and uninternipted attention of the principal' wil) be given to impart a practical knowledge of the Engüsh branches. He oecupies about half an hour dnily in lecturing, w'nh the aid of ihe apparatus, minerals, or otherwise. Apparatus. - The Institution is furnished with Chemical, Philosophical, and Astronomical apparatus, Surveying Instruments, Geométrica? solids, &c. to the amount of 300; alsoi a good Cabinet of Minerals worth $50. Tamos in the common English brancas, including Composition and Declamation from $2.50 to $3.50. In Philoeophy. Chemistry, As' tronomy. History, Rheturic, Boiany, Algebra, Geometry, Surveying, &c. from $4,50 to$$. 00. Mezzotinto and Chinese or Tbeorem painting, $3.03 each for 12 lessons, taught by Mrs. Griffen. The tuition is to be paid at the middle of the term. No deduciion for absence will 6e made, Rxcept for protiacted sickness, and no one wtli be received for less than flve and a half weeks. - Books may be had of the principal at Detroit prices. Board, Including room and washin?, from $1,00 to $1,50 per week; forfurther particulars ■nquire of the principal. Rev. I. M. Weaa, Rev. H. P. Powers. Rev 0. F. North, J. Faii-child, M. D.. J. C. Allen, M. D., G. and E. M. Skinner, Esqrs. hare kindy consented to form a visiting conimitfee,' to be iresent at the Week reviews on Thursday, and tt the public examination of the schooi. Ypsilanti, April 29, 1S43. 5- Iy.E. DEAN'S CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PLASTES. THE following is one f'rorn aruong ihe nunieroiis testimoniáis from persons of the ïighest respectability, which the proprietors have received. From KimbaJl Porter, Esg. Mayor of the own of Wooster, O., (one of the firm of "Neil, More &Co.) I do hereby certi fy that I have used icË. Dean's Chemical Piaster, for Chrtmic Rhtumatism in the spring of 1840. and found it a eer- tuin cure, and have noi been troubled with the complaint since. K. PORTER. Wooster, Wayne Co., O., Dec. 19, '42. o UFor the diseases in which this Piaster is applicable, see advertiaement in anoiher column of bis paper. E. Dean's Chemical Piaster is for sale in Ann Arbor, (Lower Town.) by J. H. LUND, and W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. ? Upper CHRISTIAN EBERBACH, ] Town 1 y CJLMJVTOJr SlSJtriJTJËRY. A SUMMER TER3I WILL commence on the h'rst monday of Juna nest, and continue twelve weeks. TUITI OÑ. For common English branches, 3,00 For the higher English branches, 4,00 For Laüii and Greek, 5,00 GEO. W. BANCROFT, Preceptor. MRS. BANCROFT, Prtceptrcss. Clinton, May 17, 1S43. 4-4w 0,000 FLOÜR BARRELS for sale Cheap for Cash, by C J. GARLAND. 2 Ann Albor, Uppnr Town, May 5, 1843. OF all kinds neatly executed at :he ÍSignal OHice, at the shorlesi notice, and on the most reisonable terms. Books, Pampkiets Girculars. XianCiDlllS vvl11 ue printcU to order, at a tune, with ihe utmost accuracy. BU" Orders by mail promptly fiïled. BLANK DEEDS. MORTGAGES. EXECUTIONS, ÍSÜMMONBES, &c. just printed and for sale at the VTSfGNAL OFFICE. XE


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